Welcome to the Clown Show

I can’t breathe.

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If you used to do it but don’t do it anymore that just means you’re a washed up has been. Should inspect my DK in retail. I had well over double your achieves this far into OG Wrath. I still do keys on 20s and have 3x KSH. All you got to do is long in and see… but you wont.

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Retired* I quit the game mouth breather. Can’t continue to do a game mode in a game if I’m no longer a player in the game. Kinda how this goes. I play video games. New games come out. I go play new games.

Sorry if that’s too much for you.

Post on him.

Then give me your name. I’ll log in lmao, like what? “YOU WONT LOG IN (haha got him)” like what did you think my response was going to be?

Literally any toon. Any era. I do not care. Give me any toon you want.

trust me bro

ivanka there is no battle here
you’re unarmed

I said inspect me in game. That way it is flawless and you can see all that you like. I can link all my cutting edges and KSHs and KSMs and dozens of PvP titles in your face. I cant rub it in your face as much here on the forums. Illidan Horde, I most certainly will be able to. Or on A52 if you also play there. Or on KT. (A)\

I am very clearly everything you wish you were but never can be… that’s why you got to keep nonstop attacking me with your friends here on the forums. You aren’t even a half of me and Im not even a half of some of the best players out there.

Log in game and see me face to face…coward. You’re the one who keeps asking to see me. You want it so much. You honestly think that you are good when most people on my server had well over your progress in OG Wrath this far in. If that was an alt, I would give you a break and let it pass… but seeing as how that is your main… yea idk. Show me your back to back Keystones in retail too. We can inspect each other.

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Retail armory works.

It also prevents you from linking dead achievements. Yeah, I was there in 09 when people linked fake achievements.

Armory and logs will show me everything I need to know.

So post on the character. Coward.

I doubt you can rub anything. Take that however you want.

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You dun good son … :+1:t4:

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I’m better than both of you on your retail mains combined on just one single toon of mine in there. All you got to do is log in and check. No one on my server is going to give a crap about what I have accomplished anyways. Most on Illidan Horde don’t even speak a word of English. Wont log in and insect me… you only want an armor link so that way you can insect it, see that it is far greater than yours and then you will deny that it is mine. Accuse me of posting some one else. I said already. Inspect me in game. I’m full DF BiS. Hey want a free dungeon carry? I got my KSH. I can port right over to any of your choice. Later today.

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Are you… Are you actually like fully mentally there? I’m being dead serious. Are you on the spectrum?

Because this isn’t how it works at all and I’d expect more from a fully functioning 40 something like yourself.

Literally no one is going to pretend to be you. So you post on the character that you’re most proud of, and we can be the judge of it.

Anything else is you being the nerd emoji you’ve always been destined to be. Some weird guy online who wants to brag on the World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore forums.

It’s weird how you start off by flexing your classic 60s, and slowly as you google more and more accolades you just keep adding onto the list to attempt to intimidate people into believing that you’re some god tier wow player and not just another generically bad individual who can’t stop projecting.

Outside of the “mother incident” you are just a diet Chris Chan right now.

Oh, are we in a contest?
Hate to break it to you but no one gives a damn about what you or I have accomplished in a video game. Besides, I’m not interested in what your Era or Retail characters have done or not done because you are posting in a thread about HC on a forum about HC. If you’re so much better than everyone else, post on your HC 60 character. You’re just making yourself look foolish and hypocritical putting folks down about their HC characters while posting on your non HC character.
That’s my point.

This is definitely an authentic OG classic experience, epeen waving over gear.

Please don’t stop anytime soon.

I’ve got a lot of boring calibration work to do today and this is really fun to read.


You do much more so than anyone else I have ever come across on the forums…nonstop asking me to post on my 60s, to post my armoury, to post my best toon, to post my HC toons, to post on my best geared toon, to post on my main, to post on my DK… um you sure you don’t care? Sounds to me as though I have a forum stalker who wont leave me alone here. You literally go out of your way to ask for proof on every claim that I ever make ever. And yet you turn around and say you don’t care… I would have to say that you care more than 99% of the forum posters on here. You have been trying with all that you have to get me to show you proof of who I am and what I have accomplished in retail, in SOM, IN WoTLK, in HC.

You know how i can tell who is a 60 in HC and who isn’t in this thread? All those who have got to 60 actually leave me alone and don’t go out of their way to bully me because they are proud of what they have accomplished in game.

Like I said earlier in this thread. :point_down:

I’m not asking you to post on your 60HC character because I care, I’m asking you to because you’re dissing everyone else for not posting on a high level HC character while sitting on an 11. You can post on your 60 from the other modes but that won’t change anything. You don’t seem to understand why I’m pointing this out aparrently.

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I really suck at this … I’m batting zero here. :cry:



That one is actually hurtful :frowning:


If I can stay on top of Drain’s edit game for 5+ edits on a post, I can stay on top of yours as well.

It’s crazy how you went from “Im a KSM and world first mythic raider and multi glad and I have full DF BIS and I have this and I have that” all the way back down to something about 60 HC like it’s supposed to be hard lmao.

The only reason I even got to 40ish on a solo, despite my hard lack of interest in wow was out of spite, and now I feel the urge to finish it out. Thanks buddy.

Time for you to get to level 13 now as well I suppose since you still aren’t posting on any toon worth anything.


Unironically, pretty sure it’s our friends out East. Bing Chilling and what not. Idk, I was a Tich player.