Welcome to the Clown Show

I said my hunter vs their hunter… cuz mine is better by far. Now…since they declined I have another shot for you. My rogue vs your rouge face to face comparison.

Coming from a 217 ilvl rogue. At least my Wrath sham is 232… My Rogue isnt but still… And Wrath is my side game. And its your main game…yikes.

No you are way too far beneath me. I’m done with you.

My main is in retail btw.

I don’t have a rouge.

Ok, so rogue to rogue you just admit mine is better? Odd strat.

No wow is a main game at all for me. Like, I get it, you’re a moron, but even a moron can see the number 4 next to my Ulduar boss kills, as in, I have 4 kills, as in, I stopped playing after week 4.

Like, I don’t get it. There is no shot you’re this brain dead.


Literally just any character. Prove to me literally anything other than whatever this is.

Low impact trash players like you can type, but you can’t do anything else. You can’t post on a retail main, or your other retail main from another server, or your third retail main on another server, or your wrath character, or you first 60 era rogue or your second 60 era rogue, or you 60 holy paladin, or your 60 ret (omegalul). You won’t post on your KSM. You won’t post on your ranked toons. You won’t post on your full bis dk or whatever class it was. You won’t post on your HC toon either.

All you do is post on a level 12 talking about how great you are and it’s just nauseating. Trash cans like you just outright deserve to have all chat functions removed until you do literally anything worth a single thought in game.

Not sure I get this when the game is almost 20 years old. It’s like replaying an Elder Scrolls, you learn where all the tips/tricks are. Been playing since 04/05. I haven’t had a single close call on any of my toons yet.

Secondly, this a PvE server. So there’s literally nothing exactly challenging about it.

This is my thread! I don’t even know you!

217 this far into Wrath…not worth my time anymore. I told you I could meet you on Illidan… you declined I said PTR with copied toons, you declined. Not going to spam link over a dozen toons back to back on here and post on them just so you can have your way.

Funny someone as low as you can think to call anyone here trash. I looked at your toon…you’re even worse than I thought. Not worth my time. Some of these other posters are, but a 217 ilvl Wrath player near end of expac who is on their main doing that. You are literal trash… that why you always have to guild hop on that 80 and have never done a full raid clear…cuz no one wants to play with you…that usually tends to happen when you’re trash. K. Done with you now.

Naw, you’ll keep coming back for more humiliation.


The economy on HC is the best thing about the server.

It’s perfectly fine the way it is. Everything is dirt cheap.

This isn’t any character with any semblance of a single accolade at all.

Like I get it. All you can do is mention my ilvl and pretend like I didn’t quit the LKC, but quite literally everyone with warm brain cells just sees you being an idiot, again.

I pity you, truly. I couldn’t imagine dedicating what, almost twenty years playing a game and having a total of 0 cool things accomplished. Time wasted while having fun is not time wasted but in your case, I’m sorry you wasted all that time to still be below average.

Is what it is.

I’m pretty sure that’s the same person I had a long back and forth with weeks ago, where she insisted in original Wrath that Wintergrasp was an instanced, cross-realm battleground.

There’s no reasoning with that person.

I appreciate the looks friend, but, I am not here to reason with them :slightly_smiling_face:

No. Now I’m level 12. I outrank your level 11 now by the rules of hierarchy. I have overthrown you and now claim leadership of this thread.

3,190 RBG rating at one time. 1x R1 arena back long ago. 3x 3K+ rating RBG.

KSM on 5 separate toons, KSH on two, this expac. Challange Modes, (CM) of gold on two toons, long ago
High Warlord warrior, Warbringer warrior, Hero of The Horde warrior, Khan, (still not BM cuz the EoTS perfection kept glitching so I gave that one up for now), Bloodthirsty, 4x Cutting Edges, 7 AOTCs Senior Sergeant Hunter, Sergeant Demon Hunter, Grand Marshal Warrior, but not hero on that one,

I linked Blizzard dev post for proof that it was exactly what I said it was when you had kept telling people in that other thread that I was wrong and got the same group of people to like your post.

