
By this definition, whoever you named being 3k rating wouldn’t want to use the solo-queue option because he’s looking to push his rating. So locking him out of solo-queue would be of no consequence to him.

You didn’t say rated PvP - you said you just wanted to play the game. BGs and Skirmishes exist to do just that.

Like if i just wanted to play the game in a raid environment without any effort put in, I can LFR. Solo-queue. Or dungeons, LFD. Solo-queue. If I want to PvP, BGs and Skirmishes. Solo-queue.

If I want to attempt to push ratings and difficulty, well, I’ll have to dirty my hands slightly. Bummer. Blizzard hates me and my solo style.

Nope, I don’t care about either of those so never bothered to check

Mind handing me a link or two so I can check. And any information about how they go about inviting groups for AWC and MDI would be greatly appreciated. But to be fair as well, AWC has been a thing for a considerable amount longer than the MDI :slight_smile: but still, links and info so I can investigate would be appreciated :slight_smile: thank you

Quick edit: MDI and AWC are still only parts of an MMORPG. You’re still needing to consider things as people who play simple for quests/lore, crafting, transmog, pet battles, achievements, and a numerous amount of other things that go into an MMORPG.

If gear is also part of the match making than this is news for me. never had luck.

But how if my groups keep falling apart let alone joining! especially if my cr drops all the time. But you’re not entirely wrong. It isn’t super impossible for me in theory. I’d just have to suffer through it, a lot, but way too much. Not a very smooth experience, thing is it shouldn’t be this way. Creating groups all the time is the way to go yeah, but i’d have to wait a lot just for a teamate to join(thinking about it now, 3-5 min and even if its 7 which is what i think would be the absolute max, not bad) only for him to leave next match or second, having few matches a day in total and my cr going no where. Actually, that’s what made me stop caring pretty much. I can’t bare it any longer. I’m better off in random BG’s, zero point in bothering. It’s not fair.

Solo Rated, would fix it. And yeah, i’ll probably lose just as much, my cr not going anywhere. But since im playing it more often and being exposed to it, i get better quicker, then my cr goes up. then, matchmade with same cr players and all goes smooth. next week, everything will be perfect.

I think you’re thinking overly negative tbh. I dont think its gonna be that way esspecially with rated pvp having a higher player pool of new people. plus that’s why penalties for leaving exist. Communication wise, dungeons are fine and so will be rated pvp. You’re playing to win, winning is progression. And if you’re a good player and are high rated, team work is guaranteed. if not, maybe you’re right there will be quiet ones, but i wouldn’t say its that bad or all of the time especially if the enemy team will also be in the same boat.

its natural. less people seem to join m0. if a toon has no key from great vault prior, waiting can be pretty bad. high keys in the other hand, tons of applications.

nope. io is easily obtainable with your own keys. nothing ever holds you back, you press button to create dungeon and keep pushing. it skyrockets quickly. cr, different beast.

i see…

I purely speak from my experiences in other games with rated play. i just have an incredibly hard time imagining it’s gonna make things somehow worse. It’s infallible for me

He does want to and so do others like Chanimal(currently on the 2nd place team for the AWC), because some people play the game for fun. You sound like Blizzard telling other people what they want.

The very first sentence of this discussion is “Solo queue for arena”

If you want to get dirty that’s up to you, for me this is a game(something you do to have fun),if I get dirty it’s for money.

MDI $20k per cup, AWC $10k per cup from the Blizzard E-sports tab. Hardly a small aspect considering how many people do M+

It’s not. But as you increase ratings, so too can you increase your gear. So say being stuck around the 1700 bracket, it’s fair to say you’d be matching up with people of similar gear as well since they haven’t broken into the next “gear upgrade” bracket.

But that’s how M+ and Raidinf works too. The positive thing about this, is I get to choose who I suffer with :slight_smile: lol not exactly the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s definitely a flicker of a flame in lightless place.

That’s how it is in my M+ scene too. Make a group, run a key, group disbands, repeat. Takes awhile to build that IO score to get me into higher keys. Not to mention if the group keeps failing, like you mentioned.

Not overly. Just looking at current experiences. In que-able content, there’s no reason to get along, or work together because you’re never going to see those people again. Who cares if the experience was horrible. Chances of seeing them again are next to nil. How often do people talk and communicate in dungeons or LFR? And if someone tries, how often is that advice heeded? I’m afraid that same mentality would carry over.

Only if you succeed. Same thing with Arena though. You push a button, accept a person, go PvP, push your CR. Nothing holding you back.

They thought the introduction of the LFD tool would make things better too. It got rid of a lot of sense of community, and with that, a lot of personal responsibility and integrity, and helped breed (or at the very worst, speed up) the toxicity that’s taken over the WoW community. Not to say it wasn’t always there. But definitely not at this level. But hey, now we’re stuck with :poop:-hoolios and have to deal with them the entire run because we didn’t get to choose who we picked. And we get to group with those types of players at a much faster rate! (Not always the case! But you get what I’m saying)

You’re the one who said:

So why would he use solo-que if he’s looking to push ratings which means he’d be forming his own group? You’re in direct contradiction with yourself with your very own explanation friend lol

Well if you’re just wanting to play the game, then to play the game lol there’s nothing stopping you from doing Rated PvP aside from your own willingness. Or lack thereof depending on how you want to look at it.

