Well This is Disappointing

After a super long hiatus, I wanted to come back to Classic Era. Got me a 60 Day Game Time and while the game mode is (technically) fine, the game menu is not (same with the Guild Roster). IK some (not all) will think it’s a “nothing burger”, I can still express my disappointments. My first day back, and this company just keeps reminding me why I quit, in the first place. Just more changes that wasn’t asked for, and that 60 Day Game Time went down the drain.

So, I’m using whatever Game Time I have left to throw at the Forums with “Suggestions” (not that they will listen, anyway). Just really disappointed in being lied to that Classic Era was to be “untouched”, but they keeping touching it.

Good luck to what’s left, of the Classic Era population.


It feels like you arrived a mere week too late… lol.

A few things are different and if you want to see how people feel about it, scroll down 1-2 pages on this forum and read on, my friend! However, the core of the game is still reasonably close to Vanilla with a few changes added on. Most of them were more or less necessary to keep the game intact because, you know… we humans gotta human!

In addition to using your gametime to let Blizzard know how you feel, you can also use it to just chill in the world, playing the game you used to love. Giving those changes a go to see if they’re actually going to break your experience or not.

Anyway, whatever path you choose, good luck to you!


I was expecting a return the clones post, but was pleasantly surprised with a no changes post.

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The only way I’ll accept the new Guild menu format, is if they actually went all the way with it like the “LF Guild Feature”/“Guild Inv Request”, that Retail has. But, it just seems like they gave us a broken version of the the new Guild window.

While, it would be nice to get my Level 300 60 Priest back on Era instead of her “progressing” with the Progressive Classic servers, I still managed to save 2/3 of my 60s before taking a break that caused me to lose my Priest.

No, I took about a year break, and I have a new menu screen, in Era, which I’m not sure is even really necessary…

I was hesitant to even pay Blizz money to even access Classic, and my initial instinct was correct. Should’ve never bought the 60 Day Game Time. Should’ve left the Free Game Time I had with Retail and the changes they made to it is a huge red flag and warning sign, that Classic Era wouldn’t remain untouched.


I just looked at your icon, I remember you now.

Well, from a player and general gameplay perspective, Era is doing wonderful. However, with almost every SoD patch there are a few bugs and changes that tend to wonder into Era. Some stay, some get removed, it has been a bit chaotic.

However we always need people to help fight the good fight and protect vanilla :stuck_out_tongue:

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I really hope it doesn’t stay. Especially this horrendous Guild Menu Window. If they do decide to force it upon us, at least go all the way with it, like I said with the “LF Guild” feature and/or “Guild Inv Requests”. Not give us a half/small portion of it.

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They seem to really want to keep the retail guild UI in Era for some reason. It is strange because it is a cosmetic thing in that the old one is still available and you can look up a WA to get it. The WA is basically just ‘un-hiding’ the old guild UI, so it is still in the game.

Basically everyone hates it and they didn’t roll it back, so there must be some reason they are taking up that fight. Seeing they did roll back might of stormwind which managed to causes a hilarious uproar (they basically gave coke to all the alliance warriors, got them hooked, then said JK enjoy the barrens. And now the blue post removing MoS has over 2k posts mostly from warriors wanting their buff back).

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What’s “WA”? Sorry, IDK every internet acronym/lingo >_<

weak aura

This is the specific one

It seems they also turned it into an addon for those who don’t use WA

It fixes the issue but doesn’t really feel elegant to me, I don’t think vanilla should require an additional addon that may cause performance issues to display the UI that used to be standard. Personally I am not using it, I am just dealing with the change and kinda annoyed about it.


Yeah, I never used WA. I still have to do an entire addon update, anyway. I just want to make sure I give these changes enough time to “stick” before I start downloading addons/updating addons, again.

I’m not going to judge you for wanting the old one, I don’t think we needed the new one at all.

With that said, the new one is actually just as functionally complete as the old one plus it gives you chat history too. There’s a few folks who have had trouble finding something they wanted to do on the new one that they were able to do on the old one, but I believe it’s all there.


