Wendigo Onesie?

Yeah, this and other responses demonstrate to me, I’m the minority player now. People will be wondering what that old timer is complaining about.

Juuuust wait… you’ll see.

To Blizz: Fix muh BM Hunter coolies and GCD and I’ll start her back up.

I seriously get frustrated playing BM hunters as they are now. :sob:

Had a dream I was playing the other night.

I still have my hotkeynet config file saved.

Can’t play like it is though.

They gotta fix it. :sun_behind_large_cloud:

Dear Old Dude,

They’re still making WoW. Isn’t that enough? You don’t have to play with all the newfangled toys.

They should make a rocking chair and shotgun mog for the old gamers here.


I don’t know why not being their audience bothers you so much? Blizzard needs new customers and the younger generations are the new customers they need to start appealing to now.

We’re old and washed up now just like Thrall. WoW is still WoW even if some directions appeal to different crowds.


I haven’t touched that in years. I couldn’t imagine going back to it.


I mean, what’s not to like about a revered champion of their factions, leaders of their class, high skilled in every front, CHAMPIONS THAT DEFEATED A MAD AWAKENING TITAN wearing wendigo onesies to kill some void lord or something like that.


It was all I ever needed.

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Yeah, for some folks it works and is better than dumping money on a bunch of extra features they won’t ever use. I’d have to agree with you there if you didn’t need it for a whole lot of stuff.

I always disliked it, a great dislike, a near hate. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t mind the onesie honestly and i really like the new RaF set. I hope they make new sets focusing on new aspects of the game. I hope they come out with some profession themed gear in the future.

But what I don’t understand is, if you’re an old-timer, and you hate this silly nonsense stuff… why did you even get into Warcraft in the first place?

Warcraft has NEVER been 100% serious, unless you exclusively read the novels and have no exposure to literally any other facet of the franchise.

Warcraft 3 had goofy panda-men, exploding sheep, and orc peons that said “me not that kind of orc” when you poked them enough times. And that’s BEFORE we get into Classic WoW, which had much the same.

If you hate the goofy side of Warcraft, you’re not a minority player NOW… you’ve always been one.


That would be cool.

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I agree it looks dumb, but there has been a murloc suit in the game since TBC. The only difference is you can buy this one directly without the TCG…

Actually looking it up, the murloc suit was from blizzcon too.

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I don’t believe anyone has caught on to your sarcasm yet…

…I see you Cladis…

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That would be contrary to the core value of WoW - which is silliness while fiercely fighting bad things.

Rainbow generator, puzzle toys, Link’s sword, Maximillion’s Windmill, Archy teleporter that sends you to somewhere you didn’t even want to go, etc. etc. WoW has tons of silly. And that’s why we wuv it still.


No you don’t quite get it. Basically the guys who made the game, were catering to me, including the silly stuff. Now today… there is a new bunch of guys making the game, and they are catering to not me, but you.

Like, Lightforged Draenei make no sense, they are Draenei, but even more connected to the light than regular Draenei? What does that make the new Sunwell powered Blood Elves? Oh they are still the same? And Void Elves? Where did they come from? Kul Tiran? Who wanted Ogre Humans when Vrykul have been in the game for 10 years and people wanted to play them?

All these types of things made me realize. People like me aren’t designing the game, people like you are. I’m no longer the audience. they are making decisions that irritate a longtime player like me, but are fine to someone whos a newer player.

I am a player are now defunct.


I think there are a few exceptionally beautiful (in my view) hearts behind the scenes.

I came back for those people…


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Yup. This year has been the year of blatant greed.

Don’t worry you’ll get over it. I am a Fallout fan myself (2 is the peak) FO4 felt like I rolled into crazytown with people actually praising that trash. It took me awhile but I chilled, I still have my old games to fall back on and now when FO5 is out i can save some money.

A little outfit doesn’t hurt and getting upset at the Vulpera is old news, just like the guys who freaked over horrible, awful pandas.

I do understand though, I stepped away from FFXIV cause I just wasn’t their audience and every single thing they changed/added just made me more and more angry haha.

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Seriously though. It’s just a fun transmog, geez. So many people getting their panties bunched up over this.