
That’s assuming people want to do that. Not everyone is going to want to “grow” from this experience. Although I wish they would.

Maybe put a cutoff in there somewhere. Where your rating can only go so high? Maybe the Combatant level? In order to hit 1800 and up, you have to form your own groups?

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I think it works on one condition. Same spec vs same spec.

1 v 1 arena is not viable since cheese specs meta will always be on top. In a 2 v 2, your partner’s kit helps balancing it out and allows you to setup kills. Imagine the frustration of a warrior if disc priests qued 1 v 1 and literally just healed themselves to dampining.

He said same spec to same spec. That arms warrior would be queues against another arms warrior :wink:

Imagine 2 Rogues running around stealthed for 20 minutes waiting for the other to break first haha

Even 2v2 is more often than not broken, with the prevailing strat being, “bring high burst high control specs and explode the enemy right out of the gates”. 3v3 is the only arena format that even comes close to approaching being reasonable or competitive.

So punish Stoopzz who is 3k rated and wants this system so he can play when none of his friends are on? He specifically mentions that in the video.

High burst can be halted with kiting and appropriate cds. Your partner can jump in and help cc. There’s always a counter move. If you don’t respect thier all in, you die.

Even so, 2v2 is rough. Much more sensitive to error and spec brokenness.

2’s is a dumpster fire but it’s still better than doing laps around Oribos lol

Solo que will add a chunk of the player base that wants to switch from unrated to rated games. This in turn will increase the size of the bottom third of rated players. Some will progress up and out to their own teams. This is a good thing.

Solo que will still pit randoms against geared players, if they start the march higher into the CR spectrum. This is good for both.

Solo que may reduce the number of randoms with lower gear queing for unrated. This in turn will provide less incentive for players with high ilvl to que for unrated.

In essence, solo que allows players like myself to avoid the high ilvl goons queing random unrated games. I just left a WSG game, their druid tank had 73k health with fort/food. No reason for players 210 and under to face that.

There’s nothing stopping him from putting himself up on LFG and accepting the very first person who pops up

This system would just put you with a random person. Just because his friends aren’t online doesn’t suddenly mean he’s unable to play. Just means he’s not wanting to form his own groups

Yeah, I’ve said for a while now that PvP effectively has no real “ground floor”. Skirmishes and unrated BGs should theoretically fit the same niche as normal/heroic dungeons, but they fall apart as analogues because normal/heroic dungeons don’t have random trash mobs and bosses boosted to key levels anywhere between +5 and +15.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this turns a lot of people who’d otherwise progress up the ladder off from PvP entirely. It’s not fun to queue into what’s supposed to be a casual game only to be serially nuked from orbit.


It would still be based on rating. Plenty of games even Blizzard games like Overwatch have solo queues for rated matches.

Because those are MOBAs. That’s all they do. It’s strictly that.

but u can choose not to use it tho… there will still be tons of groups. youre not forced to solo queue. Besides, the game having solo rated queue would bring a huge number of people into the pvp scene, generating more groups. I think you’ll be benefited and in fact, i would love to join groups in that era if it were to happen because by then, i will have improved thanks to ease of access to rated pvp and really try going for that victory streak. Similarly to how IO works, i can easily access the content to have score to backup my skill.

But as it stands right now, that simply isn’t possible for me. too much gatekeeping. There’s no way for me to get in the pvp scene, which i actually would love too. Believe me, i’ve tried everything. It’s literally impossible. That’s not how things should be, especially when im paying 15$ a month.

Rated solo Matchmaking is a thing in a lot of games, and it works just fine. Take for example CSGO, completely different genre, but you get the point. If you’re under the assumption that solo queue = less teamwork and more arena skirm like, then i can assure you and vouch that WILL not be the case! :slight_smile: Admittedly yes the no team-work people will creep up from time to time, but its not always

Especially in a game like wow. you win, you get conquest for gear. Where as in something like CSGO, you just get a rank. WoW HAS insensitive to sweat as hard until you win. Winning IS progression.

