Wendigo Onesie?

No its not that I’m a dying breed of gamer, it’s just that I realized the old dev team is gone and a new hipper younger dev team has taken control. I’ll still play the game, and just realize I’m the old weirdo hanging out at the rave party.

i meant to be used by us!

we already did this!

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Hey OP remember MoP and the Pandarians? Remember WoD? Those were the OG people. Remember gnomes and mechagnomes? How about the High/Blood Elves?

I mean is there actually anything about this game that you like or have ever liked?

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Discord doesn’t count! >_<

Yea… but did you have a Naaru following Goblin Holy Priestess rocking a Wendigo outfit in that battle? No?

Clearly it’s time for a rematch.

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its way too silly for me personally, looks more like it should have been a toy

This wasnt in Discord!
There’s a literal thread about it!

alright, guess its a rematch ._.

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People cried super hard about them, too.

https://i.imgur.com/myLOL.jpg was needed in so many threads back then.

im mad about this lol nice job :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m also bringing a rocket launcher to that battle. It shoots… pies. So many pies.

You totally need to play dual of the fates on the kazoo! :smiley:

such a cringey outfit, jeesus.

sits down in rocking chair

"Let me tell you young’ns about the Void Elves. y’see, they didn’t exist in the game til BfA. No one knew where they came from, they just popped into existence! Now this set off a whole bunch of the old timers that wanted to play Silver Covenant since the Argent Tournament back in oh 2009? I think it was? But this new Blizzard team didn’t care about the old timers, they wanted their zootopia foxes and their goth elves and such… "

Sadly this has already been done, and I can’t match the masterpiece that it was.

On the other hand, tears of joy my friend. PURE TEARS OF JOY.


im oddly disturbed by this, yet interested in this…

She even mentioned peanut butter…

…we are all doomed if that is the case…

bipzi beat me to it…


The bigger issue is blizz is chasing trends rather than creating them.

No greater sign of a company in decline.

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Void elves are unironically the best flavor of elf in the game. Dunno why I’d want to play a boring Silver Covenant elf thats just the same thing as a blood elf only somehow more boring.


I loved the game til the beginning of Argus. Sure the game had missteps and fails. But I never felt like, this game isn’t really for me anymore. Not being made by people like me. Not until after Argus began.

I think its sort of weird looking but I wouldn’t mind seeing the mog rules lifted as well. Sort of found it weird that some of the ones limited by specific holidays aren’t even that overly extravagant or anything.