Well, mog farming in LFR is over for geared players

Remember back in legion where we had lego BLP for any boss or loot chance? I already feel like once we went to bfa and then later on they removed titanforging, blizz has really hit higher ended players’ incentives to do lfr.

Actually sort of glad this is a thing (if they combo with a way to get lfr mog for normal+ players, likely through world content). Maybe then they can make the mode far more appropriate to the skill level of those players and turn it into an instructional mode.

Yeah. Just another reason why bringing back group loot was a horrible decision.

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I wonder if putting it in void storage works.


Gear is for a season. Transmog is forever.

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Yea. I don’t think it belongs in pugs. Not a fan of this whole change.

I only do lfr for mogs.

Blizz still needs to answer this question for me:

What was wrong with the way loot worked in Legion?


It won’t. They have highest ilvl loot histories since bfa.

Many would, many wouldn’t

I know a lot of people who couldn’t give a rats patootie about t-mog

This is what I was thinking. Anything in my VS didn’t show up on anything as being available…

So fingers crossed, but I have to wait till next week to try.

Am I going to have to level alts and not bother gearing them just for chances at xmog in raids? Blizz this is toxic game design.

Okay, I think it’s just a word usage miscommunication, then. Nevermind.

Knowing Blizz, they’ll “fix” that. :woman_facepalming:

Yeah, when you get the higher ilvl piece it should unlock all the colors below it. I never understood why it didn’t automatically do that.


I would consider it toxic if someone with higher gear could take a piece i’d actually use.

Many types of players play this game.

Easiest solution is the one people have said, when you get a higher ilvl piece it unlocks all below it.

Good you should not be able to roll need on gear if you already have higher level gear.


But we need it for mog.

Why is one’s need higher than another?

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No you don’t.

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Good, lol.

Some people get gear to make farming easier, such as doing lower level content and carrying raids.

So I disagree. Transmog way outlasts ilvl upgrades. And wasting your loot lock to help someone else out and not being able to need a piece for transmog is toxic game design. Basically giving away your loot locks for what exactly?

That’s not what is happening here though. Any other 304 boots and I would have been able to need roll on those 265s.

This is literally just blocking you from the mog if you have the higher tier mog. Because I had these EXACT boots from Mythic, I suddenly can’t roll need on LFR/Normal/Heroic versions of these EXACT boots, basically locking me out of getting the mog. But any other boots ? That’s just fine.

Thanks mom.