Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

But I’m still not done leveling a Horde side character yet…

What of their races can we make pelts from? Blood elves?

I’m fine with them nerfing it but the only thing that’s going to suck is that WM will probably go back to being dead again. So here in about a week or so you will see the Horde back on the forums whining and crying that there is no Alliance to fight in WM like they were before.


All of them. Most of them are smelly and unshaven. We can use those pelts to deter the drust from attacking Arom’s stand.

The others, like Blood Elves can be fashioned into elegant belts, shoes, and banana hammocks.


That’s a great pass time. The XP change has had a very good impact on at least my game experience. What are you leveling?

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Just make the same quest for both sides.


Can’t, that would be Horde bias and would ruin the immersion of the game.

You chose to burn down the tree so it’s only fair that we get compensated for it.


I love how the Horde have complained about bonuses when they were the ones advising us to “git gud” on how to PvP in open world.

It’s almost like PvE bonuses have indirectly reduced their elite PvP skill to that of hopeless newbs.


you sacked dazar’alor so we’re even.

also the most fun i ever had was running into the tortollen quests knowing all the baby unskilled alliance would be sitting there waiting to camp people, getting into the quest and phasing, then popping out and DS+hearthing out… so many rude gestures from crybaby alliance because they couldn’t 20v1 me.


or…you know… horde actually wanna pvp and not camp flight paths like little unskilled alliance babies.


Or you know…Horde can stop crying like said “babies” and learn that 30% PvE bonuses doesn’t reduce their “Legendary PvP skills” in any way.


DH :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted a character in legion to unlock horde side ARs

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Well considering they have been camping FP since the start of BFA Horde must not want to just PVP. I don’t know why this has to be repeated over and over but both sides camp FP and both sides gank en masse, its not just one faction that does it.


You know… you could still keep pvping without being bribed. Just a thought.


or or or… those of us who hate seeing a FP camped for hours by different groups are done with it.

Keep your 30% for World Quests because it doesnt matter. The gear and camping for it are the problem.


nah…horde rolled in groups hunting alliacne sure… but not cheap crap like flight path camping… horde were never that motivated to get the kills.

I love the fact that you ignored the “PvE bonuses don’t give an advantage in PvP” point.

Gotta get some excuses out to look good in the face of being camped. Yeah I just said camped. The Alliance got camped in the beginning. The Horde got camped. That’s world pvp.

Next time better learn that PvE experience bonuses don’t give you a extra skill bar or a PvP damage or healing bonus.

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ya im turning warmode off for everything but incrusions on all my chars, not gonna leave one in warmode. no free stuff no warmode.

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Sir, I find that I’m being honorable by elevating my faction. I’m also doing you a favor by giving myself an opportunity to test drive my new gear on your face :grin::heart:

I don’t see a problem here, though.

Ah, a great Azerothian pastime. Like, share, subscribe!

Should we buy you dinner first?

That’s the spirit!


Your wrong Horde and Alliance have both been camping FP since the start, it doesn’t matter if they were motivated. Try landing at a FP as Alliance during Call to Arms before this bonus, you couldn’t because of all the Horde camping it.


Rule #1 of posting on World of Warcraft forums: Never say Horde were camping even if they were camping. The Horde be noble knights who are innocent.


Yeah it kind of gives me a good chuckle :grin:

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