Welcome Back! — To World of Warcraft

I could be, but I won’t crowd the thread with it! We can swap discords if you’d like.

PSA for this new Welcome Back Gift:

  • you will have your bars reset
  • you will be given new gear and bags, regardless of whether your old gear and bags are better
  • your quest log gets wiped
  • it’s treated as a boost and you are locked out of instanced content for 24 hours

(Edited to add the last point)

Also Editing to add this in, as well:


Tried it on one character. Was forced into smaller bags, my action bars were wiped completely, I did get to choose to keep the quest log or wipe it, and the gear was somewhat better than what I currently had.

Do not plan to do a second character. I can deal with everything else, but you messed with my action bars without permission and that is not okay.


Yeah, I’ll be refusing this ‘upgrade’ its useless.

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The value of this depends on how long it’s been since you last played the character. If it was several expansions ago, then the gear is going to be better than what you had and your old action bar setup is obsolete & needs to be redone anyway. And they mail you everything you had equipped or in your bags, so you don’t lose anything.

OTOH, if you’ve only been away from your character for a few months then you already had your bars setup for DF & you probably had decent gear, so there wouldn’t be much point in taking this.

When I did this on a level 50 character I hadn’t played since sometime in BfA, the armor & weapons were iLvl 135 greens, which in most cases is better than what I had, but my old bags were bigger so I swapped those back in.

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Not only does using this feature wipe the characters UI, it also deletes the macros. Wicked lame.

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I know nobody is actually coming back, but for anyone that does, do remember that this “feature” would delete all of your settings.


This aint classic wow, retail mobs are a literal joke lol.

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At level 60 it was 174 item level stuff. At level 60 heirlooms are 187. Good for the folks that don’t have looms. Pretty much a free transmog set though which is nice.

But wait! It gets even BETTER!

If you choose the gear upgrade now - YOU GET LOCKED OUT OF ANY INSTANCED CONTENT! For 24 hours!

Act now and YOU TOO can get a first hand account of Blizzard’s incompetence! Don’t delay! Get your old alts rendered useless!

Disclaimer: Some assembly required. Not responsible for fury-based aneurysms and/or destruction of gaming equipment. Side effects include red-tinted vision, shouting, cursing, and may include (in-game) death. Please consult your physician/attorney before choosing “Gear Upgrade”. Results may vary.


Ungrateful people in the comments.

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Oh yeah… I forgot about that. I’ll edit it in.

(This was not a good system to implement, imo.)

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Meh - it was a nice gesture on Blizz’s part. I guess.

But they screwed it up in their typical ham-fisted way…


Classic’s setup won’t even work here.

Retail has a higher mob density for all chromie options.

vanilla was set up better for this…kind of.

You can with effort peel off mob for 1 on 1’s. If you get 2 on 1 (common in say low level kobold caves, murlock spots)…you can run away.

Some later expacs you are 3 on 1…30 seconds in. And mod density will have you bump into even more new “friends”.

I ran druid feral artifact quest last night (took new kt druid for a spin lol). No matter where you run…a demon will be there. So its rather fitting a noob druid can handle 3 on 1’s.

You are fighting 3 on 1 pretty much the whole scenario.

Later expacs were designed assuming you were level 58/60, 68/70, 80, 85…etc. gear, talents…all there. More mobs became part of the design.

Well that and classic was/is not actually difficult. its tedious. era, wrath I am there.

you accept at level 5 2 murlocks will kill you. Don’t pull 2 murlocks. If you do…run away.

This is not hard. Tedious is a much better word.

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Ok, I am back after 2 years. 2 days ago. I bought the Dragonflight expansion for myself and my grandson. I logged into my mains on my 4 servers (3 connected) and upgraded gear and the like. I left the others because it said ‘character offline for 60 days’ and I wasn’t sure which I was going to play. Plus it takes time to reorganize each one. My grandson logged into bnet only. The next day , none of those that we hadn’t logged into were offered gear upgrades. Is it supposed to be limited to 60 days off bnet or off the character? Is it broken? Or am I? I need some help here because my grandson’s been off 3 years, and our gear is less than half of what it is upgraded to with this package.

This is nice, but can you please fix time rifts as they are some of the buggiest current content you have ever released.

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There are a LOT of bugs with this system.

As a note to those who complained about bags. I had larger bags too… but they returned them in my mail with everything in them and I was able to re-equip them AND use the new bags in my bank for any that were smaller. So, that is a non-issue. I also went to curseforge first and upgraded my add-ons which left my customization intact on things like Helium.

It also fills in the gear for slots you don’t have heirloom gear in.

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What happened to this. These are no longer active on any of my characters that I haven’t logged on to in ages.