Solo queue for arena. It’s time. I’m done playing the game if all I get to do is play 1 game per day. Starring at people in Oribos while waiting for someone to accept my join request is so demoralizing. I love this game and honestly, it’s SOOO damn good. But it doesn’t matter because I can’t play it. And neither can half the community. It doesn’t have to be complex. Just add it into the current ladder so those who want to play can play. There is NO logical argument against it. Only positives for the people like me who just want to play the game.
What’s funny is they could probably implement it with like 1 line of code… but they don’t, because reasons.
No I want to play the damn game. Your argument against it is so stupid. It doesn’t effect you. If it’s in the game it doesn’t effect you. If I come across someone around my rating that I play well with I’ll talk to them and group up. That’s the point. Instead of applying and interviewing like it’s a job I just want to play.
“I used the tool used to form groups, but no one wants me in their group. This is blizzards fault!”
That or it’s our fault.
And what if you’re NOT necessary anti-social but have a hard time making friends?
OH, what if you’re not that good at PvP, want to learn but nobody will ever accept you?(worse if top applies to you?)
I don’t have an option, dude. Perhaps you were lucky and have friends, not everyone is like that. Solo rated queues would be a great thing. it’s not like groups would die out, perfectionists wills till be making groups.
Are you actually bothered by loners or unfortunate souls?
Cus if that’s the case, i can’t wait for blizz to add it, just so i can see you people cry, like how billionares cried over stocks, same feeling
Entitled brats.
I’m bothered over people who want to make what is supposed to be a social game into a que fest. It’s not hard to meet people playing this game and people’s social anxiety isn’t something an MMORPG needs to be developed around.
The worst part is that people think solo que for rated PvP will do anything to make it better. Que for skirmishes right now and you’ll see exactly what #soloque will be like.
Get social or accept that online games aren’t really set up for what you want.
You could do random BGs and skirmishes. There’s probably a bunch of discords or whatever the kids use these days to get tips from others.
As someone who never does area, it seems like it’d be undesirable to to trust rating to a random queue.
Well…he’s a Frost mage…That explains things…
Your argument is so stupid. I want to get on in the short time I have and play arena so I can try to get better. Not a single person in LFG is going to queue with the 1200cr with no xp who’s just trying to learn arena. Nope instead I sit in oribos for hours. Apply to every single lfg post and get declined for all of them. Then an hour or 2 later finally play one game. Lose because I’m inexperienced and he leaves. If you think that’s a me problem then honestly your the problem with the game. It’s a game design flaw
You are a 190 item level FROST mage with the wrong legendary for PvP.
Occam’s Razer here bud.
Think I grabbed this from WowHead.
" What is an Arena Skirmish?
Arena Skirmishes is a form of unranked PvP arena. You can queue with 1 or 2 party members, or by yourself and be matched up with others.
Your PvP ratings are not affected by wins and losses in Skirmishes
You can start doing Arena Skirmishes at level 15, with a new bracket every 10 levels."
Is this not how skirmishes work?
If they do, it sounds like there already is a solo queue for arenas option.
This boat sailed looooooooooooong ago my friend. Solo arena isn’t going to kill a social aspect of the game that has been dead for years. Get over it and go have your own fun in your own way.
No one wants OP in their group.
Complains to blizz for a solo queue system to force himself into other people’s groups.
And then you’ll complain about having a negative winrate. The truth is solo q has several issues, one being bad composition. Certain comps don’t work as well as others in arena. Then there is just easy things like gearing disparity. Then comes communication, people in voice chat that can talk while still being able to dish out damage is a huge plus. Solo q is a bad idea.
How would this affect you what so ever?
Well considering your forum history I’m surprised you don’t get extended vacations more often.
You also missed where I called the game terrible as well bud. Shill, lol. I’ve been called a lot of things but being an corporate shill isn’t one.
I’d say the same for most of the #GroupOrDie team too. But one of you wanted me exterminated and somehow Blizzard sides with the person wanting me exterminated when I told them that’s bad.
Well that wasn’t me and you know that. This type of attitude is why the “solo” type players get so many negative responses. Almost every time it’s a situation like the op with “why don’t people want to play with me” when you check the armory and see gear, talent and content clearing issues but yet it’s other people’s fault.