Were Allied Races a mistake?

No they are not a mistake. Some people will like them which gives them a reason to play but people who don’t like them are not going to quit because they are here.

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They were fine. My only real gripe with them is that void elves turned into blood elves, and that there is still a large barrier for some.

Once BFA was no longer relevant, the requirements should have basically gone away.


Probably a hot take? I’d have preferred Nightborne to be Alliance and Void elves to be Horde.


That would have saved us from the helf wars, lmao.

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Some allied races were a mistake. Any race that could have easily just been cosmetic option for an existing race were a mistake, like Mechagnomes, Highmountain, Mag’har, and Lightforged draenei. Nightborne were a mistake in that they didn’t look like NPC Nightborne, just like Night Elves with their ears on upside down. I guess only Zandalari, Kul Tiran and Vulpera weren’t mistakes, since they the only ones visually different enough to be separate races. Possibly Nightborne and Dark Iron too, but, eh, I dunno.


The real mistake was making void elves instead of just giving players High Elves like they asked.


I think they were a mistake. Races have historically been included with expansion purchase, not gated behind large grinds that some people don’t want to do.


Well if they are all mistakes, what is the mistake? People who did the quests to release them get to play them. How does it impact anyone who didn’t want to play them?

As for the grinds, they will probably go away at some point.

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allied races are fine. the biggest complaint of all the forums just want them for free or the forums wouldn’t have a problem with them either if they were free lol. it ain’t that hard to get them just play the game.


The mistake was laying out a plan to slowly add 10 races that would all be clearly related to an existing race with nobody getting more than 1, then convincing the playerbase that they had any semblance of power to influence which ones would or wouldn’t be added during that expansion. The result was that we got two straight years of the Alliance begging for:

  • A second blood elf allied race
  • An NPC race from a Horde-controlled zone that the Alliance interacted with for all of 15 minutes
  • A model that uses the female undead rig as a customization option for Kul Tirans, the one allied race that got then-completely new rigs
  • Every Horde allied race
  • A copy of every Horde core race
  • A whole bunch of NPC races that had little or nothing to do with the expansion and often weren’t related to any core races at all

And in one case, they demanded that Blizzard not give gnomes an allied race, often while pulling out some insanely disingenuous double standards (“they’re just gnomes with robot limbs”, “they’re ugly”, “they can’t wear shoes”, etc). Ultimately, none of these crusades bore fruit, so the expansion ended with Horde players satisfied with what they got and Alliance players bitter over what they both did and didn’t get.

I think Blizzard would’ve been better off just announcing all 10 allied races at the same time and saying that they’re not open to feedback, which would’ve saved me the recurring headache of seeing the gorillion high elf threads, the dozen or so Alliance vulpera threads, or people who have most likely never used Blender or Maya outside of high school computer classes claiming that giving mechagnomes and Kul Tirans their own models and then demoting them to customizations for their respective parent races made any sense, or was something you could do in a fortnight.


Most certainly not. :fox_face: I wish that they had made more.

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Wrong also, high elves existed in horde already especially with blue eyes

Giving pure helves too alliance is like giving horde some rogue faction of nelves instead of NB that called themselves newmoon elves or something but are just regular nelves

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no void elves were

:+1: true :+1:

also op makes a very strange amount of allied race/blood elf topics

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I feel like Allied Races should have the same amount of customizations if not more than the original races. That, or they should’ve just been a skin

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I don’t like how they gave the void elves human-like skintones, they should’ve just kept the blue/purple for them.


I like more options, but they’ve gone back and put so much into the core races that the Allied ones just feel cheaper. I mean I could’ve been a Highmountain Tauren, but It’s just not the same for me. I got more bang from my buck doing nothing and just rolling a Tauren.

Also outside of two of them they’re just reskins of old races again with less customization.

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Murlocs would be puck like Pandas.
Seeing as Murlocs are a nuisance to us all.

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What’s in his mister???


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No, except from the ones that should have just been customization options.
oh and Void Elves being peak Blizzard monkey-paw BS.

I’ve said it since they were announced. They should have done Lightforged Elves and Void Draenei. They way they could do High Elves without doing High Elves and let Draenei players have their Warlocks and such. Wins for Everybody.

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