Weapon Skill Talents

Some. No formulas breaking down each point of weapon skill(doubt they would ever do that). Priapis posted links in this thread to all the numbers blizzard has provided and how it is working.

The second link I posted is a blue post on the code in vanilla/classic about how weapon skill verses defense skill can cause some % of hit to be completely ignored.


Now that is interesting.

I missed that post, and the +hit side of that is actually really interesting.

If you say so…

Ummm haha if you say so… First off most of your CC won’t land… Also the rogue would be the one in CC…

Strongly disagree I have only played Prot PvP. There are many expansions where Prot was very strong and with the right gear in the right hands are definitely feared.

There are many strong builds in PvP as Prot especially once you get enough Shield Block value for big Shield Slams.

There was a Prot warrior FC Horde side that use to run WSG exclusively with his team…

The dude was practically immortal…

I would not call a prot warrior useless in Vanilla PVP at all, they are easily one of the most irritating things ever. To me that has value right there.

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Indeed they are infuriating to fight since their CC doesn’t have DR. They also have enough other tools to make you contemplate uninstalling when you fight one. I look forward to triggering people and having fun. Stuns, Silences, Dispels, Fear, Disarm so yea they can be infuriating. Then doing some big damage when Naxx roles around.

Just love the sword and board class fantasy so I always have a Shield in the MMO’s I play.

The chances I’ll ever PvP are slim to none, just for the record, although I’m sure that info is useful for anybody else who happens to be passing through with a similar question and is more PvP-focused.


Gotcha didn’t know your focus but Weapon skill is godly for PvE or PvP. Since your focus is PvE it will drastically increase your damage as mentioned since auto attack with daggers does so much. (white hits) If you want to be a damage machine than weapon skill is crucial especially against bosses and mobs higher than you.

Weapon skill is different from Hit and both are important but the main reason is against Glancing blows and I pulled this nice explanation off Reddit.

"Each weapon skill point gives .04% hit and crit and reduces your targets chance of dodging and parrying by .04%, which makes it especially useful to tanks. It’s exactly the opposite of defense.

Against NPCs, it has an additional effect of increasing the damage you do on a glancing blow by 3%. Now since 40% of your white attacks against bosses will always be glancing blows, which normally have their damage reduced by 30%. So at 310 weapon skill, your glancing blows will do 100% damage (but still be incapable of a crit).

Without any weapon skill, glancing blows reduce your white damage output by 28%, making it the #1 stat to increase damage output until cap (310).

Hit rating does not affect glancing blows in any way."

As you can see there are multiple factors working here to have optimal damage. There are so many little layers of stats and the reasons why they are important in the old game. Which a lot of times separates Good players from Bad ones.

Many people miss these little things and then when they have a bad rotation on top of it… Well they do abnormally bad which is why old WoW was so great. There was a clear difference in someone that knows their Class.

That glancing blow reduction formula is off. It doesn’t reduce it by a flat rate but a variable rate and you will never completely reduce the damage penalty from glancing blows.

308 skill is just as good as 310 skill for that and both average out to 95% damage on glancing blows.

The guy who gave that explanation on reddit plays on a pserver where that is the mechanic they use.


This isn’t hit though, it’s weapon skill which affects pve far more than pvp

The only people you’re triggering as a prot warrior in a battleground is your own team at having to carry a useless 10th player.

Unless you’re in AV or the flag carrier… Then people will love you for being prot.

You don’t need anything other than a sword and board to do AV.

I’d lose my mind if a prot warrior ever tried picking up the flag. leave the flag carrying to druids/hunters/mages. even if the enemy team had nothing but rogues/warriors on it i’d still prefer the alternative.

Pre made teams usually have something like a prot warrior or feral druid carry

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I haven’t seen a premade team since 2006 that used a prot warrior.
Times change.

Nah. You have generally have a druid or mage run the flag, or a hunter/rogue if you’re in a pickle.

You want a class that can peel themselves and has mobility. Prot warriors fail at both of these necessities.

Blessing of freedom

Classic isn’t a game where cloth wearers can face tank warriors and rogues like retail is.

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Entirely irrelevant. Blessing of freedom isn’t going to save you when you get jumped by half the enemy team because you’re too slow to get out of the FR/through the midfield before the enemy team notices you, nor is it going to give you the mobility needed to avoid those situations in the first place. You also aren’t going to be escorted by a pally at all times.

The only time a prot warrior would be useful is when you’re already sitting on your roof on defense, because at that point mobility matters a little less. You’re still nothing more than a meatshield though, and you’ll have a hard time retreating if your team gets overwhelmed because you’re so slow.

Yet mages are the bane of warriors and rogues alike. They don’t have to tank them because they can CC them in the first place.

Classic isn’t a game where tanks are the best FCs like retail is.

I don’t think you played many pre made wsg games in vanilla.

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Feral/Resto is kind of unique. Dire Bear makes them insanely tanky in the first place, combo’d with pure defensive talents and an emphasis on powerful HoTs.