We want RDF

Im not saying all of them are tourists, its why included

did you bother to read anything of it other than cherry picking that particular part? you want to pick a fight find someone else, being ignorant will not continue this conversation.


I can skim over one of your comments and see the bias. You want your hand held.

RDF won’t solve dead servers either. It would have to come packaged with cross realm. Both of which aren’t in a vanilla taste.

Blizz said no RDF. Little late to be crying about it.

i agree theres tons of things could be causing the drop in subs, but i cant rule out a lack of rdf being in say the top 10 reasons.


16 actively looking for a group in lfg at that time. How many were in a group already in the dungeon, or raid? How many were just not interested in doing a dungeon at the time as they quested, farmed, exc?

handholding has nothing to do with it, the people i know that left, left because they were looking forward to how convenient the tool was, how efficient it was, NOTHING to do with handholding or being lazy.


The new tool is just as convenient if not more. I can see whose actually coming to my group before I commit.

It’s not as convenient for people looking for a carry.

Because we have no hard data. So its speculation for us. And who does have the hard data? Blizzard. And who still chooses not to add rdf? The people with the hard data.

that would be true if i didnt check and recheck the lfg over a 2 hour of primetime span. and 16 was the HIGHEST number and over half of those were for high end runs, there were on 6 available in lower end dungeons NONE in outland. 1 tank 3 heals 2 dps. that was it. from 8pm EST until 10 PM EST lfg was deader than it is at 10 am EST.


That’s a dead server. Nothing RDF would solve about it.

you assume any of us want a carry, how convenient for your narrative. you make assumptions about people you dont know one thing about lol.


I mean you think the new tool is difficult to use somehow.

God only knows how you feel about mechanics.

its NOT a dead server, just because its not a crappy mega server where no one knows anything about anyone doesnt mean its dead.

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RDF doesn’t make more people on the server all of a sudden.

The new tool is just as convenient signing up to afk/quest as RDF too. If you can’t find tanks as is, RDF doesn’t make more appear.

no i dont, i think the tool is dead and only a select few use it anymore. its a garbage tool in my opinion that does nothing to generate interest or social interaction.


Ya you don’t know how to use it or are looking for it to do something more than it’s supposed to.

It’s as simple as it gets. If you’re struggling with it you might be the problem.

no, but it does handle cross server making more players available to players on all servers. simple math that but i know math can be hard


You sound like you may have been projecting.

The simple solution to dead servers would be cross realm, RDF doesn’t need to be in the equation.

how bout you get your head out of your ant rdf book for one minute. i NEVER SAID i dont know how to use it or that i never in my life used it. im saying there isnt anyone using it. wasnt on maladath, isnt on westfall. stop, take a breath and actually try READING what im saying. jesus.