Well, mog farming in LFR is over for geared players

You realise that there isn’t more loot dropping right ?

If you’re getting luckier with Group Loot, someone is getting less stuff than they were before to compensate.

And by the end of the season, when you’re done gearing and just in xmog mode…you’ll probably have dozens of charges just like you do now. Who cares.

Too bad that doesn’t cover Weapons and off hands and non-tier look alikes.

But that’s not what is happening. Any other 304 boots in my bag, I could’ve needed on those. I got a Sire 272 helmet earlier this week while wearing a 304 Tier helmet.

This restriction only applies to the exact item. Meaning when you get a pair of gloves from Heroic, you’re locked out of needing those gloves on Normal and LFR and thus locked out of the mog from lower difficulties.

But if you just get rando Heroic ilvl Gloves from M+, you can still need on the LFR/Normal gloves and get the mog.

I don’t think that is correct. We’re dealing with RNG, not a limited pool of loot allotted for the week.

Unless something changed?

You think items pop out of nowhere ?

Before 5 items dropped : rogue got 1. Now Rogue says he got 2, but 5 items still dropped. So obviously someone else didn’t get an item for the rogue to get a 2nd.

Simple logic.

No, nothing changed. The same amount of loot drops now than with PL. Thus if you’re getting more, someone else is getting less.

Well, yes?
it’s a video game that can create things in game out of 1’s and 0’s.

Well no.

Bosses drop the same amount of loot now than they did a week ago with PL. One person getting more means another person getting less, since there isn’t more loot.

I feel you’re just being obtuse and trolling at this point. This isn’t exactly a hard concept to grasp.

By the end of the season that item level will be replaced by the new season/patch.

So the exact same amount of people are running the exact same amount of content that they ran last week?

Assuming that loot is a fixed number of things, the variables are a lot more then just the amount of loot in determining who gets what.

I’m not being obtuse or trolling, I’m being logical.

Has anyone kept track of the number of items (and thats just items, not specific to class/spec) that dropped in a specific dungeon/lfr across a certain amount of time to figure out if the amount of items is fixed? That would be a good place to start.

With group loot if someone gets 5 pieces of loot. That means no one else got those 4 items they would have with personal loot.

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Common sense would have been to just allow higher versions of the item to just unlock their lesser Barbie appearances in the Barbie dress up tab.

But that would have required actual work and thought.


You can’t make the bangin’ Nathria or SoD sets from the Catalyst. Unless this changes or an alternative appears (token system for an ensemble is a wonderful idea) I and others will continue to use LFR for mog.

Also a perfect solution.

Sort of understand why they made this decision but this still happened during PL, they just hide it from the LFR players. They should probably allow lower tiers appearance to be unlocked when you have a higher tier version. As this won’t just be a problem in LFR, it will be a problem for any raider looking for a mog from a lower their then they typically do.

The amount of loot per capita is the same as before since loot is based on the amount of eligible peeps in a group.

You’re definately trolling now.

Either you have an extreme lack of knowledge of how loot works in this game or you’re trolling. Pick one.

Are you discovering that this game doesn’t have some magical weird loot piece number RNG just now ?

Wow, must be a relevation to you. Yes, loot amount is fixed with some give between break points that will even out statistically.

Every person in your raid that’s eligible for loot brings 20% chance of a piece dropping. 10 people = 100% chance of 2 pieces. 25 like LFR = 100% chance of 5 pieces dropping.

Same now as it was before with PL.

Where is this data? Has Blizzard posted it, or is there a website that tracks it? Can you link it, or are you just being rude and condescending?

Data on what ?

In a 25 man LFR group, 5 piece drops as long as everyone is eligible. In PL it was 5, with GL it is 5. If the rogue gets 2, that means one other person isn’t getting something they would have gotten.

How are you still arguing against this. Obvious troll, moving on.

This one. Because that’s all obtuse trolls deserve.


Where is this proven or listed?

Going forward, unless they do a Fated raid rotation again, no one’s going to be queueing for old LFR wings anyway.

Search wowhead news if you don’t believe me, or go run a few LFR to notice it’s always 5 if 25 people are eligible to roll (Which you can see using /loot).

I’m not bothering further with someone who’s arguing the sky isn’t blue.

That’s where you’re wrong. People que for old wings all the time. We que for the mog, and the creation catalyst will not revert to the previous tiers going forward.

Without the mog incentive you completely kill that content as soon as the tier is over.

ETA: This is also beyond LFR. Mog runs in general will suffer.