Week or so Left For Council - LMK Your Claims Boys!

Title says it all, let me know your PvP Claims,
and I’ll try to air them all out before I lose the ability,
which is less than a week my guys!


From a shuffle POV I don’t think anything matters other than for Blizz to either incentivize or to make healing arenas more enjoyable. Healer MMR at a very high level is also fried and actively discourages people from queueing which is also very much in need of a fix. Healer MMR at lower levels is mostly fine but at the top end of the scale it’s clearly broken.

Class balancing and this and that are OP and nerf this whatever are all kinda secondary to the fact that queueing as a dps is butt because the queues take forever and it feels like cheeks.


Why don’t we play night crawlers anymore?!


Remove solo shuffle and make it like they have for solo RBG

Integrated with 3’s and 2’s instead

A real solo queue

I hope you enjoyed your time as a community council member and that it has enriched your life


Playing arena is incredibly stagnant feeling once you break the 2k barrier, as the reward drop off leads to a massive valley of low play. More rewards need to be spread out.


Can you pls ask them to keep you on the community council? Can we make this thread a de facto petition?

It sounds like you two crawl around together like worms…

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Tell them to buff enh shamans pls.

Maybe we can use blankets to act as dirt?

inflation , inflation and more MMR inflation and it needs to start week 1! and bring back old elite sets and glorious tyranny and mop second wind :smiling_face:


Counterpoint: No inflation should exist at all and, instead, an even-keeled MMR curve should be enforced from Day 1 so we can have some consistency.

Clone is just obnoxious in PVP and needs a duration reduction or a cooldown.

Since balance spec is anyways getting a rework, help them other ways and balance cyclone properly.

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The fact that healer mmr hasnt been fixed yet is actual insanity. I dont even heal often but it very clearly affects all of us

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We need more frequent tuning for next season than letting stuff like DH sit broken for half the season and them doing nothing about it.

Letting their tier set sit broken and not reducing their defensives for the entire AWC was bad.

More lower tier pvp rewards

Seen too many “gladiator should be 500 wins” posts for comfort lately

naw just give us DF Season 1 inflation day 1 . not hard to implement and itll save retail pvp if they do this

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Final rewards being 2400 when top of the ladder is nearing 4000 is kind of silly, though.

no, it won’t.

Keep it simple. They need to focus on improving LFG for PvP.

Ideally we would have…

  • Class/spec filter
  • CR filter
  • Display Max XP
  • Offline Mode - Allow players to find other players, even if they are offline. As in, I make a group, I log out. Next time I log on, I see I have players who want to play. Let me add them to a… LFG list for people looking to play.
  • Dynamic group creation in the same way RSS works. Once you have all your filters input, let LFG do the work of finding people.

So would work somewhat like RSS in that it would ‘match’ you up with people, but in the end, you would be the one deciding wether you wanted to play with someone or not.

Beyond that, focus on MMR. Fix healer MMR in RSS. Fix starting MMR to be more agile. New players shouldn’t be starting at 1600-1700+ just because the season is inflated.

SOLO QUEUE into the 3v3 ladder This is 100% a Must have IMO… without this nothing else they do is gonna matter at all

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