No. I also mentioned your lack of in game progression on that toon and told you how I was so deeply disgusted by your apparent lack of skill. On that 217 ilvl toon MS that switches over to 213 OS.

I’m nowhere near a % placing player right now in the brackets in retail. Zaalg is rude to me and many others often… Glinda goes out of their way to antagonize nearly every poster on these forums. Most people just ignore that poster.

I am just one person and how very little I have done according to you is more than all the rest of you combined. And OFC, little guild hopping Apathy quit the game…that what any underachiever does when they realize it is time to give up because no one wants them around to try and progress with.

Im only rude to those who are rude to me first. If you are nice, then I am nice to you. Not a single one of you is nice to anyone here, ever. You are all fail elitists, especially, The Wrath rogue, trying to be all leet sauce to me and to everyone who crosses their path. Best to just give up when can. Zaalg cannot gets sarcasm. He is so predictable. He goes where I want him to on these forums and says what I know he is going to say. Like as in when I made that silly thread about WG with a ridiculous title. I knew that he and he alone would come rushing in to grab the bait… 99% of the other forum users were smart enough to not grab the bait…but he wasn’t. Didn’t even have to call him out by name and he came rushing in to that thread and say him typing on it before I could even refresh the page. Botnik here on this silly thread doesn’t have a single 60 from SOM and none from HC, so if you combine the two, they will be double screwed.

And at least Yamar put Botnik down to size.

And actually, saying “But you don’t exist yet” Death Knights existed in cannon lore as a playable from all the way back into Warcraft 2.

Mages did not exist until WarCraft 3 when the wizards allowed to share their knowledge and pass it on. Death Knights were playable in WarCraft games long before mages were.

Lime um… dang… I kinda put you all down to size with one single post there, now didn’t I?

And you know how it is so easy to tell that even Botnik knew this thread was a stupid idea? They had to custom level up a brand new forum posting alt just to make this thread and their entire posting history exists only right here…

All yours! :wink:

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idk what happened here but this has been entertaining to read.

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Title is accurate.

Hey Ivanka
Is your boss rogue a fem human rogue named Meuchelmörde?

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I was thinking Fabulist or Delusion.

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Scrolled back through my own posting history since their talking points sounded so familiar.
Ivanka had virtually the same convo with Apathy as Muesli had with Worm.

Delusion be that way.

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And yet you say this as Aovona, which all we can confirm is that you’re a level 12 Night Elf Rogue.

Otherwise, nice fanfic of yourself.


Like, be dumb, sure. You’ve proven that countless times.

But for once, do yourself a favor and actually try to warm your under used and under developed brain cells, and actually read and comprehend what is being typed.

Or don’t. I expect nothing from you honestly, it prevents me from being disappointed at your drastic attempts to be a functioning human at the most basic level.

10/10 nice schizo ramblings.

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Some people remind me of my cousin Jimmy who used to call me every Saturday evening from the state hospital.


Only you are stopping yourself from logging into retail and inspecting me face to face.

How’s that lackluster 217 item level gear treating you? Apparently not very good cuz you have yet to do a single raid clear in Wrath on that toon. Pray this toon never does decide to get to 80… cuz givin my history and your history, I would outshine you greatly if I did. So keep making fun of a level 12 cuz that’s the only card you have to play.

You know…the vast majority of us who did play Wrath back then and who are doing it now…way more progressed than you are at this point.

Also, I see lots of you blaming the lack of RDF as a reason for not being fully geared… they didnt even have RDF this early into last Wrath either, same group of people who kept spam asking for RDF in TBC too.

You didn’t even provide a name for who I’m looking for. You just had schizo ramblings about Illidan.

I have multiple 99s on this character in the appropriate phases for the raids in LKC.

I miss the days when we put people like you on a farm and far away from functioning people.

Like, I’m not repeating myself, you are not worth it. The information is literally right there. It’s on you to be more than literal waste.

You didn’t even have to try to fight me on this. You could have accepted me just calling you a nerd emoji, which still holds true btw, but no, here we are, me vibing as you go from schizo rant to schizo rant.

I really do wish you the best though, despite all this. Lord knows you need it.