This is a story of conflict and events like this are likely to happen. The problem is how unrealistically it alll went down, how unrealistically characters responded or didnt respond.
The event itself isnt the problem, its how we got there and the path the story took after
Night Elves are Alliance. Alliance only exist to further Horde narrative. As soon as they are no longer useful to that end they are discarded and their storyline forgotten. End of story.
It pretty much the same with all the other races Alliance side though. Remember how Velen discovered the long lost Krokuul on Argus? How did that go? Oh he left them there to die I guess? shrug oh well.
Damn they just confitmed everyone that died at Teldrassil went straight to The Maw and are now in eternal torment.
Here I was hoping Elune saved them from that fate.
Just to rub some salt into the wound
Instead of giving them atleast somewhat of a nice afterlife, screw it, make them all suffer forever!
Why do you think we are doing in the shadowlands
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I only hope blizz renembers them when the big bad is defeated
We are literally freeing the people and souls stuck in the maw, thats literally our job jesus
Who said we are going to free them? You know if we free them, we will also free people like Gul’dan, Garrosh and other villains.
I’d like to see going into this direction and freeing innocents and heroes from the maw but blizz is probably going to be like “Oh no we cant do that because of all the evil guys!”
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You have more faith in blizz than i and honedtly its not just ne souls its all the souls i think they may forget likely to show how either sylvanas or her boss are just do clever and powerful.
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Its not faith lol, I Literally just watched the panel where they said thats what we are doing lol
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Did they say that? I must’ve missed it then, didn’t pay attention the whole time but I can’t remember hearing that we will free these souls.
Okay you trust them i dont i mesn we might but it sll deoends if somond disent think “wouldnt it be cool if they failed?”
Blizzard mentioned that those killed in Teldrassil and during the fourth war all went into the Maw and that we’d be going there to rescue them. They outright mentioned Teldrassil and didn’t just say something like “killed during the fourth war/BfA”.
Yea I saw that
This is what I must’ve missed then
Lol its not trust, they literally said you go rescues you them from the maw , the salt in your eyes is blinding you
Give me a bit to find that part of the panel and I’ll give you a timestamp.
If you start watching at 40 minutes in they start talking about how there are souls unjustly held in the Maw and the next slide talks about rescuing those unjustly imprisoned since you’re the Maw Walker.
Im not really that salty i am just overly cynical about how truthful bliz is as you know what right now they are likely telling the truth as they see it maybe they do plan for that and fully intend on it right now. But blizz dosent always do what they say they will and with such a big plot hook they might get tempted to do somthing dumb with it. I hope the souls are saved without anything bad happening and nlizz might be saying it and meaning it but until it happens i wont buy it fully.
I’m all for going straight to the maw and saving everyone but now I need to understand why Teldrassil victims ended up there in the first place. What is going on with Elune that she couldnt take their spirits to the stars or Ardenweald? Is Sylvanas master plan that big that she’s even blocking Elune?
Likely sylvanas struck a deal all those killed by her or by her followers go to the maw and she gets s cut of the power.
But how is she making them go there in the first place? I’m gonna need a really good reason otherwise I call this BS.