Well This is Disappointing

I understand where you’re coming from, I just don’t share your perspective. You could make similar arguments about the Random Dungeon Finder. Personally I like that Era promotes that bit of human interaction. Want to know more about a guild, reach out to them to find out. Want to find more people to join your guild? Look for unguilded players and take them on dungeon runs to bring them into your community!

I realize not everybody sees it this way and I also completely realize that when people don’t make an effort to engage with the game and its community, that they can miss out. Someone who might have had a fantastic time playing Era might never do so because they either didn’t know how to reach out, or simply didn’t want to. But I look at the alternatives and what these automated systems become and… meh, I don’t like it.

What you’re describing isn’t a stretch by the way. Really, it’s just an in-game form of what people used to do on their realm forums. Which we still have, it’s just that nobody knows to look there. I’m not dumping on your ideas, just sharing some of the things that I think about when it comes to stuff like this.

In this case, sadly, we’re not being given a choice. It’s not a deal breaker for me. If it is for you, when you unsub, you can tell them why. A lot of folks unsubbing over the recent changes clearly had an impact, so that system does work. However, it would appear that the guild panel changes weren’t significant enough to prevent the people who unsubbed from coming back. We all have our limits, I guess.

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It’s just an agree to disagree situation.

Like I said, working to time myself to join this SoD guild with the other members has been challenging.

The retail version fixes this. Same with responding to Guild ads on forums and timing yourself with them is a challenge, too.

Doesn’t mean we can’t ask for better.

I gave two options. Give us the full version or remove it completely.

Certainly you have your preference.

EDIT: And, yes, I will not be renewing my Game Time, when it expires.

'Cause Game Time works slightly differently than a Sub. I can’t just “cancel” Game Time like I can with a Sub.

Last time my Game Time expired, I didn’t get a feedback option. Though, the forums are supposed to work like “feedback”, as well. Hence my post.

So again, I will not be giving Blizz another $30ish USD for a product I’m not happy with. And, you need a Sub or Game Time to post outside of the CS Forums. As the CS Forums is not where they accept suggestions/feedback.

That’s why this post is here. I got 60 (more like 58-59) days to really let them know how upset I am before I can’t anymore.

I’m taking the appropriate measures.