Wendigo Onesie?

I know Vulpera are going to be a playable Horde race. It fits their current pattern of behavior. And Pandaria was actually a real place in Warcraft 3, originally it was just a half joke, then people responded so well back then they expanded on it. Even Vanilla had Chen Stormsouts Keg quest and the Pandaren minipet.

It’s just that a lot of people who play WoW only know of WoW and not what came before it.


I am gonna wear the hell outa that onesie, it’s adorable!

I wish classic was getting pet or something

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Not really, most of the people in this thread have been quite positive about it.

Can you imagine ganking while wearing that thing?

Doesn’t the thought just get your motor revving?

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I don’t just mean this thread. The rest of the forums, on twitter, reddit. If ya’ll don’t like it you can just not wear it or don’t buy it, it’s not a big deal. Let people have their silly outfits. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen is someone recording a serious cinematic over in FF14 with a halloween ghost costume on. So dumb but it was hilarious.


That’s right, Welcome to the new era of gaming! should be very exciting as we have come a very long way with computer graphics and computers themselves

Now you’re on the trolley. :trolleybus:

I’m not mad about the outfit itself. They are fine to make it, it’s just that I realize that it’s a sign that the various things I’ve been annoyed about is part of a larger issue, the fact that I’m no longer the audience for the game.

Maybe others don’t realize it and that’s why they are complaining about the onesie.

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It does not. It’s just a wacky Blizzcon promo item. Like the Bear.

“Vulpera are furries, despite Worgen being in the game since Cata.”

No? She looks more mature, which is fitting given that people AGE.


There’s not enough gratuitous gore and torture, and awful writing to be GoT.

What do any of those franchises have to do with this one?


When did you start playing WoW.

No doubt about it! I hope they make more in the future!

They do, someone could jump into WoW right now and never touch the RTS games or even pay attention to the previous expansion. They can boost straight into BfA and not know any of the lore… and you just gotta let them.

It sucks when you are invested in a IP and take it very seriously, whether its WoW or TES or like I said FO but the fans aren’t gatekeepers… people are going to come in and not give two toots about the lore, they always have.

I still think it’s nowhere near as bad as how some other IPs treat their universes/game worlds but WoW is going to have to constantly keep evolving, there will be a time where none of these old lore dudes are around… and judging by sylv fans that may be for the good of the game and story.

I feel the same way. You’re not alone in this. I’m the oldest of my Discord group and I’m the only one who thought the onesie was insanely stupid for this game.

shakes cane

Now I just want the transmog rules lifted. If people can wear a freaking onesie, then I sure as hell should be able to mog cloth over my leather or wear my Fire Festival dress whenever I want.


Can you imagine a Tauren in one of those?

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I mean, I guess so. I’m 30, been playing since I was in high school but the silliness in the game still appeals to me. Maybe the problem is you’re just burnt out on the game in general. When I get to the burnt stage things start to annoy me a lot more than they normally would.


Won’t the onesie cover your chest though?

“No, but we have heaps of new onesies in the cash shop!” - Blizzard


I won’t wear it on my main. I will wear it on my cutesy girl alts.

So, just so we’re clear on this, I, too, have been playing since vanilla WoW.

At this point, all I can say to you is, the criticisms you’re leveling just don’t make a ton of sense. While I’ll agree with you that Void Elves could have been handled better in their inclusion, none of the allied races are so absurd as to be unbelieveable.

It really seems like you’re saying “The allied races we have are terrible, THESE allied races are so much better!”. Which really comes off as either criticising for the sake of criticising, or wanting to cater exclusively to your own desires, excluding what anyone else wants or thinks.

Yes, the original creators that make Warcraft have moved on. This is true. But do you think they were all replaced by emotionless robots? Please, of course not. I’ll bet you every penny I have that they were (mostly) replaced by people that, like us, have a passion for Warcraft, both in the story and the world. Sooner or later, creators move on from their creations, if it’s something as long-running as Warcraft. It’s inevitable. But the people working on it now DO have a passion for the game. I simply cannot believe otherwise.

If you can look at the game right now, and tell me that the people behind the scenes don’t care about what they’re making, that the artists, writers, and the people who make the raids, dungeons, and zones are all jaded, cynical money-grabbing crooks, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Do such people exist at Blizzard? Of course they do. I’d be a fool to say otherwise. But YOU’D be a fool to say that no one there cares about Warcraft.

At this point, I’m done arguing with you. (Drops mic and exits thread)


No they aren’t

Anthromorphic characters have been in games and media since the 80s. You seem to be complaining for the sake of complaining here.

As an old school D&D, warhammer, and everquest fan I haven’t gone anywhere.