Oh man, now you’re really reaching. Let’s change it to “putting in a little effort”. Do you not out in effort to play video games! Do you only put in effort to make money? If you’re not wanting to put forth a little effort, I don’t think rated PvP is for you. Random BGs where you can AFK is probably better suited to your style. No effort needed, and can still win by being carried :slight_smile:

You’re confusing popularity and aspects

A; for fun
B; to find new people to play with who haven’t had a chance to push because they can’t get on a team because they have no way to up their rating.

200 ilvl gear that gets stomped by 226 gear because I can’t get in groups that let me push rating.

Cool insult, lets me know I’m winning the argument. 50 minutes forming a rated bg group that lasts 10 minutes isn’t effort, it’s a waste of my time.

You’re confusing popularity with importance


  • raiderio addon
  • WTS groups
  • toxic elitist group leaders
  • SJW in WoWlore creation.

be the reasons why it is negligibly damaging the quality of the community game that only in #:


Exactly. I just finished a YOLO match. Surprisingly it appeared to be two evenly geared/ranked teams. We were smoked, but I had fun. What I didn’t like was the team disbanding immediately after the match. So 10 minutes waiting for the group to form, but that’s the thing with pugs and knew that going in.

Solo que would “potentially” give me back that 10 minutes for the same experience.

A) he’s not doing it for fun, he’s doing it to push his rating. So he’d be forming groups for fun, by your logic

B) who hits 3k rating and complains they can’t find someone to play with?

Can literally make your own group.

And you’re not constantly going against 226 people. Not to mention, those with that level of gear and that low of a rating are in PvE gear and will be at a disadvantage.

Also, they’ll be out of your bracket in a couple games, which circles right back to it not being a constant.

Guess end game content is a waste of your time. That’s how it works in all 3 aspects of “end game content”

Why are you on the M+ train? You’re supposed to be defending how popular and important Arena is?

He pushes rating when his friends are on, Solo queue would be for fun. His words not mine.

I was honestly just as surprised by this as you seem to be.

This toon only has 1100 cr for bgs and my last match was against an 1800 team.

Exactly the reason I don’t do the other 2 aspects of the game, that and the toxicity which supasses pvp in my experience.

Just because I’m for PVP doesn’t mean I’m against anyone else enjoying the game which is why I don’t understand all the negativity for PVP soloqueue by people who wouldn’t want to use it. If you could explain that I would greatly appreciate it.

I could get on the soloqueue train.

I feel like it should have a cap, like 1800 or so, after which if you want to go higher you have to find a group.

Solo-queue’d groups and pre-mades would go into the same queue, so sometimes the solo-queue team is going to get ran over by a pre-made. This has to stay because otherwise you are just diminishing player base for pre-mades to play against because 9 times out 10, people are going to choose the path to least resistance, which will be solo-queue.

The fact that that I know people will be on here complaining about not being matched with proper comps just like random BGs now or that the solo-queue needs to be separated from the same queue as the pre-mades are what keep me opposed to the solo-queue. Because people are never satisfied, they always more and want it easier so the goal posts will get moved.

I’m willing to give it a chance, but everyone here knows I won’t be wrong about the complainers. Some of the people here complaining now will just be back to complain about something else with it.

I think a cap would self impose because at some point people are going to want to push higher with formed groups. The video recommends brackets for solo queue (which would thin out as CR get higher).

This sounds like an amazing idea! It would give options for players to play with,and it even has the possibility of giving another progression and reward path!

Could you imagine a whole new set of titles that don’t interact with the gladiator system, and are in some other way just as complex and thorough?

There is a ton of capability to make it into some kind of adventure quest too, or a new goblin invented bracket of the arena circuit with its own lore, and its own rewards, the gear could be the same mechanically with differing cosmetic options just from this method, as well as titles that just come from this method.

And it’d be easier for people who may not be comfortable forming groups, or may not have time after work to form the group, develop the synergy, etc etc, to get into normal arena, and a solo arena where the group is blind partner blind comp would give them that progression feeling in a more limited time frame.

I think it’s a great idea and you should definitely tweet this at blizzard!

well done! :slight_smile:

So much this. When I first started playing I averaged 40-50 hrs played a week. I barely have 15 hrs a week to spare for it now. Also the chance to meet like minded players that I may be able to team up with later sold me.

I just spent 4 hours sitting in LFG with an open group to collect BTags to maybe play later. This is a lot of work just to play the game. I wish I could have used these 4 hours to play, instead of using it to plan. Can we please have a system that takes this burden out of me so I can actually play the game I love? #SoloQueue

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Who here really thinks Blizzard is going to pull resources working on this expansion to build this system from the ground up?

At best, this would be a system that would come with the next expansion.

id prefer losing members, queueing up, doing another, losing members, queueing up, doing another


losing members, find new members for 45 minutes, do a match, lose member, find new for 45 minutes, do a match, lose members, find new for 45 minutes.

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http s://thelootdistrict.com/pvphub/representation/class/?rating=1800

Active PVP players are down over 60% from last month coinciding with Bellular’s numbers. If they don’t do something soon they may not have anyone to do something for.

Many of those will return when the next season comes about. I know several people that hit 1800+ and then let their account lapse cause they’d achieved all they felt they needed.

Blizz isn’t going to pull people for this system. I know it, you know it, and anyone with half a brain in this thread knows it.

That’s probably fine, but when matching a solo queue group up against a premade, it should match the premade at least partially based on the highest ilvl (inventory and equipped) instead of rating, otherwise the majority of solo queue teams will become food for carries. So it’s all the same pool, but the matching rules are a bit different.

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