Week 60 - Still no ZG tiger

First phase was doing it on 2 toons.
During Ulduar introduced my 3rd toon.
TOGC was still 3 toons.
Now I’m doing it on 6 toons.


Per character statistics, earned over 500 dungeon lootboxes and never got anything either. Was really hoping to get Rivendale Charger to save myself from further Strath farm.

So, hows your farming going?


Stopped doing it when they made mounts account wide. Also stopped caring about or playing my wrath characters.


You’ve got about…3 months? maybe before Cata drop. So hopefully it drops by then.

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I gave up it just was not worth dealing with.
I love the mount but never got it in retail and not going to bump my head up the entire time in WoTLK.

I didn’t fall over dead from not having it in original so I am going to assume the same for WoTLK Classic :slight_smile:

Just curious - what type of toon do you use in there to solo the boss?

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x2 ret paladins
Hunter (kite/reset strat)
boomie (kite/reset strat)
prot warr

I’ll add my own experience, I’ve done both raptor and tiger bosses as

Prot Paladin
UA Revenge Warrior
BM Hunter
Feral Druid
Demo Warlock

I just do the bosses as normal, no reset strats or anything.

I’ve not tried the reset strat - might give that one a try.

Nitros boots is basically a requirement for reset strat.
Nitros and some sort of pet/summoning to hold other 2.

I do it on my MM hunter, just cuz I got boots on her and Im too lazy to respec.

And as for this druid, i’m resto MS / boomie OS and I obviously don’t want to spec change twice a week. Bu before I was boomie, I was just cleaving it down as bear.

But raptor boss hits harder though.

I might try on boomie – mine has boots but need to look up strat for boomie/reset

This is what I used


  • throw treants on 1 target - make them attack second target too (CTRL+1 default keybind)
  • you moonfire the big guy.
  • While big guy is on you, the 2 small guys are on your treants.
  • as soon as you kite the big guy out of the room, you need to INSTANTLY nitros back (you can already be in travel form) and Moonfire tag one of the 2 little guys BEFORE the big one reaches back to his spot
  • All 3 will chase you. Run the big one out again. It will reset 2 small ones and big one will go into Phase 2

The drop rate on raid mounts is far too low to be worth the trouble.

Got one on this dude in classic, and my sham in tbc
Still the most baller ground mount in the game, especially for Horde. Don’t give up brothers

Farming is doing pretty good for me.
About a mount and half ago, i got the zg tiger, 3 weeks ago the rivander deathcharger, a week later zg raptor 5 days later time-lost-proto-drake (thx for me having lvl 80 on a dead server… just decided to randomly check and it was there) and tonight i just got the swift white hawkstrider \o/ only need anzu and the horse from kara now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oh I forgot about him… I helped my friend farm that thing the entire xpack in original and he never got it.

I’ll check it out…thx…if it is faster than just doing the normal way I may try it.

As an ex mount collector this is the moment where you want to continue the most… there will be times (like right now) where you feel frustrated and dont want to do it anymore. But it will pass… too bad that by the time you actually get the mount to drop you might feel really happy (because it’s over) or meh and move on to the next.

Note: I know this isnt the case of the OP but for lurkers and people thinking on giving up chasing their favourite mount or a mount they never had before, read this… it might help you a bit like it did to me some years ago…

It’s part of the “meh move on to next one”

I’ve collected pretty much every mount in the game outside of raid drop ones and a few others.

Winterspring - going to get in Cataclysm, as rep req gets dropped.
Rivendare - also in cataclysm, but also don’t want to overload myself right now.
Brewfest Kodo - just one of those never won a roll on.
Black War Bear - maybe during prepatch people will run those.
Red Qiraji Battle Tank - just never saw it drop lmao. Will go back later to get it.
TLPD - tried camping it for about a month. Never worked out.

and the rest are raids.
And I got the rest.

I even started 2nd account to have Horde toon on Pagle just to get x2 Halaa Talbuks. But geared that hordie in full Furious just to do ZG.

Took me over 900 runs between retail and classic

Good luck

You DO know the “Look at me!” mentality faded 10 years ago right? You running around on that Mount will not make people go “Oooo…Ahhh”.
Unless of course you need to vent more because of YOUR own choice to keep beating yourself up pursuing that goal. :wink:

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Not doing it for you or anyone else.
I’m doing it for me.

Thanks. Good talk.