Wendigo Onesie?

Yes, anyone would be awesome in one! LOL

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Hi. I’m the fur covered playable race that came out years before Worgen.


Around MoP. But let me guess, because I don’t see WoW as being Warhammer Fantasy, Everquest or DnD i’m some dumb zoomer right?

Agreed,Warcraft has always been a franchise that combined dark with hints of camp and silliness,amongst the more story heavy quests and genocide,there’s always been pop cultural references be they Easter eggs or quests [references to LoZ and Mario in Vanilla’s Ungoro Crater,anyone? Hell,in CATA an entire zone re-enacted Raiders of the Lost Ark],a colorful and cartoony design with the characters [kinda what Blizz has always done with their games other than StarCraft,Rock n Roll racing and Lost Vikings,anyone? Gods I’d love to have another rock n roll racing game] and poop quests since its inception FREAKING POOP QUESTS!!! Yet a kigurumi transmog based off a monster in folklore that kidnaps and eats people sets off the OP as being “too kiddie”. Hell,even Diablo has levels with similar levels of Whimsy.

WoW was never meant to be super serial and grimdark edgy 24/7 yes,it was peppered with the main plot but you had alot of lighthearted fun quests to break up the monotony. Never understood why people blush at the thought of enjoying a game that has any hint of lighthearted whimsy to it that all games have to have blood,gore,a depressing story on par with a Morissey and the Smiths album in order to have any semblance of value.

To the OP, mayhap lightening up would be beneficial to you,a fun transmog in a game that’s always been camp AF isn’t going to kill it or make it less of a franchise. [and I really wish people would stop hijacking threads to ram Classic down people’s throats]


Vulpera are cute little happy fox people. Worgen were dark, brooding fierce monsters that have existed since Vanilla.

Yes. Go look at pics of Elsa. Even the braid is the same. So is the look on her face.

Olord. Really? LOL You must be kinda young if you don’t understand the correlation. :wink:

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you. But it would make sense as to why you seem confused by it.

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No you think that I want things I want to play? I have no interest in playing any of the Allied races. No matter who or what they are. I simply criticize Blizzard based on what makes sense in terms of the lore and the context they’ve been building.

Like why bother having the first meeting of Alleria and Vareesa in 1000 years and not have it result in a playable Silver Covenant faction? It makes lore and business sense(especially if you’ve seen the outcry since). Why not have the Krokuul available as an allied race since we just rescued them from Argus? Why not have the Fel Draenei who have been requested and have a good reason to have a story of them rebelling against the Burning Legion now that they aren’t subject to Sargeras’ power? Why haven’t Odyns followers joined the Alliance, since Sylvanas allied with Helya and attempted to enslave Eyir?

If that was the old team, the logical follow-through seems obvious to me. Not only lore wise, but building hype for BfA.

So the only conclusion I can come to, is that this new team, has no investment in the old lore or realize the implications of the stories they are telling.

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I’m a relic of the past, and pretty much nothing you said in the OP except for the broad and nonspecific property of “bad writing” has anything to do with what’s wrong with this xpac.

50$ for a onesie and some Murloc pets? ugh pass.

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I know right, OG Blizz would NEVER make a Blizzcon promotional item that is just a wacky costume!


I do understand the correlation, I just dont see it as anything more.

Yeah, see this ^ is what’s wrong with it.

The letter of the day is D: For denial.

aaaaand he didn’t read the thread.

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LOL I was wondering if that was the case.

Got bored after like the 5th whinepost in a row from you going on about how Blizz isnt doing what you want, tbh


i think its rather odd
 we cant tmog weapons that look like pans
 or the 22 pound fish
 or tmog sunglasses and pointy witch hats and other hoilday event items outside of certain times of the year.

i was under the understanding the reason for this is because it ‘would be silly’
 but we’re getting a wendigo pajama outfit for a virtual ticket reward =/

edit: i’m hoping the options to unlock the flower crown all year round is the begining of lightening up some of the absurd restrictions on tmog


Well that is the new audience today I suppose.

Been playing since 2005 but sure, I’m the ‘new audience’ and you’re the perfect ‘old audience thats being slighted’


debating if i should ask where you found this
 but thats clearly goldshire

i just hope he’s only there for a slumber party

It depends on the conditions of the onesie like
10 minutes with a 24 hour cd and only usable during blizzcon

That would suck