We want RDF

I am reading what you’re saying.

RDF won’t solve a dead server. Do you understand?

no youre reading every fifth word, turning to the proper page in your anti rdf book and spewing out rhetoric not pertaining to what im saying. go away troll, im done with you. i warned you being ignorant and picking a fight wouldnt work, see ya sweet cheeks.


So you think RDF would solve a dead server?

Or do you realize that it’s just a lazy tool and won’t actually solve the problem you’re spewing about?

Literally, if they just had cross realm your LFG tool would have 100+ postings and not 16. Then you would sound even more intelligent then you do currently ranting about how RDF would fix it.

But you don’t want to sound intelligent. You want to whine about not getting your hand held. You and your 53 friends that are incapable apparently of saying “heroic x?” “sure”.

i can agree we have no data and can olnly operate on personal experience and whatever data we can find through google. im hoping, to be honest, that the new dev lead will either post a public forum poll or a poll attatched to everyones logon and then share the data and make the right call. it would be a great way to end the debate once and for all.


They already did surveys and people said they didn’t want it.

Yes and no, they did the surveys for vanilla classic, im not against them doing new surveys now that we are in wotlkc though.

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You’re a credit to the supposed “For the community” group.

I’m admittedly on the fence either way for the RDF thing.

Having recently leveled an alt, I can definitely say I wish I had the option to use RDF; but I can also live without it.

I know some people that are against have been saying it means you invite toxicity, etc… but what if the RDF queues were locked to your own server?

Blizzard never once asked the players about RDF. Stop lying.


They did though.

Nope. You’re wrong. But anti-rdf posters making up things is nothing new.


Imagine that, a pro RDF that’s dellusional and detached from reality.

Are you…are you serious? There is NO mention of RDF in that survey. Thanks for proving my point.


and heres the great thing zaalg… he claims they asked us about rdf before wrath classic yet he links a CATA questionnaire to try and prove a pre wrath poll about rdf. just isnt worth engaging with someone with that level of intellect.


I mean, yeah that was pretty funny. And the Cata survey, again, never asks about RDF. So apparently he didn’t even look at the survey he linked before he called me delusional. :rofl:

The thing is trolls rely on people being uninformed. So he tries to lie and make a claim, but unfortunately for him there are people who actually know better. And I called him out on it. Notice how he vanished?

It won’t stop him though. He’ll come back repeating that same lie in the future. I’ve seen it over and over.


they need an update to the anti rdf playbook i guess lol


Guess I’m just thinking of the generic survey they sent for Classic fresh.

I know I put no LFR or RDF.

So close to saying, “I was wrong.” Probably the best that can be expected.

And yeah, who wanted RDF in Vanilla? I don’t remember anyone at all asking for it. I certainly didn’t. But this isn’t Vanilla anymore. This is Wrath. I didn’t want DKs in Vanilla Classic either. But they belong in Wrath, as does RDF.


rdf belongs in wrath, wrath players want rdf. no one is asking to push rdf into vanilla or tbc servers… just onto wrath servers. i dont see the issue as alot of the players that came back to “relive the wrath of the lich king experience” just want to do exactly that and are getting stuff they never asked for and denied stuff they expected to be in the expansion.


I was wrong but the sentiment I think stands.

The player base they were going for in this Classic revival doesn’t want those things. Even slowly adding them when it’s “time” is the turn off itself. The absent of them entirely is what the core of Classic wanted.