We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

I don’t think there’s any value in adding a quest that makes the player character complicit in Alexstrasza’s continued trauma. It’s an abhorrent idea.


And yet we get a quest where we have to kill Krennan? We become complicit, heck we become the actual murderers.

Stories dont need to be healthy, realistic, or emotionally well adjusted, or good examples for real world behavior- they just need to be interesting.-Red

I feel like they need to go back and retcon a little so that they captured Alexstrasza more to control her whelps instead of the existing story. Really feels like back then they were treating the dragons a bit more animal like (at least in their heads in coming up with that story) As with how we’ve become accustomed to the dragons now. Still horrible, but takes out an unnecessary level of disturbing that doesn’t really add anything over the horrors of just the enslavement of the dragons in general.


As you can see from this thread, having to kill Amber isn’t exactly well received, either. But it feels really damn gross to dig up a personal event like this for time travel to be involved, go “but it’s for the better good” and then make the player character help continue to cause it.

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I’m more shocked that they have us help the Dragonmaw Clan recover the Demon Soul so they can chain up Alexstrasza and have her forcibly mated. Kind of thought Blizz just wanted to sweep that plot point under the rug.

There’s even a dialogue option where you talk to Alexstrasza and is audibly grinding her teeth while saying “it has to be done,” jesus Christ Blizz.



This only proves the Infinites right.

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Yes it is.

No it doesn’t. If the Infinite had there way EVERYONE would die/time itself would unravel.

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I think the issue is it’s just kind of tone-death given Blizzard’s recent controversies, not to mention it’s a rather dark thing for the player to be complicit in. Yeah, in real life murdering someone is pretty dark but we don’t treat murder with the same level of sensitivity in media as we do to grape.

Scar murdered Mufasa and that’s still a children’s movie but if there was a grape in Lion King I guarantee you there’d be outrage and it’d be an R rated film.


Mufasa didn’t die on screen (heck neither did Scar) the original plot had Scar trying to force Nala to be his mate.

All that being said, making whataboutisms about “what about this dark quest where kill these people?” doesn’t serve any purpose either. Wow legitamately has problems with simulating genocide and colonialism, especially with monster races like gnolls.

Edit: Nvm, I rewatched the scene. Mufasa did die on screen.

I mean he’s not wrong. Which crime is worse in murder or sexual assault isn’t exactly clear-cut but the point is.

  1. Not really a topic good for debate on the WoW forums.
  2. Kind of irrelevant. For better or worse killing isn’t really a sensitive issue to display like SA is, and participating in turning the main female character into an enslaved breeding sow is pretty sketchy of Blizzard given recent controversies both involving Blizzard and American politics at large.

I do agree we’re probably on the same page though.


Well, I just tend to go on tangents, so forgive me.

I guess my issue would be engaging in his whataboutism in good faith. You can certainly go back and complain about how wow handles the theme of genocide, regardless of what’s permissible in media. Otherwise we are on the same page.

I get the whole “Need to maintain the timelines to prevent even larger temporal disasters” bit, but come on. Can we at least have the option to tell Chromie to do her own frcikin’ dirty work? :confounded:



Personally, I’d say it is relevant because this thread was originally about having to kill Amber Kearnen, which is now being compared to this quest chain.

How? The Alliance would have never formed if not for the Horde and the kingdoms of humanity would have been ruined through a war of GoT style.

That’s fair enough.

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A friend of mine just reported me that these quests are DAILIES for a reputation!

Are the writers out of their mind? As if such quests are fitting to be dailies!

If it was the infinite flight that have to be stopped, no problem.
But these quests are far too specifics to be dailies!


Is it too late to complain about these daily quests and try to get them changed before they go live? I have no idea how far along the new patch is on the PTR

If memories serve well, three weeks at least on the PTR.

Alas i think it is too late to complain: I discovered this by chance and is not published in wowhead yet so the general public is not aware of these quests.
It means that we are largely too few to have any impact.

If all the dailies are like these two, i wonder how the general public will react once they will discover them.
Something tell me it will not go really well.

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You all are being absolutely silly. We keep the main timeline running because it is how it is supposed to be. The bronze flight can’t make changes if it results in someone that should’ve died being alive or an event happening before its supposed to. Both Chromie and Nozdormu said as such. They are well aware and tempted to make changes that seem to be for the the better but they are not allowed to do that. No matter how unsavory the task, the flow of the timeline must remain as it is. Otherwise changing it just because we don’t like it negates the point of us fighting against the Infinites and their machinations.

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Dunno about the rest, but I thought the bronze dragons were supposed to preserve the prime timeline and prevent others from happening.