Well now what's this? rewriting history now horde?

Well this should be interesting. Can’t live with the crimes you’ve committed so now you have to rewrite everything.

Noble heroes indeed. Lol


what are you talking about?


Folks have found info indicating that they’re changing the entire starting lines for new characters. IE ignoring the fact orcs used to have an issue with a blood rage and all that. They’re now noble and honorable.

Also there are indications they’re trying to whitewash or not discuss things like Teldrassil and all that.

Yeah. Hopefully this is all a case of Blizzard purposely writing in fake information to rile people up.


Oh look, another Alliance player blaming Horde players for the writer’s stupid decisions…

It’s all so tiresome… :weary:


the reason i am an orc warlock and not an undead warlock (as a sylvie lover) is because of guldan and the orc og status as warlocks. that uh… has certain lore going with it. i imagine i’m not the only one. i bet people who main orcs and stuff will not like it much either.


Why are you blaming this on horde players? They have nothing to do with anything xD.


I hate what they did to Forsaken.

“Convinced that the primitive races of The Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, The Forsaken have entered an Alliance of convenience.”

“Harboring no true loyalty for their allies, they will go to any length to ensure their dark plans come to fruition, as a new Forsaken you must massacre anyone who stands in the way of the new Order. Human… Undead… or otherwise.”


“As one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them.”

Come on this is just silly.


is that second thing for real? where did you see this? it’s ridiculous. lol

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Alpha strings for the new horde race intros to exiles reach.

You do realize new players will start at a point before the burning, correct?

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No way the Undead say that now

Believe me, I am as bewildered as everyone else. The other Horde races, sure whatever.

But these writers are actually trying to pretend Forsaken are selfless heroes!


that’s extremely ridiculous. there’s not much more i can say about that without a forum ban…


Nothing to do about the tree my friend. This is Blizzard rewriting the narrative and perspective of The Horde.

You are literally a diet-Alliance now.


Those damned Nightborne are playing with history again! The time patrol police would like to have a word with them.


/10 char

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No, it is the whitewashing and homogenizing of the Horde. That it is all a band of noble beings fighting the good fight and paying our taxes on time w/o exaggerating our write offs.


Yes, blame the players for the actions and directional choices of mediocre writers using shoehorn tactics.


The reason is that they’re making very generic, expansion agnostic intros for the new shared starting zone (very boring imo).

There’s another thread discussing the changes, and at least from the responses I saw, many horde players were upset about the changes as they enjoyed the dark/savage/sinister/etc… elements of their respective horde race.

I myself am very annoyed that they’re watering down the trolls yet again.

The vanilla troll intro (my favorite):

The vicious trolls that populate the numerous jungle isles of the South Seas, are renowned for their cruelty and dark mysticism. Barbarous and superstitious, they carry a seething hatred for all other races. Long since exiled from their ancestral homeland in Stranglethorn Vale, the Darkspear tribe was nearly destroyed by rampaging murlocs. Rescued by the young Warchief Thrall and his orcish warriors, the Darkspear tribe swore an allegiance to the Horde. Led by the cunning Shadow Hunter, Vol’jin, the Darkspears now make their home in Durotar along with their orcish allies. As one of the only surviving Darkspears, it falls to you to reclaim the glory of your tribe.

vs cata

Exiled years ago from their land in Stranglethorn Vale, the Darkspear trolls attempted to make a new home for themselves among the disparate races of the Horde. Under the leadership of the noble Warchief Thrall, Vol’jin and his savage trolls had finally found the honor and purpose they had been searching for but now, under the rule of the headstrong Garrosh Hellscream, the trolls fear that the Horde could tear itself apart. Vol’jin knows that whatever threats loom ahead, whether they be from within the Horde or from without, it is cunning trolls like you that will fight to preserve the honor of the Horde.

vs the tentative shadowland

Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.

I very much enjoy the savage, dark, and mysterious natures the troll have exhibited in the past. It’s sad to see us made into something so bland.

Don’t get mad at the horde, there are many of us who are proud or at least attached to our respective heritages. Those are some of the things that interested us in the various races or are things we grew attached to as we learned more about our characters’ racial factions.


Lets be honest, the Tauren have been spouting that line since Thrall saved Cairne’s kodo caravan :smile:

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