We will have to assassinate Amber Kearnen? Really?

They said quests in plural, probably that two or more are concerned. Which ones? Who know…
But instead of removing, just adjusting them is enough.

The thing is that Blizzard has both competent and incompetent writers in their writing team.
If the incompetents are the one in charge of these side quests, it is highly doubtful that they will manage to modify these quests right.

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I don’t yell at anyone. My tweets are my own opinions. I don’t write paragraph upon paragraph about how similating babykilling is just the raddest thing ever like you do, and try to rub my cannibalism fetish in everyone’s face.

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And that’s why you don’t get invited to fun parties.

Oh my dear boy I assure you my tastes are far more… exquisite.

As for cannibalism I simply don’t believe in wastefulness. Are we anti organ donation now?

If I had to hazard a guess, because they mentioned “quests”.

The Amber questline to be reworked so at a minimum, we aren’t the ones who shank Amber. We either just ensure she gets properly shanked.

I’m expecting the Alexstraza questline to just be completely removed and replaced with something else, and I’m personally advocating a Day of the Dragon scenario where we help Rhonin destroy the Demon Soul while the Aspects fight Deathwing in the sky. Because that sounds awesome as hell.

Those are the only two questlines that I know of from the PTR, but those are also the only questlines people seem to be upset about.


Just put in the option to skip the quest or quests in question and dust your hands because there is nothing about that event that you can change to make the situation palatable to people on the forums and Twitter. It’s a fool’s errand. The only part you can play that everyone would be okay with is the part where she actually escapes. Honestly the outrage is rather…odd when we knew exactly what we were sanctioning to happen to Alex when we helped Medivh open the Dark Portal.

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As someone in the PTR thread said; murder, active participants in genocide, totally fine and palpable to players.

SA? Well, note that I have to specifically call it SA. So you know…there’s that.

why do you care so much that we have opinions that you don’t like? You are acting pissy that we care about things that you don’t care about. Grow up.


Which is a weird standard of morals. Can’t believe Stalin of all people was right…

It is what it is.

Reposting here, which I reposted in the PTR thread, which I hope Blizzard is takes a look at.

If they manage to ya know…not be flippant with these questlines, they probably wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much backlash.

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Impossible. Trying to appease any element of these forums or Twitter is a Fool’s Errand. Always has been since day 1 in Vanilla (even though Twitter didn’t exist then).

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Eh I’m just bored and giving you some smoke because after a decade I’m at my wit’s end with millenials who think their social media BS accomplished anything, and I’m determined to see this lunacy doesn’t infect the next generation more than it already has.

We at least had the excuse that we didn’t know better. Now there isn’t one.

Truly the warnings of Audre Lorde have never been more pertinent. She was an activist and author. I’m telling you because I’m guessing that you didn’t know seeing as she never had a Twitch following.

Please do not lump millenials into this. We have nothing to do with this social media justice warrior mess. We’ve gotten too old and busy for that.

I mean, yes trying to appease Twitter would never work.

But that doesn’t mean both the quests didn’t have problems that could have been addressed better.

Amber Questline: Instead of us unceremoniously shanking her, we instead prevent whatever forces come up that stops her from being killed by demons. This way, Amber still dies, we still have to be involved somehow, but we aren’t the ones putting a dagger in her gut.

Alexstrasza questline: Make Chromie’s dialogue actually portray the weight of what is happening. No jokes, just to the fact that “This is what it means about keeping the timeways stable. Sometimes it means doing bad things.” And then if giving the Dragonmaw clan the Demon Soul is too much, instead have the quest be us preventing it from getting lost in the first place, so things continue on as they were supposed to.

Something like that, which I just made up off the top of my head would have gone significantly better overall, ignoring what happens on Twitter because the bird is a cesspool.


I’m 30. I was there for it all. Hit Freshman Year right as that Kony2012 stuff hit the mainstream.

It’s been over a decade since then and the only thing I’ve seen internet activism achieve is change a few street signs and enrich the living ish out’ve some organizers who vanished as soon as the check cleared.

Meanwhile grass roots, knocking on doors stuff got Chicago to elect it’s first socialist mayor. We’ll see how that goes, talk is cheap. But thank God we’re not jogging in place with the same neoliberal policies again.

Yeah thats brought only calamity for three decades encounting let’s sign up for another helping.

I can agree with this. The oddest part about it will be with my Rogue who went through the whole Uncrowned Order Hall questlines. It just seems…wrong to be the one that killed her when he was the one that found her trying to track down who or what killed her and why. And now, years later, I have to be the one that does it because the original killer is gone. Meaning I’m now an infinite loop of tracking myself.

Doesn’t that essentially do and implicate the same thing as returning the lost Demon Soul?

I think the problem with the quests is that we are coming in a fixing things after the fact. The damage has been done and we can’t salvage it. We’re not preventing it, we’re fixing it. The bad guys are long gone and we’re left with the pieces.

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I’m 35. Seen it, been in it, got multiple t-shirts, and just as many disappointments. My generation is just tired now and all we want is to find somewhere to chill out, retire, and let the newer generation screw themselves over.

Seeing as I’m an older millennial myself and I hate the people who lean left AND right wing, I have no time for anyone’s political BS and the same boring excuses both sides use to justify never actually changing anything or changing things for the worse.

The whole system sucks, people on both sides are corrupt and bought and sold by big corporations and we still got people blindly following both sides like it their personal religion

See that’s where the boomers failed this country.

They went out, they raised hell, and they legitimately got some unprecedented changes made that helped make this republic a more perfect union.

Then they got tired, and f’ed off to the suburbs, and let all the remaining problems fester and rot.

Then they dumped it on our laps hoping we’d figure it out. While still dogging us every step of the way because Cold War Brain is a mfer and somehow the policies of Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin are now interchangeable.

I’m damn exhausted. I ought to be I’ve been involved in varying levels of activism for fourteen god damn years.

But it’s only over when we’re dead, or we give up. And frankly my great grandfather did not haul his family across an ocean while the damn world was at war for me to give up now.

Lok’Tar Ogar.

I can’t say regarding the USA, i’m French so i only have echo, and not good ones regarding your social media.

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I’m not apologetic when I say that stinks of defeatism.

I’m left of center, that much should be extraordinarily obvious. Because I’m a student of history and the last time we were in a rut we had this thing called the New Deal which reignited American Industry and created world wonders like the Hoover Dam.

By the time the Axis came a’knocking it was already over for them. Because we’d put in the time and money to create the workforce and workplaces that could rearrange some assembly lines and start churning out battle tanks and war planes just as reliably as they’d spat out automobiles and washing machines.

That infrastructure is gone now. Torn apart and sold piecemeal across the Pacific by robber barons who claim to love liberty and freedom while profiting off borderline slave labor.

I say there is nothing stopping us from turning things around and getting us back on track. Nothing stopping us from making a country that honors it’s promises of potential prosperity for it’s youth and assured security for it’s elderly.

But I tell a lie. Our own countrymen are getting in the way. To paraphrase Franklin ‘Danger’ Roosevelt; Americans having to fear, but Americans themselves.

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