Guild UI fix?

I don’t know why this eyesore is still here. Maybe by now there is an addon that gives you the classic UI? Would love to play again but not with this change.


The new UI is trash, I fully agree.


Supposedly the mod WeakAuras has an addon that can give you the old guild pane back until Blizz implements a fix.

I cant confirm as I dont use that mod but it would be nice if Blizz could do something already.

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Love how they give us Stormrend, can’t dispell certain buffs, druids polearm and the Guild UI change and then they take away Stormrend, druids polearm but keep the buffs not being able to be dispelled and the worst Guild UI.

Great changes

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Kind of.

You gotta open up the Social Window using the B-Net list by the chat log vs on the bottom by the quest log:

I hope they go all the way with it with the inclusion of Guild Finder & Pending Guild Applicants.

As it stands, it just seems like we have a cheap imitation of the Retail version.