Wendigo Onesie?

Demographics change over time.

I’m afraid that Blizzard considers you and people like you(and I mean this respectably) are considered old, grumpy relics who should be playing Classic and recounting the Good Ol’ Days.

(Jaina, the Ice Queen, with the Elsa braid can’t be a coincidence.)

I am still awaiting my /dab emoji.

I really want my goblins to dab on dem foes!

Ehhhh, based on your likes vs. his, pretty sure the “vast majority” actually hate the living piss out of it.

I like it. I hope I can farm enough gold to buy the ticket.

to be fair, i think this year it’s more about the pet than the onesie. the pet is more interesting.

but i probably won’t buy it either way.

@pocketbuster i agree that the 2017 mounts were the best rewards ever and amazing…they are awesome

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You can’t possibly be judging forum likes as a metric for overall active player consensus, are you?

Not many players ever really bother going to the forums to post and some of those who do are well known for doom-mongering and general negativity towards… Well, everything.


Yes we all know reddit is the true metric, I mean… that’s what the gaming companies believe.

Wendigo costume is officially the best mog in thr game.

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Pocket, you made your point in your first couple of posts. After that, your “I’m sad” posts have become pathetic now.

I envision you in your basement, off in some poorly-lit corner. You’re huddled up on the floor, slowly rocking back and forth. You’re clutching an original 1983 Chewbacca doll. You’re quietly murmuring to yourself:

“Screw those kids. Screw those young people! They’re all STUPID and SHALLOW. They don’t know anything about anything…Not like you Chewie. You and ME. We know what’s up. They can keep going on with their iPhones, and their APPS, and their ONESIES. You and me? We’ll just get some chocolate milk and play some Super Star Wars! Screw…them…sobs”.

Seriously man, move on if it’s that unpleasant. I’m 45 years old too. I’m not super enthused by these changes. But I also know when it’s time to hang it up and let the next generation have their fun.


Mists of Pandaria a shameless Pixar cash-in.

It’s nothing new.

In fact the Disnification of WoW started as early as Cataclysm. Yes, the game has always been cartoony and whacky, but never quite in that way.

Not in Final Fantasy XIV, however. The devs don’t often check Reddit much as they are Japanese.

Which is ironic since most active XIV redditors there are permanently official forum banned and lurk around in Reddit with a more active community NA side.

If we had XIV’s draconian moderators working here then I truly doubt that even 95% of us wouldn’t be banned.

One strongly worded sentence - without profanities even - is all it takes for a squelch that immediately escalates into a silence that may or may not be bumped into a permanent ban.

Pardon the digression but it explains the irony of it all. Unless you’re a perpetual docile sycophant that licks the developer’s boots in all of their decisions you’re walking on eggshells.

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Get away from my window!

Dude, sell that freaking thing! That Chewie is probably plastic gold by now!


I can’t… I …chewed it’s arm too much.

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That’s like $500 you chewed off, man!

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For starters, Kung Fu Panda was made by Dreamworks. Also, pandaren are from WC3 which predates Kung Fu Panda by several years.

That was very poor timing on Blizzard’s part …

Oh… Oh dear…

Yea…they’ve gone full Disney. Yuck.

… Oh. Oh!! Oh, god no. Hahahaha!!?

Woman.exe has stopped working

I don’t mind the direction, I think it’s fun, that’s coming from someone who’s been playing since Vanilla. I can give you a list of other things I have a problem with the current status of retail but trust me , this transmog or any of the styling options is not one of them. Don’t be a grinch my guy.