Week or so Left For Council - LMK Your Claims Boys!

IF they choose to leave disc PvP iteration the way it is, atonement needs to be moved up another 20% and monitored AND It needs to be given an interrupt identical to preservation. interrupt time and cooldown time can vary. this is not negotiable. it’s simply an inferior healer in every way.

That’s why season 1 of dragonflight had the most pvp participation EVER.

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Other way around.

What’s the other way around?

DF season 1 wasn’t popular because it had high MMR. It had high MMR because it was popular and a lot of people were playing.


Both of those things can be true.

If they want to increase rated participation there needs to be a lot more rewards everyone can earn.

Most people don’t push in rated when the rewards seem so out of reach to normal players.

Also dear God, don’t bother with dynamic q. Nobody is going to use that feature, because it will be much harder than premading. The people who actually want it are premade players looking for more ways to inflate the ladder.

That’s what happened this season in shuffle and it just led to people playing busted specs at their peak, then never Qing again as they fell off.

I.e. Bunch of early season Havocs just got rewards and quit

Either a game needs inflation or decay. Otherwise people at the top don’t have to defend their rating


This season has maintained the programmed levels of week to week inflation. The season is not as inflated as people would like simply because people aren’t playing as much.

We can’t even call that “inflation” because it is actually people who are less experienced in pvp pushing everyday pvpers upwards on the curve.

I qd 3 lobbies early season on Dragon with grandfathered 2k mmr

I quit shuffling

I come back 10 days prior to season end and my mmr wasn’t even 2100. Unless there’s something I’m missing I should have had several hundred more mmr from 4 months of inflation

How much do you think programmed inflation adds per week…?

I thought Blizzard aimed to ballpark it between 5-10

So you think 5-10 per week times 4 months is several hundred?

Missing last season where I’d not play a few for a few weeks and couldn’t lose points for a couple lobbies because of how much free mmr they force fed into us. :dracthyr_crylaugh: We love being rewarded for not playing.

That’s the current arena meta and it’s very unfortunate

I think 10 x 20 weeks is 200

Math could be wrong

no. theres a soft cap on mmr.

Four months is 17 weeks. Not 20. 170 isn’t “several hundred.” 200 isn’t “several hundred.” I understand that you want to argue with your feelings, but that never creates a conducive conversation.

Yes, there is. Which is why I said…

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WELL akchually there were 23 weeks from November 14, 2023 to April 23, 2024. But you’re right, I should have said couple, not several if I assumed inflation was 10 a week

I’m gonna be honest with you man. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

People are playing the game. They’re just playing shuffle and there’s a softcap on the MMR gains.

That’s almost 5 and a half months, not…

You generally have no idea what anybody is talking about. I’ll break it down for you barney style.

Let’s say in any given season you’re in the top 10% of the pvp ladder and there are 100,000 players. This puts you at approximately Rank 10,000. This is the reasonable expectation for where you would normally be in terms of skill level, etc.

However, when the game gets exceedingly popular (as tends to happen in the first season of expansions) and everyone is having a good time, this prompts a lot of people to start engaging in content that they otherwise wouldn’t.

Let’a say this causes another 100,000 players to start doing pvp, the overwhelming majority of which are either new and/or inexperienced at it. The vast majority of that 100,000 will occupy the lower threshholds of the ladder, naturally propping others up.

Now instead of being Rank 10,000 in a pool of 100,000 players you’re rank 10,000 in a pool of 200,000 (assuming none of the 100,000 added paased you as an experienced pvper). A popular season drove you from top 10% to top 5% without any actual change in your capabilities.

And then when those players leave, you come off of a really good season and suddenly you’re left back at top 10% wondering what happened.

You blame Blizzard, you blame MMR, but that isn’t the problem. The true problem is the underlying lack of activity.

Edit: You still owe Covlol and others apologies btw.