Weapon Skill Talents

Looking over some talent trees, I notice some talents that increase weapon skills. Is there any benefit to taking these talents once you’ve raised a skill to max level? Even still, would there be that much benefit to just a couple of more points there?

I’m specifically speaking about the rogue Weapon Specialization talent, but there are others with similar effects.


Short summary: weapon skill reduces miss chance and increases damage done by your glancing blows. So yes they are worth taking especially when you max a weapon skill.


Makes sense. Thanks for the quick reply.

Just to get a bit more in depth really quick.

When at 300 skill you will require 9% hit on bosses (even though you only miss 8% of specials). At 305 skill it drops to 6% hit.

Weapon skills are the most op talent/racial for melee as far as PvE dps in vanilla.


For pve yes for pvp no.


Weapon skill is calculated against the other players defense skill in pvp, if you have a higher weapon skill then the other players defense skill you’ll have a higher chance to cause a critical hit then you see in your melee summery.

But if the other player has a higher defense skill then your weapon skill (paladin anticipation talent for example) then you’ll cause more glancing blows which do less damage.

Weapon skill also effects your chance to hit players and mobs.

At least this is how its supposed to work, private servers often get this wrong…


Too add to this and being a Rogue since white hits are a HUGE part of your Dps and you attack very fast. Having + Hit skills will mean just more Dps in PvE and more pressure/damage in PvP.

You are incredibly wrong with that statement. Hit and Spell Hit are both important in PvP. Unless you like your spells resisted and melee damage nullified because you have no hit.


Weapon skill is pretty useless for PVP. You gain practically nothing from it. This thread isn’t about hit % but weapon skill.


The blue post explaining about weapon skill versus defense skill of bosses…





It most certainly isn’t. +5 weapon skill on many racials means you will miss less in PvP. How exactly have you come to the conclusion you get nothing from it.

I will be Prot and have higher Defense and avoidance to hit me having +5 weapon skill would be needed don’t you think? Then having higher hit as well.

Prot already hard counters Rogues going against one with even less hit seems bad.

Weapon skill is in relation to your ability to not miss your target. Having the advantage of a racial/talent that increases weapon skill gives you an advantage. Then + hit after that.

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But… I didnt see where he asked about PVP… Just. huh?

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I find it very interesting that private server “mechanics” are cited here in this thread as if they’re actually “Vanilla”.

Curious how this stuff actually works on BETA because testing was done back then on Vanilla and the mechanical properties of +Weapon skill were highly regarded at that point.

If things are different then that’s a case for BETA to be accuratized to “Vanilla” standards.

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He asked an open question, so he got an open answer with both PvE and PvP.


no no. . that is fine. . Just that someone else seemed to take offense. .

bwa bwa bwa . . well pvp and its hit. . and its. . hehe

No, this thread is very educational.


Sure weapon skill will help against a +def prot but you rarely see those. Believe me, weapon skill isn’t needed for PvP. As a rogue in vanilla I’ve done hundreds of hours of research on this. Just get 5-6% hit as any class for pvp and you’re all set.

As for rogue vs. prot war… just cc and bleed them to death, ez pz.

Who cited private server mechanics?

If the target is a player:
   MissChance = 5% + (PlayerDefense - AttackerSkill) * 0.04%

Yeah, 0.04% hit per weapon skill, no thanks. You’re already a dead weight by being a prot in PVP, and having more weapon skill isn’t going to do anything to counter someone that’s got a decent chunk of +defense in PVP. You get 0.2% more chances to hit against their 3-4% increased chance to miss, and that’s the only scenario where it will actually be relevant.

TIL a formula that was posted in 2006 and is all but confirmed by the massive amounts of testing in the Beta is “private server ‘mechanics’”.

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I would really love to see Blizzard’s actual math, not the reverse engineering side of it.

There is a lot to be learned from how they are doing things.

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No one posted anything that is the reverse engineering side of it in this thread (that I see). All the info here is congruent with blizzard’s provided info and info from the beta.

Have they actually provided any mechanical information? I have not found any, can you point me in that direction if so? I am very curious on how they’re really handling it.