Well, mog farming in LFR is over for geared players

So I guess it’s like I said elsewhere…

I mean, I guess if a system like you suggest was implemented, I would just gear the LFR alts to clear the iLevel threshold for entry so I can roll on transmog. Then delete the loot so I don’t outgear the system and can keep rolling until I finish my collection.


This is the lfr tier sets we want to hunt in DF.

Or even just unlocking the LFR version.

IDK, i’m thoroughly enjoying it, actually SEEING the loot, and rolling on what you actually WANT, is vastly superior to me.

yea, there’s solutions to that issue.

In other content sure but LFR its nothing but a disaster. No way to transmog farm LFR now until 2 expansions after as a heroic raider. Sucks.

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There’s solutions to that that could likely be easy to put in

Like has been said multiple times, unlocking transmogs for lower ilvl looks when you get a piece.

Or you know, just admitting they were wrong and putting personal loot back for lfr only.


And I would love that solution because it would mean that I don’t have to run LFR either way. But right now, Blizz isn’t offering solutions…which is why threads like these are important.

I appreciate you arguing against this solo because you are helping keep this threat bumped with lots of action.

NTY, would much prefer they did not.

I mean people keep saying LFR because that’s where most people will be affected, but the same thing happens to Heroic and Normal too.

Like do you want to look like this Mythic dweeb :

Or would you not prefer to look like this Heroic hero :

I did say unlock all ilvls below the piece you got

Some people like the color variation better :man_shrugging:t3:

Either way they are just as right to need on an item imo.

It’s really amazing how many people push this stupid lie.

No one cares what gear you get from LFR.

Raids go by seasons, honey.

That would be admitting they made a mistake. I think we got group loot because they couldn’t admit that removing master loot was a mistake.

If that was true we wouldn’t see so many comments saying that LFR loot should be either nerfed or removed entirely.


Removing master loot was the best thing in forever. No more “RL/gms friend/gf/wife/“girl”-possible guy irl or actual girl sending nudes to officers” always winning gear but also having poor performance and being carried. My guild did master loot correctly, no corruption…but there was to much corruption elsewhere to allow it to return.

Literally have never seen anyone say LFR loot should be removed. Stop making things up :joy:

The new sets look best in the LFR color scheme for a lot of classes. (imo!)

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+1 to this. If you already collected a piece on Mythic, why the heck would you need to rerun the content for that piece on lower difficulties?

Didn’t the catalyst do something like this? As in, if you created a set piece on Normal equivalent gear, it also unlocked the LFR appearance?


How dare, yellow is amazing