Wendigo Onesie?

** /shudders **

Found it on reddit. It was actually removed as restricted content (not for the reason you’d think, of course, but still funny) :rofl:


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If we can get a onesie, then I want a Vulpera fursuit.

It’ll probably happen, Blizzstore cashshop!

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oh good…
phew… thought id have to add you to “THE LIST!”

wouldnt it just be a fox onesie?

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Just kill a vulpera and wear its skin, dont be a coward.

Pretty sure we all did,just saying your complaints make no sense and kinda comes off as a “Normies ruin everything because some designs look like main stream pop culture,I liked WoW before it became cool.” The problem as I said before though,WoW has always been peppered with pop culture. You’ve had old school video game references through NPCs such as Linken,Mario and Luigi,Aerith Primrose [and recently added in a Cloud NPC],references to various movies such as Indiana Jones,Rambo,Crystal Lake is a nod to Friday the 13th,Ghostbusters referenced in Black Temple with “Don’t cross the streams” and items that were clearly referencing Lord of the rings,etc. While yes,it had an original story,the pop cultural references aren’t exactly a new thing. If that isn’t what you’re griping/being salty about then I apologize but that is how your post can easily be perceived as.

By sounds of things you may be burnt out on WoW and need to either take a hiatus or move onto a game that satisfies whatever needs it is you seek.


now thats evil

Damalys here is a good fella, won’t say anything to hurt ya and means well (unless yer a certain dk)

No people really don’t read threads, sometimes they only read titles. But I’m not talking about the game being uncool now or whatever. I’m simply saying the game isn’t marketed towards me anymore, or developed by people like me anymore. That’s all.

It’s not really better or worse, it’s just the passing of an era really.

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is it wrong that i want a fox onesie now?
Im not a furry or anything, but i do love foxes :smiley:

And while everybody is complaining… I like the Onesie.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go break Baine out of his cell while in my onesie while playing the MoP Kazoo music in the background. Why? Cause ya’ll are just to serious sometimes.

It also helps I use the items in the other games and I actually use the virtual pass to watch things before they are on youtube.



i like yer style…


But WoW HAS to be serious business! But not TOO serious because then we’ll complain its somehow trying to be Game of Thrones! It needs to hit the perfect seriousness sweet spot or the devs have lost their way.


What exactly do you mean though,what would satisfy your personal needs? And if it isn’t for you anymore then why not move to a different franchise you feel CATERS to said needs.

Are you a PVP nut? Hardcore raider? Someone who wants serious story and ONLY serious story? You kinda make yourself sound like you’re part of a dying breed of gamer when in reality,it’s okay to like a variety of things. And if it’s the oldschool style you prefer then there’s Classic to scratch the itch [now if only people would stop trying to push Classic’s old ways onto retail,it’s fun and all but the Classic fanatics are almost as bad as vegan fanatics >_>]

Fashion is SRS BSNSS don’tcha know? Gotta keep things super cereal.

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That is kind of the OP’s MO.

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now i wish kazoo’s were used in wow…

Yep… and Activision gives directions. There is no longer a Blizzard CEO… Only a President.

They are though. That kazoo part of the MoP music is legitimately from the game.

Totes is! All we need now is the ultimate battle…Who will win…

…Hawkens’ chili fries? or Grumbles’ cookies?

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By the Naaru yes! If there was a kazoo toy… my guildies would probably end up kicking me out. Maybe it’s better there isn’t a toy.

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