There’s a weak aura that actually gives you the old one back. You’ll have to google it though, I don’t have it handy haha.

*EDIT: Oh it looks like Xfour already linked to it and I’m just blind. Thanks for calling attention to it, Asma.

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Thanks for including the links, Xfour.
So many still have complaints about that so the info could help others too.

Long live 1.13.


Got the Addon, but it still doesn’t turn the guild window to the guild window, when you click on the original social tab near your questlog and stuff.

You gotta click on the B-Net social near your chat log to get the original guild window :roll_eyes:

Again, I’d be fine with it if they actually went all the way through with it i.e. “LF Guild Feature” & pending guild applicant requests. At least, it’ll be more functional. Especially on a server like BSB that’s not connected with any realm and tends to fluctuate when its a “popular” server to be on.

Food for thought Blizzard! Either go all the way with it or remove it.

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I’m mostly disappointed that marker icons don’t display properly in the windows, and of course I also know that most will think that is a “nothing :hamburger:”, but to me saying “g’morning {star}” or “g’night {moon}” and having them show up in guild chat is quintessential WoW.

You know what they say,

“It’s the little things…”


Talk about the little things - why is the chat the bnet colour and not the guild colour?

That bothers me unreasonably so.


It infuriated me to no end when they remade the Group Finder tool in WotLK Phase 1. Instead of porting the really robust and high quality version from retail, they redid it and gave us a poor replica. It was super weird!

Anyway, I don’t really have an opinion about the guild application stuff. I find Classic is small enough these days that we don’t need it. I see that as separate from the guild window and so a separate change, but it’s one that I don’t feel changes the game itself. I’ve never been #nochanges on principle.

It is what it is though and I can adapt. Sorry the Weak Aura doesn’t give you the experience you were looking for though!



I disagree. I think it’s one in the same.

The fact that Era is small enough is precisely why a “Guild Finder” and “Pending Guild Applicants” features SHOULD be implemented. Like I explained how BSB is such a small server (smaller than any other cluster out there), that having those features in would actually be super helpful to those wondering who’s still around and doing what.

And, I use the term “Guild Applicant” 'cause that’s what the game calls it. Just anyone interested doesn’t need to wait around for someone to log in to make their request heard. The new guild window system already puts the request in. And whoever can inv and see those requests can send out the inv.

Now, I’m still unsure how the applicant receives the inv through the guild window system, when they’re offline. I’ll need to test it.

Either way, it’s a neat system, and it would’ve come in handy for a guild I was looking for in SoD, when no one was online.

As much as I don’t want Era to change, if it is going change, the change needs to be done right.

I’m merely “no changes” 'cause I don’t trust them to do it right and well, here we are.

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Yea I agree that’s more convenient, but on a small server it really is easy enough to just see who the active guilds are and reach out to them. I’m not going to argue that it’s not a smoother experience to have the application stuff, I just don’t see it as being all that convenient. Whenever the topic of changes come up, I tend to try to run it past the filter of “Is this necessary?”

Of course, the guild tab change wasn’t necessary in any way either, soooo… lol. Therein lies the slippery slope of changes I guess. Once you have one unnecessary change it becomes a lot easier to justify other unnecessary changes. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing here, but it is something we should all be aware of.

Obviously, it wasn’t necessary, in the first place. But, it’s made clear by Blizz that they want to keep it. Because they are keeping it, we have a ripped off version of it.

Just because you can see what guilds are running around doesn’t mean you know what they’re about nor can anyone inv you to them.

It saves time on advertising and waiting around for the guild to come online. Like I said, this would’ve helped me with the guild I was looking for on SoD, when no one was online.

It just cuts out a lot of the unnecessary steps, when it can just be all logged into the system.

Again, like you, they gave you an entirely different (and poorer) LFG in Wrath Classic. Same thing here with the Guild Window.

We shouldn’t stand for these cheap imitations of these retail changes/features.