We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

I think you need a different game to play. You are delusional.


I’m generally in agreement that morally abhorrent quests do have a place in the game, although I would prefer the quests be skippable or have alternative outcomes or ways to complete the quest for those that prefer it. I think it would be neat if you were allowed to tell Chromie to get stuffed and not do the quest and still get credit, and her lamenting that she will have to get some other adventurer to do the work.

However, just the context of making certain that Alextrasza remains in bondage so she can be forcefully bred by proxy coming out of Blizzard of all companies with every character involved being like “Yeeeah, that sucks and all, but what’re you gonna do, y’know? What’s in the past is in the past!” is just. I mean, it’s flabbergasting really.

Covering this up with doing anything to maintain the prime timeline is just kinda dumb as an excuse because it’s Blizzard’s writers that are ensuring we have to do those quests. They could just, I dunno, write a quest that doesn’t involve players complicit in the r-word of Alexstrasza.


It’s probably bad timing that this storyline is coming out at the exact moment that the most popular movie in the world is one where the main character confronts this exact situation and says “Actually, you guys seem pretty awful, and your rules seem flimsy and made-up. I’m not going to do this.”

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What movie would that be?


But those cases had the Infinite Dragonflight causing problems. This quest has no such issues by the looks of things.

If there were no issues then we wouldn’t need to go back and play out the role as an assassin. Who or whatever offed her originally has disappeared. And Amber’s fate must play out. Could they have gotten another Bronze or Chrimie herself to do it? Yes. But that would make for poor game content.


What are you even on about? That has literally been the Bronze flight’s mission since BC. We’ve been ensuring that some pretty horrific events play out with time travel. Now it’s different because we have to directly get our hands dirty? Waaay too late for that.


I think the bronze quests for stuff like this don’t age all that well in general, but there’s at least a degree of separation + the infinites being the obvious bad guys to offload the blame.

This one’s just incredibly in your face about it. “The Magic SA Device has been misplaced and you need to go help Alexstrasza’s abusers find it so they can keep using it on her” is hella yikes as a quest objective. Especially when the time dragons spend most of their narrative time being comic relief.


Nothing has changed from that though. The Infinites are still the obvious bad guys. No one can argue that. The only difference is that this time we are ensuring the suffering or death of someone we actually know being Amber and Alex.

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I think it’s very easy to understand what I was on about.

I literally said what I was on about. Personally this isn’t a difficult quest for me to do, but some people might find it distasteful to do so. And it’s just probably a bad move with Blizzard’s reputation to have a quest like it.

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And what makes this quest different from us ensuring the death, specifically the beheading, of Tabitha? Or ensuring the genocide and suffering of Loeaderon and Stormwind? The ensured suffering of Azeroth? Now people want to draw the line? Way too late.
Am I saying it’s not distasteful? No. It’s rather unsavory. But I get it. It’s a part of the job to protect the main timeline.

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It’s also not really necessary in its inclusion in the game. Putting players in the complicit party is probably just a bad move, most people are not going to want to be party to the r-word.

The reality is genocide and death in the abstract mean very little to players. In video game shorthand, things die all the time. When was the last time you had a mainstream game in which the objective is to r-word as many people to a high score?

Most people who have been killed or died won’t be alive to play WoW. But perhaps those that were r-worded might be. It’s also just a bad look, given Blizzard’s culture prior to those events that happened in the past and were exposed. I think Blizzard should just give the topic a wide berth.

Nothing about the time traveling part has been necessary in its inclusion in WoW. As callous as it sounds, drawing the line here when we’ve been complicit in crimes just as bad in the game is not only arbitrary but rather hypocritical.
People that went through it may play? Yeah. And people who’ve had their family or friends offed in cold blood may play too. Their pain means less? Maybe so to you who didn’t go through that kind of pain but just because they personally weren’t the “victim” doesn’t mean they aren’t victims. Should Blizzard give the subject of killing someone a wide berth too?
The point is that players are already monsters that have been complicit in the crimes of not only our deeds but our faction’s. This outrage now is just absolutely weird on several levels.


What is wrong with that?

I hate this so much.

It’s like hey let’s kill her again but this time it’s us.

Great Questing Blizzard.

That’s 60 foot pole blizzard shouldn’t have never had touched to begin with.



Why is it when we get these “for the greater good” quests, it’s always targeted at the Alliance? Alliance has to murder Amber Kearnan. Alliance has to ensure the destruction of Lordaeron. Alliance has to bring the Orcs to Azeroth knowing they’re gonna murder everybody. But with the Horde, it’s positive changes like helping Thrall escape from slavery or recruiting the Mag’har.

Why is there never, for instance, a quest where we have to murder Cairne Bloodhoof, or enslave the Orcs after the second war, “because the timeline demands it”?


I could write paragraphs on how the Horde has bled out all of its best characters in the name of making the Alliance look good. Know our pain.


I have a feeling you have difficulty reading rooms.