We want RDF


They’re just trolls. Might as well say, “Want to play a dk? Go play Retail!” I flag them and move on.

In any event, RDF is a Wrath system and belongs in Wrath. But you know what’s not? A broken version of Retail’s LFG tool, and Mythic dungeons, and a handful of other crap the Classic team decided to shove into Wrath. So the irony is that we’re being told to go play Retail for wanting an authentic Wrath system that’s been replaced with tools from Retail. Hence…it’s clearly just trolling.


Disagreeing with you isnt trolling.

No to rdf means no to rdf.

so you will NEVER change your opinion on RDF? even though it could quite possibly turn around the losing subscribers situation? not saying for sure it would but it might. and if you arent changing youre opinion, how few servers does it have to get to for you to finally say the game is dead? im just curious, not looking to pick a fight. i just wonder why everyone isnt on board with trying anything they can to save the game at this point?


I would argue that quite a bit of the anti-RDF side is indeed trolling/bad-faith.

In particular, saying “RDF wasn’t there at the start of WotLK either”. Everyone knows this; the point of contention was that we were told we aren’t getting it at all in WotLK classic. The intent of this argument is purely to stall and waste time.

As for the whole mental gymnastics about “preserving the integrity of Classic”: I wouldn’t call it trolling, but I would call it misinformed and idiotic. The purpose of these expansion re-releases was not to modify the expansions to our heart’s content but to get an as-close-as-reasonably-possible authentic museum piece of each one. There were plenty of positive changes that could have been made to Vanilla and TBC that weren’t done for the sake of authenticity. Some were done like that world buff thing in Vanilla, but only where absolutely necessary. We didn’t add things like dual spec to Vanilla/TBC despite it being an unquestionable improvement to the game because authenticity was important. Now, for WotLK, suddenly the people who preferred earlier expansions get say in what features should and shouldn’t remain. It’s nonsense and it’s preferential treatment.

If they were going to do something so controversial and divisive, the least they could have done is asked in one of the surveys. The fact that they didn’t means two things:

  1. They didn’t expect it to be so divisive and actually believed close to 100% of the community was anti-RDF
  2. They knew it would be so controversial that they didn’t want to clue people in early to their intentions to remove it

Both are very bad looks for Blizzard.


I have said i would be ok with rdf as a purely grouping tool (because i am willing to compromise), meaning no teleport, no bonus emblem, no bypassing lockouts, exc. But the moment all of that is added it isnt really “optional” to use anymore.

But i dont want to ever see the origional rdf in the game. I will likely quit if that gets added as it damages the social aspects of the game because people will use it just for the bonuses outside if group forming. Which will then save them and make them unable to run an organic made dungeon that doesnt ignore lockouts.

Idk about you but i never got a say in it. And guild banks were not launched with tbcc.

“Damage to social aspects” is entirely intangible and unquantifiable. I can just turn around and say “actually it helps the social aspects” with no backing whatsoever and it’s just as valid, i.e. not at all because it’s unquantifiable.

What I can say, however, is that participation in dungeons all the way from levelling to max level is in the toilet without RDF, and it disproportionally damages smaller servers. Heroic+ is actually a very positive addition that at least adds validity to the no-RDF argument because now there’s at least cutting-edge 5 man content that warrants not having RDF, but it would still be preferable to have RDF for everything up until Heroic+.


but what social action is left in the game, honestly? i sat last night and watched 40 people sit in the street motionless for about an hour spamming LFG chat and trade chat looking for groups. all of which could have b een running. and those few building groups were claiming that any orb drop or bis drop was being reserved for the guildies in the runs. so they were asking people help them get great stuff with no rewards. is this the social aspect that the original rdf damages? its a different mindset than it was back then and LFG is proving to be failing on most servers. theres also the fact of the receding subscriber count.

But im curious, you have such an issue with the extras… how many times have you summoned or been summoned to a stone or lock portal? how many shards have you gotten from normal and heroic runs in northrend? and what about the current incentives for tanks and healers getting extra “packages” for running northrend dungeons. my guild tanks and healers have been getting them even without using the LFG tool.

the same folk not using the lfg tool now would be using the RDF tool. which means more tanks, more healers, more runs in general would be available and not be sitting in towns. the conversations in general dalaran on westfall tend to be about wishing we had rdf so they could be out farming or fishing instead of stuck watching their chat windows.

as far as willing to compromise? you arent willing to compromise. your okay as long as it doesnt do anything isnt a compromise, you put it out there as a front, to appear to compromise, and yet anyone that knows anything about RDF knows you arent trying to comprise, you are trying to gut the tool and make it not only less than it was but less than what LFG currently does. so lets just be straight about it and cut the lies bud.

its okay to have an opposing opinion, but at least have the courage to be honest about why.


