Your “fun” involves antagonizing 21 year old men for not sharing your gross fetishes, and apparently looking at their twitters because your psycho friend or friends on discord sent it to you… You have no high ground here. In fact, you yourself said you didn’t approve of this quest, so you specifically came to antagonize me. Get help.
Which is my point. This country is so deeply rooted in either Far Right or Far Left policies that those of us who are in the middle are getting increasingly agitated with the constant stupidity this country continues to produce by blind sheep, so devoted to their own ideology they don’t want things to change
Oh absolutely nothing. I just like poking people who think rectifying a weird RTS mission plotline from 1995 is somehow political or noble and not just, kinda weird.
Yeah Warcraft is a long and storied franchise and a lot of it just isnt going to hold up in the modern day.
I think they’ve tried to course correct to the best of their ability. The Trolls spring to mind. They went from barbarians best known for illiteracy and semi coherent muttering to the most opulent and imperial faction in game with the Zandalari.
But that was a pretty easy fix all things considered. I’m not sure if I should commend Blizz for trying to squeeze anything worthwhile out’ve this Red Dragon plotpoint or shake my head.
There was no way it was going to end in anything but rancor from their least hygienic fans.
When your 'suggestions" show that you stalk my twitter, when you’re already friends with stalker lady Renautus, who claimed that you said that I was the kind of guy who begged women for attention, and also show that you don’t have empathy for victims who may be triggered by such storylines, I have every right to view it as the attack it is.
That’s not a reach. It’s 20+ year old lore. Perpetrators were the Orcs. And they only got to Azeroth one way. That wasn’t a theory, that was written fact of what happened.
So is murder and yet players have no issues with that in the game. Even the senseless kind.
I never said you did. I said that this reaction is odd when we already knew what happened to her for not only 20+ years but when we let Medivh bring in the Orcs.
As I’m the son and boyfriend of SA survivors I’d really appreciate if you’d stop trying to compare the waking nightmares they experienced to BS about a dragon.
This is like watching Godzilla get hit with missiles from fighter jets and deciding it’s totally a solid allegory for victims of gun violence.
Godzilla is just living his best life and expressing himself on his terms, and he will not be shouted down by closed minded people who value property (their buildings) over his self expression.
The missiles being launched at him represent hate speech, and he defiantly marches through them.
I barely even know what’s happening here. I’m mainly dicking around with alts and experimenting with my most bizarre character concepts at RP events to see if the idea has any legs.
I’m just, entirely exhausted with the idea this story from 1995 (when Deathwing was green by the way) is supposed to be some earnest portrayl of the horrors of forced impregnation and sexual assault.
What flowery lives people must live to see an impossible fantasy situation that couldn’t possibly be less relatable to the lived experiences of literally any human being and go;
It’s a reach because you’re comparing directly assisting her sexual assault with something so indirect.
No, people who have been murdered are not playing the game, whereas many people traumatized by sexual assault are. There is good reason one of these things has a bigger taboo.
And, all that being said, if someone did make a thread rightfully complaining about the Burning of Teldrassil , or the way WoW handles torture, genocide and colonialism, you’d probably be one of the alt-righters defending it too.
When I did the Block Morass, “This will cause Alexstrasza to be abused in the future,” didn’t cross my mind, or many other player’s minds, so your thinking is probably the odd one.
This sentence is so funny to me. Instead of using your own status as a victim to tokenize yourself and tell everyone how they should be fine with repulsive storylines, like some other rancid individual did, you decided to bring up your association with a victim, ignoring all the genuine victims who are mad about this, some of whom have even stated that they are afraid to use this forum to discuss this issue, due to insensitive folks like you and the dude above me. One victim even shares a discord with me, and words can’t describe her reaction.
You might’ve missed the fact that Godzilla is an acronym for Hiroshima.
Reading it is using it, and you haven’t denied being friends with my pyscho stalker, who probably sent me your tweets to rant, like she did to others, or saying nasty things about me in private
Please tell those profoundly unwell adults, many of whom consider you a friend or at least a decent person, how you feel about them and this quest next time you see them post here.
Yes, he switched to about 5 different alts, including Karestae, which he also used back in 2021 to pretend he wasn’t Micah. Sometimes he acts super nice and progressive, other times he defends slavery and genocide. Any character with 12.1 k achievement points who uses certain emojis, and says phrases like “hun” or “mind you” is Micah. I have a screenshot of one of his alts on Checkpvp.
Edit: I don’t want to read whatever garbage you write, Machet, so ignore-forever for you.
Okay well to catch you up, this quest isn’t just about Alexstrasza being SAd + forcefully bred, but it’s written in a way where the player character becomes complicit by going back in time and ensuring it keeps happening instead of her escaping early.
Essentially, the Demon Soul, which is being used as the Magic Abuse Device at that point in time, has been misplaced and you have to make sure the Dragonmaw find it so they can keep using it on her. Then when you return to the present, Alexstrasza’s having a traumatic response to seeing you and muscling through it to say that what you did was necessary.
It’s basically on a similar level as BFA’s “wrapping up the horde player in genocide” except for the entire playerbase.
Yeah that much I got. And my reaction to this information remains;
Sounds like the classic time traveler’s adventure paradox.
Where now ya gotta make sure Hitler doesn’t get accepted to art school because it turns out without WW2 the world destroys itself in a thermonuclear holocaust. Or whatever.
Pretty classic story. Is it INSANE they decided to go with a SA situation given everything that was revealed about working at Blizzard?
But I remain speechless that people are still shocked that Blizzard continues to handle things as only Blizzard can.