Week 60 - Still no ZG tiger

So then why bother with a Topic if anyone else is irrelevant in what you do?
Seen people like you since CB 2004 doing this.
This is nothing more than a “Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.

Oh…Good Talk. :rofl:

Not everyone. Lots of other collectors out there. Godforbid we use forums for communicating our experiences.
But your fragile ego seems to be triggered

But you’ve contributed absoluetly nothing, besides letting everyone know that you’re a sad ahole. You must be a blast being around!

One posts his struggles in school - “Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.
One posts he is struggling with RDF - “Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.
One posts his car broke down - “Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.
One posts about backyard flooded - “Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.
One posts about marital problems seeking advice -“Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.
One posts about his negative restaurant/encounter experience -“Look at me! Feel sorry for me” Topic.

That’s your own logic. Clearly no one is allowed to say anything!

grow up. And you’re probably like a 35 year old dude too.

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What do you mean by UA revenge warrior?

Hybrid spec that goes at least 37 points in Arms for Unrelenting Assault (reduces Revenge cd to 1 second and increases damage by 20%) and then goes down the Prot tree for Improved Revenge (increases damage by 60% and it strikes a 2nd target). Basically a prot spec that pumps up Revenge as much as possible for insane damage. Last patch of Wrath actually nerfed it because it was TOO good in raiding, but its still really good, especially in solo content.

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Oh does that mean I can tank with the spec like daily fos? Also is a strong solo spec? Thats awesome I love soloing and prot warriors as my favorite tank and never heard of this

You can but the spec has mediocre initial threat, because it can’t grab Shockwave. You have to hope dps don’t yoink threat on pull, but once you start using Revenge and going through all the targets, you can hold pretty easily.

It sucks on Bronjahm though, because he doesn’t melee at all sub-35%, so you can’t get Revenge procs off of him.

Ahh, so might use the fury spec for fos dailies then haha. Im guessing zg is easy with decent gear with this spec. But im guessing bc raids are out of the question then

Yeah, only DKs and Pallies are soloing TBC raids right now. Lots of self-healing needed.

I’ve done MC on it though. Revenge spec for most bosses, and then I have a Bloodthirst Prot Spec that heals 6% hp every time it uses Bloodthirst. The damage is abhorrent, but its the best healing prot warrior can get.

Would you say the bloodthirst is better for soloing or only on certain bosses

Only on bosses where you’d normally die before the boss does. In MC I use it on Baron Geddon, Golemagg, and Ragnaros.

So mostly us the ua spec for soloing but blood thirst on certain bosses

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Correct :+1:

Awesome, thank you. Currently leveling another war but for the opposing faction to have 1 at max for both sides. So this spec sounds a load of fun and cant wait to solo zg. but sounds like its more closer to max level spec

It is. You get a Revenge proc whenever you dodge/block/parry an attack, so it works better when you have a lot of avoidance.

Ahh so for gearing do i gear as a tank then

Yep. It’s still a “prot” spec at the end of the day.

Dang might be hard to gear at the start then? Since pvp gear doesnt really have tank stats

Arguing with Stupid People is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, sh^t on the board and strut around like it has won.

/end discussion

You’re right. My bad I even engaged with you. Pigeon is prob smarter than you though.

Just curious whats your hp when doing the zg bosses? I just tried and finally manage to kill the raptor boss but ended the fight with like 10% hp left. Maybe im supposed to go blood frenzy over improved defensive stance