Weekly’s reset is broken

My weekly’s are broken. No Quest for awakening machine, theater, or the fire pits, no wax quest. The weekly box gave me no key or gear. I am missing weekly profession quest and unable
To use treatises.


yep 2nd week in a row and blue posts refuse to comment


This happened to me this week as well.


Happened to me this week too.


Same. Can we get a Blizz comment about a fix already?


Also not getting my weekly keys


This is happening to me as well on one of my characters.


Did you select the Awaken the Machine from the 4 options for the weekly? I did on my main and cant access these quests, but my alt that selects different can.

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I did but I did not receive the rewards from the box for that quest.

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keep bumping these so blizzard replys


I think this is the trigger. If you select that, it remove a lot of weeklys.


I selected the World Quests and have not received keys/gear from the caches. So I don’t think it’s only when selecting Awakened Machine. Could be if you select the same weekly thing two weeks in a row though?

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My brewmaster didn’t get reset either. As far as I can tell the weeklies were reset but no coffer keys when opening my cache from special assignments.

I used the script to check my eligibility for the keys and it says I’ve gotten all 4 of mine for the week which is impossible considering I just logged in.


Same here, can’t get keys or gear from weekly caches. Most weekly events don’t show, such as the theatre. Engineering weekly quest did not reset.

Mining weekly knowledge quest did reset though…
@blizzard are we just going to get screwed out of weekly stuff this cycle?

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I did the Azj-Kahet weekly, got no rep, gear, or key from it. Enchanting weekly reset, but my tailoring one did not.

Weekly quests broken here as well. Was able to do pinnacle, severed thread, and special assignment. Got no coffer keys, no gear, have no awakening machine quest, etc.

Same issue

Same here.

Same here on my monk: no awakening machine quest, wax quest, etc. I also selected the Awaken the Machine for the Pinnacle cache quest.

Same issue here. Happened on the first character I logged in on after the weekly maintenance.

All other characters are fine.