Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

indeed, back to never turning hordemode again.

keep your hordemode hordes. :joy:

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get involved in a romantic relationship

Worst advice EVER. Never worth it long term.

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prove it. because guess what… I mained alliance until maybe a month ago… in warmode…and guess what. other than being out numbered during WQ, they typically moved on if no one was there… never had to camp flight paths.

Nah…horde out number and roll in groups for sure. but there was never any need to camp flightpaths for the kills… horde never had this gear to motivate them.

lol, like Horde didn’t do that too


Sure tells you a LOT about the Horde when they didn’t have any gear to motivate them and they still went camping Alliance.

Hmm. Interesting. At least the Alliance are more like “Sry bro need that gear”.

I wonder if that has got anything to do with random cruelty and actual harassment.


majority of horde players like pvp… and theres the ones that just want the free bonus but will avoid pvp. the fact alliance is mostly compromised of pvp and pve casuals made it easier.

but as someone who mained alliance for the longest time. i rarely ran into really cheap horde campers other than the occasional raids that steamrolled wq.

as a horde now, I basically have to bubble hearth in and out of quests because alliance do not move. there are group finders for camping flight paths… it makes me sad.


Ah you mean another I can’t win so I need more ilvl/numbers offer…gotcha

Just make another 40 man raid for the 4-5 horde that gank you guys. Isn’t that what Alliance is all about can’t beat the few ganking so we’ll just get 40 and camp the nearest tortollan quest xd

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Lol agreed. I was referring to how one can spend their time in a few weeks’ time.

I get what you say. You have to realize that this experience is exactly what Alliance have faced in Warmode.

That makes them sad and when they pointed out this imbalance in the forums, they were met with instant derision and laughter from Horde who called them cowards and crybabies. I think you know why Alliance posters are gloating about Warmode now.


So you’re admitting you need a gear advantage because your skill isn’t up to scratch.

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Well sir, that goes without saying! Of course we’ll have another raid going, we provide the best customer service! Enjoy!

The only part you missed is about the you ganking us part. That never happens because the Horde just get demolished as soon as they go anywhere.

Needing? Nah, it’s just that much more satisfying to beat up horde with gear that they’re currently crying about. It’s the best.


Forming groups in World of Warcraft PvP

Horde: We be a family. We help each other.

Also Horde: LOL Alliance need to form groups to take down Horde.


Yeah, I’m turning it off on all of my characters to ensure we keep the 30% bonus at least. Stinks that they’re nerfing the reward based on your tears.


Stinks they gave you a reward based on your tears?


Very much so, my compatriot.


Where are the notes about the change?

Nah it was awesome.


It stinks that somehow your “PvP L33T skillz” got nerfed due to some random PvE bonus which had no impact on PvP at all. Only now do the Alliance get relevant ilvl 400 gear.

Before that somehow the Horde turned into newbies asking “What is PvP” because Alliance got 30% PvE bonuses. Lmao

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Cross your fingers, lass. It’s not official yet, but Ion made mention of it during the Q&A.

There’s still hope for another week of 400 gear so keep rooting for us :heart:


Alliance mainly whined about the imbalance. which was honestly because blizzard has a really dumb and broken sharding system. Sure horde got to kill some alliance out of it, but they were mainly just trying to enjoy world pvp (which is a big big selling point of this expansion, i mean they redid the way servers work for it)…

Blizzards sharding system should match large ppulations of alliance warmode with horde… but that’s not what it did, and I don’t think that’s what it does .

as of right now there’s alwasy going to be broken wpvp… until blizzard fix the main issue.

either way, camping FP is pretty lame. whichever the side is.