Yes they saved that man.
Talking about monstrosity, there’s a couple in Drustvar who wanted to be together forever and the witches put their souls into a monstrosity construct so they can be as one, wish granted, nothing wrong with that.
Yes they saved that man.
Talking about monstrosity, there’s a couple in Drustvar who wanted to be together forever and the witches put their souls into a monstrosity construct so they can be as one, wish granted, nothing wrong with that.
So it wasn’t Slyv who betrayed the forsaken I guess but the peace loving/life protecting undead that betrayed her. No wonder she told us the Horde is nothing. We forgot where we came from.
Well, now you’re the villains. How does it feel?
I for one are happy that the Alliance is not the good guy now, we have one Anduin but the horde… You all are now Anduins.
I am willing to take that sacrifice if it invalidates every self-righteous passive aggressive human paladin.
I, for one think that wish granting monkey paws have gotten a bad rap over the years.
Attention Night Elf posters everywhere: This is a video game. We have 0 control over the writing.
It’s probably alluding to their future motivations
Tons of threads for “undead pallys”, and the people that write them. It gets tiresome to see.
Unless the loyalist storyline was like the old Batman comic gimmick where they had people vote to kill Robin or not. All the Saurfang lovers who voted against an evil Horde are responsible. They voted for Honor and friendship over fun bonfires.
Best you can hope for is that Sylvanas dies in regard to any kind of justice for the tree burning and it’ll be completely forgotten by the time whatever the expansion after Shadowlands is comes out. That forsaken description is absolutely comical, though.
What’s funny about the Forsaken description? Are you so villainous that you would deny their redemption?
Typical evil Alliance.
Stop roleplaying at me.
I don’t have to play pretend when the Horde are the heroes, right?
Fixed to what it should say. (giggle)
This is truly the height of just… bad writing. Well, people have been asking for WoW 2.0 and apparently we are now getting it, at least from a story point of view. I’m also sure that the Dark Portal and the Orcs who poured through to invade will be changed to the Sparkly Portal of Friendship and the gentle Orcs only cam through for a tea party.
What Draenai bones? There’s no bones on the Path of Glory. Bad Alliance’s propaganda.
I’d bet real money that Blizzard is going to make this a result of Calia Menethil’s influence in the next expansion. I’m not saying one way or another if she’ll actually become the Forsaken’s new leader…but don’t be surprised if the old npc Forsaken response “Dark Lady watch over you” becomes “Bright Lady watch over you”.
Any takers on that bet?
It’s beautiful! I love it!
Interesting! Kinda like horde thumping their chest when the ‘‘writers’’ have the horde do something cool?
But we don’t do cool things. We mindlessly follow whoever’s sitting in the big chair in Grommash Hold like we’re Borg drones, and commit all sorts of heinous things in their name that would be so out of character for at least some of the Horde’s races it hurts.
Alliance gets to do cool things. When they’re not as afflicted by IdiotBall-itis as the Horde, that is.