Well... RIP Night Elves

I still had a little bit of hope that maaaaabye during the Blizzcon they will announce something that… you know… gives us a continuation of the Night Elf story that went downhill really fast in BfA up until the point where there is absolutely no racial pride left.
Guess I was wrong.

Seems like Blizzard only utterly destroyed the night elves as a race without recovery to make the horde find itself once again. Notice how Saurfang got 4 GCI cinematics because he felt sad about what he did in Teldrassil, yet the Night Elves, the ones that actually suffered from it got 0.

In 8.1, we were supposed to have a revenge patch - that was a dirty lie. Not only did the Night Elves not manage to reconquer their lands, they also have their own people raised into forsaken and join the horde because of reasons. Tyrande wasn’t able to hold her own against Nathanos, she needed Malfurions help.

In 8.2.5 and 8.3, Night Elves are fine with everything the Horde did and they’re ready to forgive.

I was really hoping that Blizzard would do something with Tyrande and maybe Elune in the next expansion, but turns out I was way too naive about it. I was hoping that she would atleast play a minor role in that expansion and try to secure a future for her people, but this Blizzcon would’ve been the exact same if Teldrassil never happened. They are just ignoring that it happened.

I guess it’s time to accept that it’s over. The race is completely and utterly destroyed and Blizzard simply never planned to continue this part of the story.
I just still don’t understand why they make it that dramatic if they don’t plan to continue on it.

If Blizzard is not going to continue the story, can they atleast just retcon Teldrassil and say that most civilians were saved? Also say that Delaryn and Sira were mind controlled and make them rejoin her people. Would atleast be some damage control here and there.

I have watched the WoW Panel too, absolutely nothing. Only way to make it even worse is to make Sylvanas never die and we all know that she is not going to die considering some dev’s obsession with her and Nathanos. 3 Expansion cinematics in a row now. 3!

I’ve waited since the Burning of Teldrassil. I’ve waited for Blizzard to actually continue this story. I’ve expected something from 8.1 - I was disappointed. I expected something from 8.2 and 8.3 - I was disappointed.
I expected something from Blizzcon, there was a last bit of hope that they are saving it all up for the next expansion. I was so hyped for a second when Ion said that someone is thirsting for vengeance, but that hype died in record time when I noticed that he wasn’t refering to the Night Elves.
When BfA is over it will be 2 years where we had to wait and see, with the new expansion not covering up any of it, it will be atleast 4 years - don’t we see where this is going? Only thing we got told on Blizzcon is that the Maw is somehow malfunctioning and everyone that dies (so basically also the night elves) gets sent to the maw to suffer eternal torture and torment. Yea that’s a great conclusion for sure.

Now I don’t know what to say anymore besides… it’s over. It was never meant to be continued and it’s not going to happen. 8.1 was supposed to be our revenge patch, yet we didn’t land a single blow to our enemies, instead we lost even more. Not even the datamined victory quest made it to live, so that got scrapped too… The entire 8.1 patch was an insult to every night elf fan.

I was told to “wait and see”. I waited, and waited, and waited… and now it’s forgotten.
Really didn’t want to annoy anyone with another night elf thread, but It’s just so insanely disappointing. I even set my expectations very low so I won’t be disappointed too much when there is actually nothing on Blizzcon but wow… just wow.


Call me when Tyrande and Malfurion become villains and an Orc with purple facepaint becomes the new leader of the race.


So we have established that literally everyone who has died since BFA began has been sent directly into The Maw. AKA that endless oblivion that Sylvanas found herself in. Seems like she is going to use us to kill the Jailor to break the prison of The Maw and also take all that power for herself. That is my guess anyway.


This is world of warcraft, not world of nelves, look I love nelves alot, but it really feels like some nelf players what the story to be 100% about them


if you start a story with genocide. One expects to see some resolution.


Well gee mister, its almost like sylvanas is a main character next xpac, and we are gonna fight her.


Kinda does feel like Sylvanas would’ve given that conclusion if she died in BfA.

edit: Pushing sylvanas into the next expansion is confusing.


I am talking about the victims. Night elves were just used as props. and given a weak resolution of one valkyr death.


improvement tbh

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Nice, for all you know tyrande is gonna be in the fight against her, or all those nelf souls in the maw

The only nelves who died were props before they died. Except for the named two who became dark rangers or whatever.

Instead the WoW story is 100% about Sylvanas and caters only to those a part of her secret fan club. This expansion and its themes and plot looks like something a Sylvanas fan would write for fan fiction because well… that’s exactly what it is.


maybe, maybe not but given blizzard track record with night elves. I won’t hold my breathe.


and the ones in the tree? The fact that the night elves are now refugees.


Yeah cause they’d totally write her as a villain right

Every single one was a prop. You lost no named important characters except for the two aforementioned.

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They aren’t even explicitly stating that she’s a villain, it’s continuously treated as an “open book” and a “wait and find out what she does next!” plot. For all we know she will be redeemed in some way by the end of the expansion.


doesn’t mean it wasnt felt.


Don’t worry. This expansion will end with Sylvanas in the Maw either as,

A: Tortured occupant, like Arthas.
B: Willingly taking over the Jailer’s position, permanently locking herself away.
C: Unwillingly being consigned to the roll of the Jailer, permanently locking her away.

No matter what, you and I win.

We still have tomorrow and some time after.

BFA’s treatment of the Night Elves was pretty atrocious, but I don’t think they’d make the mistake of such egregious neglect with an entire year for them to release SL.