Welcome Back! — To World of Warcraft

The Welcome Back “Gear Update”/“Gear Upgrade” option for the characters I hadn’t logged on to have disappeared. What happened?

So we’ve had two full resets and the welcome back gift still isn’t showing. Sure would be nice if someone from Blizz could explain what’s going on.

Why did they choose to make the banner image for this Ed Sheeran and 2 tumblr girls?

I can forgive anything except messing with my action bars. If things don’t exist anymore, take ‘em out. If they’re talents, darken them until I take the talents. That’s fine. But do not under any circumstance think it is okay to wipe out the setup I have used since creating that character. Abilities were placed for a reason and the muscle memory still remains. What doesn’t remain is knowledge of which button goes where, and it takes hours to fix it after a 12 second process.

I can fix my bags, I can fix my gear, just don’t mess with my bars.


When currency and rep is accountwide is when I’ll say WoW is alt friendly.

Damn, I logged into all of my characters to update my “total gold” count after changing add-ons. :woozy_face:

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A small bit of advice to any NEW accounts or returning players who get shoved into Newcomer Chat and can’t access Chromie Time (I am not upgraded for DF so it may be different if you are): I was told multiple times both by Guides in NC and on Forums that getting out of NC and getting access to CT required “Completing BfA/Legion Pathfinders”. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, this is completely false and total BS. If you are told this by ANYONE make sure they know they’re full of rancid kodo droppings. I exited NC and got access to CT for all other chars right after hitting my lvl cap of 60. That’s it… no special achieves or anything required. Just hit lvl 60 and it’s done with. It might be 70 if you have DF, but I can’t confirm this and honestly, I probably wouldn’t trust anyone’s word without seeing it for myself.

Also keep in mind (because there seem to be many players who don’t know this) that Chromie Time no longer cuts off at 50. You also do NOT have to use the xpack you choose. The xpack chosen really only changes what dungeons you have access to. It’s not saying “You can only use this content to level and nothing else will scale except this” Like say you choose Cata, you will have access to both Cata and Classic dungeons. But you want to level in Wotlk or BC or Panda or Legion etc? Those will all scale the same. The only two that don’t scale the same (with or without CT) is BfA and SL (idc about DF so idk if it scales the same as those two or not)

I did notice that some of these places do require a special introduction for the main questing line. In which case you do have to trigger them with Chromie.

You can jump into the Pandarian Portal and find quests, but you will be cut off from the faction storylines.

In Legion you wont trigger the class halls without the into, but the rest of the quests are still down below, so if you don’t care about the artefact weapon appearance or class hall mount, or have them previously, you can just walk through the Azuna portal and start questing.

In BFA the area may not show up correctly unless you did the intro in Exiles Reach, which I think is mandatory for new players? But for a second character that starts in an older zone, you still have to trigger it to get the NPC’s in Boralus and Zuldezar to show up.

I have heard that you can just jump through the Draenor portal in the Blasted Lands, and begin the garrison quests, but I usually just run the intro gauntlet on that one for the mega XP.

Any older content you can just show up, and the quest givers will be there.

So I decided to try your Welcome back gift on a level 60 rogue I had, your gift gave me ilvl 187 green gear, a full 65 ilvls lower than gear I was already equipped with and replaced my 30 slot bags with 22 slot bags. My Agi is 1065 with your boost, when I reequip my gear I go back to 1618 agi. I also have 18 quests to take on my side tab making it more cluttered than before. You guys really didn’t think this through.


i feel like it was intended for lower level characters, sure it is applicable for lvl 60s but more effective on lower lvl alts. I really would not be expecting much from these new gifts anyways.

I can tell you right off the top of my head, Exiles Reach is the “new player” intro zone and is complete garbage. It functions as a leveling zone and nothing more. At most it will teach you the bare minimum and I do mean bare minimum, like how to attack. how to loot and how to use quest items and that’s it. At the very end it will teach you how to queue for a dungeon and after that they give you piss poor explanation of your specs.

It doesn’t go into anything outside of that, PvP (Warmode), Raids, actual dungeons that matter (not that pathetic excuse they call a dungeon in Exiles Reach), crafting and gathering, cooking, fishing.

This has been brought up before but people always say “New players aren’t stupid they can figure out the basics” and then they’ll turn around and say stuff like “Yeah most people can’t even figure out how to interrupt”…oh yeah Interrupts is another thing they do not teach you on Exiles Reach.

Exiles reach at the most basic functions is to teach us the most basic things and not and in depth lessons of how each thing does.

Interrupt is clear as day in the spells you get if you don’t read each and every spell you get then how would we know what each spell do in each separate situations.

Even in BFA dungeons (NORMAL) they don’t contain much mechanics same goes for exiles reach dungeon. Since they are tuned in a way where they won’t pose any problems for leveling and complexity.

PvP is a mode where it’s optional and it doesn’t need explanation of how it works.

Professions they already have that small yellow icon that explains each section and what it’s for and what not.

Do you people want the game as a whole to hold your hands in its ENTIRETY because blizzard can do that in the next expansion?


No but it should teach more than just the bare minimum, WoW has too much going on for it to use Exiles Reach as its intro for new players. And thanks for proving my point on Interrupts.

Countering spells is not that important in low level game modes that is why it doesn’t go into more details. Plus, if you think new players are too stupid to understand how each spells work then you have to have a reality check.

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I can tell you being on my server that yes New Players do indeed need to be taught the importance of interrupts, but I’m done with you.

This was time sensitive, probably should have told us it was. I only used it on a couple characters, but the upgrade was available to several. Upon login today, the upgrade is no longer available for ANY characters.

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Same here. I logged in hoping to use it, and didn’t see the option, so likely screwed over the character from getting it if they put it back in.

I re-read the post, didn’t see anything about it being time sensitive. It sounded like it would be long term, given that they mentioned that a character could get the welcome back gift multiple times (as in every 60 days).

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Just logged in and it’s back so guess we should rush it lol.

Yup, there are lead-ins for the content but you do not have to choose them in Chromie Time in order to do the lead-ins for it. Such as you can choose Wrath CT, but still able to manually pick up the quests to start SL or Legion or Panda or BFA etc. You don’t have to choose the expansion in CT to begin it.

In fact, depending on how you start the expansions can actually change some of the content. Like starting BFA through the quest “Tides of Darkness” I think it was, gives you a little more insight into the situation and a cinematic that you don’t see any of that if you head to Boralus after the Exile’s Reach tutorial. There are some level restrictions to pick up certain xpack starter quests, but don’t need CT to trigger them :slight_smile: