Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

Might want to be careful since ya’ll are doing the exact same thing now. Your questgivers and flight points are being camped, but do you think the mighty horde is forming groups to fight back? Nah, lets turn it off and go to the forums to complain.


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You’ll want to check my post history. I’m not that person, and I’ve yet to find any Alliance doing it, either. Horde on the other hand …

(See how anecdotal evidence works? Not always in your favor.)

The same can be said about you…

OH WAIT *EDIT *types in general

General Chat: HEY GUYS where’s everyone at I need 25 Horde kills.?"
General Chat: We’re camping the nearest Tortollan quest, hurry though we’re almost done.

I will say, the most fun I have had during an Incursion recently, was when Alliance were running around the WQs and pvp’ing last week. While Horde were grossly outnumbered and there was an unfair advantage for the Alliance, it was fun for me. :smiley:

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Kinda like the horde’s 10% free stuff for 5 months?


Well i mean there is an actual vid floating around and gifs of the Alliance doing so. Horde ofc, hordes done it, we moved on after 5 or 10 minutes but we did indeed do it.

Hey Buddy show us your main… Or are you afraid you will get laughed at… :open_mouth: you are quoting a horde player funny you down your own faction…

Kinda like you self-imposed those things on yourself by not fighting back like u do now?

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The neutral hubs need elite guards ASAP. I understand Blizz wants PvP to be the first solution for stuff like this but guards existed on PvP servers forever before war mode.

Also guards are bugged/useless in several Horde hubs:

-almost no guards in Dazar’alor, especially in the southern section, where Horde has their mission hub/transport to Kul’Tiras.
-guards in the Vulpera Hideaway (a HORDE-ONLY hub), will be HOSTILE to Horde if there’s PvP.
-Warfang Hold guards do nothing.
-Great Seal guards do nothing.
-Krazzlefrazz Guards don’t spawn in certain ranges.

Should be fixed asap. I’m unsure if any Ally hubs have the same issue but if they do they should be fixed too.

Funny fact here, We’re aware you need to move in groups attached at the hip.

We don’t typically form full on raid groups which is pretty opposite from Alliance.

Can you say that with a straight face? . Doubt it…

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oof 355 with all the gear handouts how in the world does that happen?

926 kills we definitely know you kept WM off xd

Demonstrably false, and laughable that you’re even trying to defend this obvious BS.

That was available for you guys too, you simply choose to sit in the sidelines and not flag while whining. It’s not a handout to a single side if both sides have access to it.

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lol good one.

The horde is certainly better at pvp overall, but we can all stop pretending they don’t also excel at 5v1 or 20v1 in warmode.

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not my main… lololol lets see all your kills :open_mouth: wait hiding behind a troll account… OOf

You have access too. There’s just too many Warmode horde to qualify.

We never had access to a free 400 ilvl piece though.


Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that’s not your main. Keep moving in clumps cause if you don’t you’ll get picked off 1 by 1.