Well, mog farming in LFR is over for geared players

LFR, normal and heroic share a set and each get their own tint. Mythic has a more elaborate one.

This is actually really stupid as somebody working on collecting all the sets, and it was the only reason I ever did LFR because if I wanted to see the story, I just did it in normal mode with one of the communities I hang out with on the first week.

Enjoy LFR without people helping, I guess.
Nobody has any sort of claim to loot unless they win the roll, and transmog is actually a reason to need a piece, especially in story mode. People saying “but muh upgrade” are just as selfish as the people wanting transmog. Your reasoning isn’t better or worse than somebody else’s. If it’s a need, it’s a need.


Would that force everyone into normal to even get LFR loot?

ToV had this and it was the best.

Yea Trial of Valor was nice for dropping ensembles.

It’s what people who can’t do mythic do for mythic Transmog.

The same principle applies.

Only that in this case the means to do LFR is very much within their reach within current content, they just want to have their collection habits made equal to potential gear upgrades for other people.

And you telling them to do it for EVERY difficulty is sheer ridiculousness.

I honestly want to know if it knows if you have the item in your bank or bags. I’d wear an LFR appropriate set to bypass this if this is really the way they want to go.

People who priotize their fashion over other peoples gear can legitimately go pound sand.

People’s attitude towards LFR is already abysmal with them calling to either have it drop nothing or just be an even greater shadow of itself as a viewable story mode.

So to see people unironically go “my fashion should matter just as much as someone else’s gear” is almost beyond parody.

Even if it’s current state is a bug, it’s been an illuminating one.


 ilevel lasts one lousy season. Transmog lasts forever.

Your attitude can go pound sand.


So it can wait.

Today’s BiS is tommorow’s Transmog, but if you roll on someone’s Current BiS and say your transmog matters just as much you’re getting thrown out on your keister in any guild worthy of the name. or any organized group.

Gear > Transmog> Sharding and that’s how it’s always been


So you purposely wiped a group because they were “mad” your dps was high

Lmao. What are you, 5?

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Transmog is a driving force in this game! I would bet my left leg there’s a more sizable group of players who get more excited picking up a cool looking piece than their BIS ring.

The only reason the Nathria and SoD LFR que would even pop in season 3/4 (outside of fated rotation) was for mog. If you remove the ability for people to farm mog you make old tier completely dead.

This wouldn’t just be for LFR, either. You’ll see people running mog runs with super high ilvl requirements to guarantee they can even attempt to go for the piece they want. Instead of how it has always been where you just collect warm bodies for the instance.


No it can’t. You want ilevel right now, people want transmog right now. Deal with it.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

You clearly never raided with a guild and it shows


Honey, I was a progression raid lead for a very long time. You know nothing. And LFR is not progression raiding. So your comment was nonsensical.

Moving on.

Oh so you were a bad raid lead.

Can’t have a conversation, makes crap up, tosses out stupidity and thinks theyre clever. Poor troll attempt. Learn to read.

Welcome to ignore, troll.

As I said, this bug is illuminating if nothing else

Everybody who was predicting drama was right. But there must have been a heap of data showing that people who do LFR were no longer getting gear for them to have acted so fast.