WEEKLIES DID NOT RESET - Got zero coffer keys this week and no pinnacle caches

Yup looks like no keys for my shaman this week… What fun this game is… No word cause 650 people fired … clearly microsoft isnt helping.

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Some acknowledgement would be really nice

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That is extra bogus because they are capped at such a low number to begin with.

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No word from EA about this yet?

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650 didn’t get fired and they didn’t get fired from Blizzard.

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Same issue.

No awakening the machine quest.
World quest not dropping veteran gear or coffer key.
Theater quest did not reset. I put in a ticket but its crazy how they wont help and pretty much say too bad.
Give me back my money.

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They need to give our money back. They need to do something about players not able to progress.

PVP currencies also did not reset properly. Bloody Tokens didn’t refresh their cap at all. Conquest reset to your current value.

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Same thing happening to me, nothing has reset weekly wise.

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everything worked perfectly fin e for me… you can even solo t8 delves now : )

man that sucks. If this happened to me i would prob just quit

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it like looking at a porsche until you realize the engine is from beat up amc gremlin.

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hit me too :frowning:

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the fact it went on all day and they didnt reply once to the 10+ posts about the issue makes me think they dont care at all

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This hit me today. No tailoring weekly, no theater troupe, no awakening the machine, no large keyflame weeklies, no wax weekly…

Not sure what else I might be missing, but it’s a pretty big bummer.

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Absurd amount of posts regarding this issue today and 0 acknowledgement from Blizzard, sad. Small indie company right?

Actually upsetting.


this is whats upsetting 10+ posts and not one of them has a blue post talking about the issue…just ignoring us all

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ive informed blizz of these same issues on my main they told me to check wowhead which i always do before filing a ticket.
2nd ticket i just put my toilet was clogged up…yep you guessed it…they told me to check wowhead…im getting ready to flush this entire xpack down the toilet.

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I haven’t gotten any coffer keys, awakened machine chest, etc. What’s going on Blizzard?? This whole week is going to put me behind immensely.


It seemed like curios just weren’t dropping for a while. I got 2-3 in 5-6 T4 and T5s today.