Welcome Back! — To World of Warcraft

Welcome Back! — To World of Warcraft

To help players get back into the action in Azeroth, we’re providing characters level 10-60 who have not been logged into the game for 60 days with a special Welcome Back Gift.

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Pls fix PvP and some of us may return, pls and thank you :heart::sparkles:


I sincerely hope you guys are planning a massive overhaul to the new player experience because it is truly horrendous and confusing. Same for returning players. Some blog posts recapping WoW in recent years and how to get back into the game may help too.


They can’t even figure out dealing with people over timegate and annoying nag systems is worthless. I lost faith in the game designers long ago. I’ve been doing legion/bfa/sl since december and hard avoiding DF. This is coming from someone who started in October last year. I just vibe in old content because I can avoid the systems and dealing with sociopaths to proc timegate-as-progress garbage.

The only way they’ll get me to play DF is if they remove raid lockouts and vault, catalyst, the nag systems, and the meaningful choicing of professions. Full stop timegate as progress and go back to grind as progress and stop penalizing people who prefer pugs or reclears to actually learn raids at their own pace. DF is not worth the bother, it feels like you’re fighting trolls holding something you want to do hostage while they try to continuously bait.


Make 1-60 more dangerous for those who enjoy leveling. Achieve this with either a debuff or potion that increases NPC damage.

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People keep on saying the new player experience sucks when they don’t even explain how does it suck and stuff and they don’t even go into detail in terms of the how.


fix resto shamans.


Beware using this you will get a 24hr lockout on dungeons similar to a character boost


This is a nice welcome addition! It’s pretty handy as a feature for any alts left hanging around for months on end.


I used this on a couple of my alts. It was pretty nice.


PvP will never be fixed. It’s impossible in a game with 13+ classes, numerous races, and numerous specs.

Though it is sad that Blizzard uses PvPers as an excuse to gut PvE things like Hunter pet customization and Observer being removed.

Would be nice to be able to enable this for alts you did log on with in the last 60 days just to double check their inventory / reputation to make sure you avoid unnecessarily doing content over for unlocks, etc.

I logged into all my high level alts just to fill up the data for the Pretty Reps addon, and now I can’t get catchup gear for any of them. What’s going to end up happening now is that I’ll quit my subscription for 2 months, then come back because I’d rather do that than go through the arduous process of re-gearing all of them slowly using dungeons and quests, because the stat squish has left them all with totally useless and underpowered il 45 to il 50 gear.

Only my totally useless alts that I’m basically planning on deleting qualify for the gear boost. It’s backwards, honestly.


Welcome back, where Naxx 40 stuff was readded but will cost you a predatory 2.8 mill gold for a full T3 set in vendor mats alone…

Phylacterweave Should cost 200g not 2000g OR reduce the amount needed by a factor of 10.


This is Why WoW Can’t Get New Players - YouTube

-No socialization/playing with others
-If you do play with others, it’s through random dungeon finder where the dungeons are too mechanically intensive for a new player and everyone else in the dungeon is experienced and so they just flame the new player for not being good or fast enough or they just kick them
-Not enough tutorials, teaching the player how to play organically
-Story is confusing whichever you go
-There is no gradual gear progression that feels meaningful
-Professions are useless


Once the new players enters the dragon isles is practically a reset in the story.

Speaking of story in 10.1.5 both BFA and exiles reach added the campaign system to keep track of what is going on narrative wise.

Dungeons in leveling are not that intensive since they have been nerfed or removed some mechanics.

Tutorial is suppose to be the basic and plus people can read the spells with each level they earn.

So what if the game is not communicative if people don’t want to talk they have the right to do so. You can’t force people to be communicative or what not.

Professions are optional not mandatory.

The game is already new player friendly rather or not you believe that or not it’s up to you. But they have made the game more accessible and alt friendly.

Gear is meant to be replaced with each level until endgame where their is gear tracks where you can upgrade.

Also, they have made flying and ground mount training free and automatic which in turn doesn’t ruin the flow of leveling and doing quest.


Is this going to be a permanent game feature from now on, or just a temporary thing?

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Make a better game and I’ll come back. I don’t want whatever ‘gift’ you’re trying to bribe me with. Just make a good MMORPG for christ sake.


Could you be more specific? Because for the most part it’s pretty enjoyable right now.

I agree with all of this, but I’d also add:

-Do more for class identity. Bring back order halls, bring back class weapon quests, bring back class mount quests, and bring back class set quests.
-Add more content to Kalimdor and E.K. through the explorer’s league. Bring back mystery and adventure to Azeroth. I honestly haven’t cared at all about new story content since Legion and it’s because it all feels disconnected from eachother.
-Stop with the 5 and 10 level expansions already and slow leveling on mains by a lot. I’m not buying a $60 game that will take my main a few days to max level in. It’s just not worth it.


Woah is that a blonde goblin but where’d his green skin go! :flushed: :cold_face: :hot_face: