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Hardcore seasonal realm lasting 3-6 months.
One character, one life.
When you die, you’re out.
No transfers on death.
Possibly some kind of seasonal reward for making it to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 (only available on seasonal realms).


Maybe try getting past level 10 before proposing extra hardcore modes…


But you don’t even exist, yet…


What’s the point of a seasonal realm when death is permanent? Why would anybody want their character progression (such as it is on HC) wiped every 3-6 months?

if you want that, just jump off Thunder Bluff or drown yourself in Darnassus – then “GO AGANE”


So they can

It’d likey be a ghost town by 3-6 months. Alternatively, they could keep the server running until there is no one left /s

It would be fun to see who can make it in one go.

Side question: how’s Grobb RPPvP these days?

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No one needs/deserves a reward for playing the game.

No, character reset seasons don’t belong in a mmo

will the top guilds be done clearing content by then?

will the scrub guilds be done clearing content by then?

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dead on arrival for a lot of players

Any reason you feel that way?

I don’t see that as the point. I also don’t care to raid or enjoy PvE end game so I extra don’t see that as the point. But they can all try. And if HC is for the most skilled players, likely scrubs won’t make it, but if they do, I’m sure raiders/PvE’ers will need all the bodies they can get.

People said that about literally everything not retail related.

I’d rather then do at least 2 hardcore pvp realms.


Like Diablo… ya.

I don’t see anything in the tag that indicates you shouldn’t/can’t reset.

One is sufficient. Otherwise you’ll get one with mainly Alliance and one with mainly Horde.


Just here to support this statement.


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Go play a ARPG if you want seasonal resets.

Seasons are a lazy form of “content”. The last thing we need in a MMORPG is for developers to change how they deliver content to us. Imagine WoW turning into Diablo or PoE. Locking “new” content behind seasons. I mean, maybe for retail WoW this would work because well, it takes all of 10 hours to hit cap.

Seaonal gameplay doesn’t belong in WoW. Period

Brilliant way to get people to make a bunch of accounts.

This won’t be popular.

Too late, it’s already here. Esports don’t belong in an RPG either but here we are. Get used to it.

PvP is an extremely small portion of the population.

A level 10 telling me I need to be more hardcore in SOM2 to get to level 60 is like a person who has never got an honorable kill telling a multiglad how to do arena.