It takes some effort to find but it is still there.

This happens a few weeks into ever new raid teir, people “beat the game” then unsub until the next raid will be out soon, then come back gear up and beat the next raid.

half a million lost subs since september and still falling. not saying rdf would fix that but it might slow it a bit or at least be one of several things they need to do to fix the decline.

social interaction was never something we had to hunt for and certainly not something alot of people have any interest in making an effort for. so rdf wouldnt hurt any current social interaction available and might, just MIGHT, provide an opportunity for MORE social interactions. i know i had a alot when i used rdf in the past.


I am regularly the one at the stone summoning others. Not all the time, but most. We have used lock stone and summoning stone regularly

As for the rewards if the same exact rewards are available regardkess of which system used, it doesnt force a system to be used. The problem with the rdf rewards is you have to use rdf to get them.

There are plenty of tourists. They experienced baxx and when ulduar hit it was to hard for them so they went back to retail lfr, or they were just visiting while waiting on dragonflight content to come out. Exc. Lots of reasons for classic activity to be dropping. Rdf wouldnt really change that by much.

so youre okay with porting just not if a tool does it? thats a bit hypocritical isnt it? if youre that against a teleporting tool (aka a summoning stone or lock portal) why arent you making every one of your people in every one of your groups walk it out to the dungeon?

you realize the rewards are nothing worth anything right? a few potions a few scrolls?


the fact that you use terms like that… you realize it makes you look toxic when you paint such a broad swath. you have no clue why that many people left, i personally can vouch for 53 people (members of my gaming crew that were in my guild in classic) who left and wont be coming back due to lack of rdf, not because they couldnt play the game without it, but because they were looking forward to the convenience of it and without it went back to private option we were on before that has rdf. and by the way, at least 3 different private options are now reporting increases in their population base over the last 6 months. just might be a coincidence.


From my experience rdf hurt social experience more than it helped.and it would hurt my experience because it reduces the player pool making groups manually to the point of almoet being non existence because of all the extra rewards on rdf just making it more efficient to use (keep in mind the daily dungeon quest got renoved with rdf added and the daily emblems were moved to it, making it the ONLY way to get those emblems from dungeons)

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How incapapable are you all then? There’s 53 of you and you can’t get into dungeons?

I can get in a group in seconds. How much more of a convenience do you need?

I’m sorry. Anyone who cries about RDF doesn’t play the game enough or correctly. I’m exhausted of dungeons, even with the new heroic+. The fact that there’s a pool of you out there crying to get into them faster just shows how behind you really are.

No it isnt, vecause someone still had to interact eith the world abd using the summoning stone opens you up to pvp, and even interacting with other players of your faction. I have met friends i wasnt grouped with outside at summoning stones as they were doing the dungeon as well with a different group. With the rdf teleport these things have 0 chance of happening instead of some chance of happening. Rdf also prevebts you from grouping for quests in the open world because if you acceot the invite or invite someone else it can (and usually does) remove you from the rdf queue, making those “kill 10 boars” quests that you could have otherwise grouped with the other player also doing the quest no longer group able because you lose your spot in rdf.

And yet they are available no matter if you use lfg or not. Yet the bonus rewards of rdf are ONLY available through using rdf.

but the player pool isnt there is my point. out of 8 thousand players (give or take a few hundred) there were a total of 16, SIXTEEN, players using LFG last night on westfall. so im not sure where you think rdf would reduce the player pool at all.

as far as the rewards, i think we are on different pagess, the ONLY rewards i ever got from rdf wer 2 emblems and a satchel with a random drop in it on the FIRST run of the day in heroics. other than that… nothing. and half the time it was a crappy blue drop that meant nothing to my gear.

and i could get the same emblems manually forming a group then que rdf with that manually formed group. done.

nothing lost in the social department or the loot department.

please, i hear this alot but never any specific examples. how did a tool that helped people group together for group content to work together hurt the social experience?

and there it is, so this isnt about anything other than people being able to gank lowbies at the stone? FINALLY the truth. thank you for that.