Were Allied Races a mistake?

I mean, we see High elf wayfarers in Telogus Rift so like I said I just see Normal skin tone Velves as second generation. Took the knowledge that the Void elves have and applied it their chosen combat style.

EDIT: We also see Silvermoon Blood elves in there which is it’s own kettle of fish. Wonder if we’ll see Blue-skinned Blood elves in the future?

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But you could argue that once they become full fledged velfes then they’ll look the part

Blizz ruined a race with lots of potential and now they’re a chimera race with no real Identity. They’re a darker ranger, they’re a helf, they’re a velf.

It’s ridiculous


Perhaps. It’s been awhile since I did the Velf storyline but isn’t the reason for their initial blue appearance due to a freak accident? It’d stand to reason any elves that followed the Velves in training would be more like Alleria.

Ah by I digress, I’ve often said I’d have preferred Void elves on the Horde due to Alliance having Lightforged Draenei.

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Well this is why I would have just gone the alleria route and make them like worgen. That’s the perfect middle ground.

No, the mistake was being money hungry and not allowing free race change to the new allied race. No one wants to spend 20-300$ on race changes simply to enjoy the new allied races, nor do we want to lose all our progress and achievements on the characters we love. So we simply don’t play them :slight_smile:

They kind of do with the Entropic Embrace procs. unless they disabled the whole turning Void temporarily.

Tell me about it, I wanna change servers but I can’t justify $160 to get all my max leveled characters off this server. I can barely justify $30

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Yeah but a proc isn’t a race. Imagine if that’s how worgen functioned.

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Nope. I do think unlocking them is cool. But I also think they could have been added as bodytypes/customization to existing races with similar looks.

Mostly the ones the share the exact same models. Like lfd, or tauren.

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I always thought Allied races should have just had the unlock quest with no other requirements. Go to the embassy click on the flag go do a quest chain and done…

As it is now the Upright trolls and the Big Humans are way more time consuming to unlock than the rest and it’s all pretty boring at this point. They will leave it though because it’s a mindless time sink and Blizzard designs current content that way so why would they fix this…

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Ahem we are more than fine. I love my Perfected Blood elf. Say what you want about void elfs being “hand me down Blood elfs” but I actually prefer them. I never liked Blood elfs at all but I LOVE my void elf.

Im a sucker for anything involving the Void. Everything about Void Elfs are just better including the voice

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I don’t want to respond to every post Varxion has made but I’ll just say this.
Void Elves should’ve never been a race
Blood Elves should’ve been an Alliance race for Lore reasons but for Gameplay they’re Horde.
Trying to push Lore reasons against Void Elf customization while ignoring the lore bastardization to have Blood Elves on the Horde is goofy.

I don’t want to argue anymore about this as this is just devolving into the old High Elf threads back in the day.

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They need to be unlocked for everyone.
It was so painful getting Void Elves if you didn’t already do Legion.


I understand and I’m sorry about this.

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I actually didn’t mean to reply to you but to Varxion I’m sorry if it felt like I was directing my post too you

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As always, it was a “good” idea just “bad” implementation… personally I think things will be MUCH better with Phil Collins at the wheel, in contrast “I want to take the fun out of gaming!” Kotick…

It’s alright, I mean it’s my topic and it has kind of devolved into a High elf thread.

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I think too many were added at once, without room to let them grow or breath.

BfA could 100% have limited itself to Zandalari and Kul’tirans, who can claim Dazar’alor and Boralus as racial capitals. There are interesting ones with good claims to legitimacy, like Dark Iron Dwarves or Vulpera, but they’d have been better off with a dedicated starting experience and racial capital.

Most of the others feel out of place or redundant (Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Taurens, Nightborne, Void Elves, Mag’har Orcs, Mechagnomes).

Void Elves should 100% have been High Elves.

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Idk why alliance players think this.

Belf Introduction was smooth as hell and made sense.

They were betrayed and abandoned by the alliance during the third war.

Then Sylvanas brought them in given her being silvermoons past ranger general.

Do you think forsaken should have been an alliance race too?? That’s how story progression works my dude.


I think the biggest mistakes were to lock them behind reputation, at first (since relaxed) and locking them to factions.

Kul’Tirans and Zandalari should have just been full races, or at the very least customization options for Humans and Trolls. The others should not have been locked to factions.

Here’s another hot take.

NB should have gone to Alliance while horde got sanlyan AND blue eyes for belves.

If every crying fan got what they wanted this game would be a mess. Helves were fine as an npc race for the alliance. Not everything needs to be playable.