I don’t disagree with that, a lot of things shouldn’t be automated. But in the case of rated PvP, it will be fine. Its just queueing for rated play. It’ll be huge win for everyone. It isnt that of a big deal.

i see

not wrong, no way to know for sure, but it’s all from my observation, it aims more to the majority wanting solo rated queue tho.

id say ignore that part.

In the context of Mythic, its really easy to just make a group, after all that’s the point of you having a key. For mythic, i assume we think the same, I actually agree with you here and don’t agree with matchmaking when it comes to Mythic+, it would be a hot mess. The key system does not mix with matchmaking. for m0 though, id say it should be ok only to get key and thats about it.

You earn IO from your own groups with your key = you get accepted into other groups, it’s fair game. and as it should be, naturally. that’s fair progression and in no way it feels like there’s something holding me back. Any solo player can do it with the press of a button.

But PvP is a whole different beast and that does not appear to be the experience. making my own groups(and joining is out of the question at this point) doesn’t yield anything. It’s complete and absolute mess. Consistent rated matches i can play frequently are a fantasy for me at this point, a distant dream. Especially when there’s nowhere near as much pvp groups as there is with mythics, making it even worse.

PvP is PvP. matchmaking is fair game, it shouldn’t be group only. Similar to other games, matches you based on rating, or none for super quick queue times if blizz is up for that.

Maybe if they were 10000x the amount of pvp groups, it wouldn’t be like this. but that’s not how things are. Even then, i’d still be on the rated queue side.

i see… its hard for me to make friends tho i tend to weird a lot of people out. still think solo queue is faster and more convenient tho :stuck_out_tongue:

well yeah, but be honest, should things really be this way when it can be better and smoother? you yourself arent 100% against it… you know deep down :3c

hmm? maybe… wouldnt say so! but yeah yoloers will yolo that’s human nature. no escape.

thanos voice
a small price to pay for salvation

You said to lock him out of solo queue because of his rating. He does form his own groups every night he streams. I don’t stream, last time I played I formed my own group and managed to do 4 rated bgs in 4 hrs that’s why people want solo queue. In the same time I could have done 8-12 randoms. We just wanna play the game…

And what do you think Arena is? Arena is a MOBA.

I just want to point out one thing involving this: you can jump into rated PvP right now. A few games in, and you’ll start being paired against teams of similar gear/skill levels and you can work your way up. Just like you want.

What you’re wanting is already available. And you have the tools to do it. There is no bar to entry for rated PvP. Everyone starts at the bottom. I could be 233 ilvl and I’ll be in the exact same place as a fresh 60 doing their first rated game too.

How can you assure that when there’s no promise that I’ll even be able to communicate with my partner? What’s to stop anyone from seeing I play a spec that isn’t meta or able to carry them and they leave me to 2v1?

I’d be fine with this as well

But is this not the same with PvP rating?

Fully understandable. I have a weird work schedule that doesn’t allow me to play consistently, so after a round or two, those newly acquired “friends” kinda drift off. No foul, no harm.

There’s no promise of it being better/smoother. Just the hopes of it. Like there’s no promise of tomorrow, just the hopes the sun will come up :slight_smile:

That was just in response to someone else saying that solo-queue would push people out of the solo-queue into forming their own groups. In order to do that, there’d need to an incentive.

Which goes right into:

There’s automated match-making that lets you do just that :slight_smile:

A small aspect inside of an MMORPG. If it was just a MOBA and all resources went into it, you’d probably see it. But MMORPGs have a lot of other aspects of the game that take those resources.

Limit will always beat a LFR. Higher rated players wanting to push would form teams as well as giving unkown players a chance to show what they’re capable of.

Exactly what system lets me automatically do rated pvp?

Have you compared the MDI prize pool with the AWC?