Weekly’s reset is broken

yep, this is truly a disgrace to us players ignoring us all day long

This happened to me also, really frustrating to have done hours of in game stuff and get no rewards.

Bumping this again. Missing my crafting knowledge points is keeping me from helping my guild with their weapons.

Same here for me. Seems to be professions, and the fact that i didnt get keys or gear from my quests this week.

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None of my weekly quests even say there’s a rep reward. And the Ansurek storymode kill said it awards 5000 rep with the vizier but it gave me 2500 rep with the vizier. Not really sure whats going on with rep, would really just like some clarity.

ya i saw that too i was LIKE OMG 5k rep sweet and then only got 2,500

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still no blue post on the subject, even though there are plenty enought report that that should be aware of the situation


Same - did the weeklies, no keys, no awakening reset, nothing.


Might as well post in this thread too, as I did with the other ones. Try and help them all stay at the top of their respective areas. Not getting my weekly activities reset either. No keys, quests, gear etc.


can we get a blue to reply today maybe? please?


Same, can do quests but get no delve keys. Ooof…

Edit: alt is fine just main toon.

everyone needs to open a ticket and copy this forum post put it in the ticket so they will start to see it

You’re hijacking someone else’s thread in Customer Support about things entirely unrelated, whining and throwing a tantrum that SFAs aren’t doing something they aren’t employed to do.

You’re lucky that’s all they’re doing.

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Seeing as you’re jumping into other threads, hijacking them for something wholely unrelated. Along with that, the blues here ain’t in part of the QA nor devs to talk about every little issue there is.

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lucky, heh. That’s a good one.

still bugged

September 18th 2024, same issue. Cannot receive keys from anywhere, weeklys do not reset.

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Bumping so they keep seeing it

Thank you for replying I was worried only I was getting shafted. OP’s post doesn’t 1:1 match my experience - I got today’s weekly quests and none of them have a rep reward. So I was starting to worry that there wouldn’t be a single thing I’m dealing with that anyone else is lmao.

I hope I’m not the only one so maybe blizzard could fix it already… Or clarify wtf is going on here.

well this is week 2 of the issue and they have yet to comment or say anything so my guess is they dont care

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