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It’s probably a bug from last night’s server collapse.

It’s per character, not account.

It is the character that hasn’t been logged into for 60 days. If you played a character up to level 20 even without a subscription, but it was within the last 60 days, it won’t be eligible, but if you haven’t played the character in say a few months, it will get the option for the upgrade.

How about you just give loyal players some free WoW time?

I also seem to no longer have it on any toons. :frowning:

Yep, same here. Its no longer available on any of my toon that were eligible.

I havent seen this on any of my characters at all. My wife sees it on her account, but i see nothing for this. I checked ever character i have and nothing. Some of these characters have been dormant for 2+ years and nothing.

I think it’s an option in the menu, you select a character to get boosted. I don’t know if it’s a one time thing or not.

EDIT: I should have said the character select menu, my bad.

Okay, here I go:

Once you finish Exile’s Reach, you’re essentially overwhelmed. You’re dropped off in a capital city, where you’ll get a ton of quests from different expansions and old level ranges. There’s no good indication what a new player actually needs to accept or worry about.

On top of this, the Chromie Time system (now open to all new players) presents a double-sided problem:

First, many players expect that they will be able to play through the full story, and understand the game’s narrative. This is not only not the case, but it’s more or less impossible.

Second, many players don’t know what to pick, as the expansions mean nothing to someone who has no context for the game, the world, the lore.

What World of Warcraft sorely needs to implement is a 10-60 leveling experience similar to Exile’s Reach: an evergreen, expansion-agnostic experience that will allow them to transition neatly into whatever the present expansion is.


Maybe be more descriptive next time. I’m enjoying pvp right now soooooooo

Same. It’s sad because I really do like leveling, but it just isn’t fun since all the scaling and streamlining they’ve done.

Makes it feel so linear, I can’t even begin to describe how they’ve ruined it for me.


I guess you haven’t even started a new character in 10.1.5 and just come on to the forums to spread misleading information. They have revised the exiles reach questing experience and the intro to the city experience and chromie is inaccessible for new players only allied races. They added in cinematic and explanation of what chromie time is and what is it for and how to use it I guess you don’t read up on notes that were already typed by the developers.

One last thing, BFA experience is now under the campaign system. So that it separates main quest from side quest.

Even on the developer notes they didn’t mention new players would have access to it by it I meant chromie.

A complete new player and new account and a complete clean slate with no record of anything. They will not have access to chromie or any old content they will be funneled through the BFA experience.


I seen it for a couple of my characters last week but now the option for it is gone weird…


Still gone on mine too.

raid lockouts arent going anywhere.

That’s wonderful news for you, but I wish that were the case for more people. I’ve left some advice in PvP threads in the past! I won’t clutter it here.

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our CLASSIC characters back on CLASSIC again where i left them??

Too bad. It’s a timegate that makes caring about raiding worthless.

The fact they designed their loot systems to make you feel bad if you ignore raiding doesn’t make me want to do raiding, it just makes me avoid m+ on top of raiding.

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Too bad the gift of armor was a downgrade for most of my characters. The system should tell you exactly what is changing so players can make better changes.

Like most things I’ve found since returning, it sounds good, but the execution is poor.

Downgraded gear, reset bars, and I still got spammed with a bunch of auto pop-up quests from every expansion trying to send me all over the place.


Me too.


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