Welcome to the Clown Show

Now I’m REALLY curious about who, or what, is playing on Illidan Horde.


Ivanka’s been typing a reply, on and off, for 30 minutes.

Gonna be a good one.

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That’d be a first.

Whats the context to this? I legit don’t know.

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You dont have to start sucking up to Glinda here. They were on my old server and played Classic a lot. At least they will make it to 60 in HC unlike you. Cuz they got a 60 in every other version of WoW. Too bad Glinda doesn’t have an 80 in Wrath…they could actually teach you how to play yours correctly. I dont like that person and they dont like me.

Correction. I said I am KSH… just as happens every season.

My saying a have a few Cutting Edges really got to you if you have to exaggerate it that much. Not even close to WF.

Never said that. Just said multiple PvP titles, never said in what. But thanks for pointing that out. I was many years ago. I am unable to do so now no matter how hard I try, cant get a good group of friends together to do it with and don’t have as much luck trying to pug it, so unlikely to see it ever again. What I got, I got years ago and am unlikely to do so anytime again soon, if ever in arenas. Thousands now are far better than I am at them now.

You apparently don’t know what that means. That was short for saying that I have currently the best you can get in Dragonfllight for my current retail playing toon. That is something that thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people have done… not that extraordinary. Infact, that is almost average to many people.

It is the most populated server in the world. The statistical chance of me having at least one toon there is far greater than have any toons any where else. It really doesn’t bug me much when a couple of nobody’s keep pestering at me for proof. I’ll go in game and level now. Funny how little Glinda took until after original Classic ended to get to 60… if you struggles that much to do it last time… there really isn’t much hope for you now in HC. You were always in the PvP queue area on your low level toon that never got to 60 in original Classic always spam asking everyone there stuff like “How long does it take to unlock that gear for Grand marshal? Do you really have to be R14 to put that stuff on? How do you get full epics so fast?” Stuff like that… Im sure lots of us felt so sorry for you… I know I did. Little unaccomplished friendless guild hopping Glinda. How long do you think we see you still posting from that guild? Follow your old pattern, you’ll be out of it soon.

bragging about how good you are in retail :expressionless: sigh

I know you cant. You have asthma. That’s why you made a typo in your name cuz you were wheezing so hard and panicked and couldn’t type in the correct keys.


Lmao, just like us*

You don’t have one either :slight_smile:

Alright, so let’s do this WCL log thing correctly. You can type in my name, Mankrik server. The last time this toon raided was in Ulduar so let’s see where I peaked there in my 10 man guild runs/pug gdkp 25 mans.

At worst, oooo, all purples for pugs except one. Vezaz was always a pain as a rogue though in pugs, no one else knows how to kick somehow and despite DKs getting resources back for kicking, they’re too unreliable. Sadge.

Let’s see if my 10 mans are better.

Oooooh three 99s? In the phase it was relevant? Interesting.

(Totally not a 100 on Mimiron if you scuff it and look at ilvl but I’ll just take the 99 for now)

Let’s see if it’s a fluke though, lets look at my 10 Naxx/Sarth/Maly. Oh gee golly, three more 99s in the phase it was relevant.


Now you. Post on a character, that we can all view and confirm to be you, and we’ll see where you sit.

:sleeping: Oh, you’re still posting on Aovona talking about how good you are at wow when all we can confirm is you peaked level 12. Interesting.

If we’re doing this, then you had a stroke typing yours lmao.

Bummer, I became unamused and gave him a time out until the weekend. I’ll check back later… or not… humm.

lmao speaking of vacays

Yeah I’m old so I’ve probably told that story multiple times.
Sorry guys.

Ivanka, baby girl. Pull my finger.


Can totally see how fake you are. Trying to show off to these people here when just a tiny bit ago, you were sucking up to me and trying to small chat me on other threads that these two were not on.

It is bad, I’ll agree. But not near as bad as trying to show off in a game that became irrelevant well over a decade ago.

So what’s the deal with you trying to sweet talk me on the other threads just now? I was too mean to you here and you want to get me on your good side. Hoping that if you suck up to me while the others here do their thing? I just counted… well over 5 separate times you tried to talk to me on other threads and I completely ignored you. I’m sorry… just like with every annoying gnat, you eventually know it’s there. You tried for hours to get my attention and only got empty silence.

That’s been you, this entire time. We’re all waiting for proof of these claims.

You wont log in and view me on live. You are boring me now btw… this conversation has gone nowhere. I needed something to do to keep the time going. Tell me here when you want to go in game and see a real rogue from retail. Not a fake underachiever such as yourself. Then I will screenshot me making fun of you in retail and post it on my Instagram that way thousands can laugh at you. I cant get that enjoyment posting. here. I seriously do want to publicly humiliate you as you have kept trying to do to me.

You’ll have so many people mocking you nonstop… you’ll probably get a name change. Be funny thing to see. Please don’t tell me to get this toon to 80. I don’t want to embarrass you even further when this rogue out does you too.

Hey I’m going to log in and play now… cuz unlike you…I can actually play.


I’m not even home mouth breather.

You know what’s crazy, two people, myself included, had no problem switching to another toon for proof.

You just won’t because you can’t. Your toons don’t exist with what you claim they do.

“trying” I didn’t do anything other than press you on your lies. You’re the one who tried to flex nothing lmao.

A whole lot of nothing in that quote though. Literally worthless.

Again, more nothing.

I literally talked about my logs. Come on, you don’t even have a single 99, ever? Not even one to be slightly proud of? Pathetic really.

Have fun in your sub 20 zone.

God what a useless tool you’ve been for 3 hours. Hot air and a reduction in brain cells but atleast I got some laughs out of it.

You low impact players are just sad.

Edit: Aovona is typing right now lmao. I hope he says how much rent is.

sweet talk you? lol :expressionless:

Oh don’t you worry. I was nice to you too. I just liked a comment you made cuz no one else would even though it was 100% correct. Pally bubble solves that problem… In fact, there actually isn’t much that it doesn’t solve tbh. Happened to you? You died in HC cuz of a mid flight patch D/C? That will make you think twice before not choosing a paladin for HC. You roll a pally and all your problems go away… ALL of them.

You’re almost there with that priest. Those were the Clerics from WC1. But the Clerics are too pure and do not believe in shadow of any kind and so they decided not to allow themselves to join up and become the priests. They taught the priests, but did not become them fully. Cuz you were right in that comment btw. happened to me a lot in original Vanilla on my warrior.

Just to show an existing HC character that’s at least the level of the ones we posted on would be sufficient. It’s not difficult to change posting characters jus for a sec, this person is a deflated balloon.
Oh yea, Balloon Fiesta starts this week in my hometown, hurrah!

My retail hunter. hey wanna see it? My goodness. I love each and every single one of you people…cuz I outshine you tremendously in every single way.

Hey you wanna know something? Just meet me in the PTR then since you are all too afraid to come log in and see me in Illidan or A52. I can copy a toon over there. And then when I make fun of you there, no one will see.

Post on your main or shut up.

But then again you only left for like 30 minutes so you’re 0/2 on being reliable.

Which is 2/2 for being low impact.