Wendigo Onesie?

He could have just hid his shirt to achieve that look! :joy: I think it’s cute though.

Ughh at first I thought the onesie was stupid, but I can’t help wanting to run around on my paladin wielding Ashbringer while in a wendigo onesie. So stupid that its fun.


I just dont get why its a windego…i mean yah they are fluffy but shure as heck not something id want to hug…

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The charity pet was also a wendigo for some reason. I’d say hinting at a Northrend expansion, but I dont think that type of wendigo even lives there.

Now, there you go, one good thing that could come out of this if Blizz is indeed taking inspiration from Fortnight. Give us dances, Blizz.

Wait for Battle Royale.

Hey now, I’m old and like current Wow and onesie transmogs just fine. Don’t lump me in with crotchety types.

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We’re over here playing classic until something better comes along.

older dude here, i like the transmogs, but now i really really want that rocking chair and shotgun, and it BETTER have a cane i can shake at this kids on may dang lawn!!!


This quote seems a bit silly coming from a self-alleged ‘old timer’. Kul Tiras, and the Kul Tirians, have been in the WarCraft lore for over two decades, with prominent appearances in both WC2 and WC3.

If anything, the strange part is that it took so long for one of the more important human kingdoms to actually make an appearance.


Is this is the part where we pretend that pop culture references are somehow a new thing in WoW?

I don’t even get the complaint about Jaina’s redesign. She looks so much better than just “some random female human NPC” that she was for most of this game’s lifespan.


Southrend expac incoming.

I mean I already noted that things are getting pretty weird at Blizzard when they decided everyone can hide all armor except pants. I don’t think that’s progress. I don’t see how it’s progress. Now yeah… There’s a bloody onesie transmog in the game. Of all things. Holy cripes.

Kinda feels like one big game of pin the tail on the donkey.

We shout, they wander, tail ends up in the wrong place.

I guess. I don’t honestly know anymore.

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Wendigo PJs aren’t that far off from the murloc costume from one of the very early blizzcons


Yes and Kul Tirans showed up in Cataclysm at Tol Barad and they were regular humans, now poof they are Ogre humans with Shaman powers.

No matter how cool the Blizzcon ticket rewards are, somebody always complains that they’re not good enough. However, the cloaks from 2018 were pretty weaksauce.


The first time I bought a Blizzcon ticket was the Alliance and Horde mounts, it was the first time I thought it was worth it. Not only were they mounts, they were based on the airships from Icecrown.

I’m sure whoever thought that up has been sacked already though.
